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* «РЕВОЛАД». Ещё 8513 гривен, чтобы погасить долг перед аптекой!

* Нина Москалева. «Дети, или рабы Божьи?»
* Кто мы без Бога, и к чему мы можем без Него прийти?!
* «Разговор с тобою...». Памяти Надежды Лисовской.
* "Господь всегда утешит" - протоиерей Евгений Милешкин (видео)
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Статьи -> Главная -> Нина Москалева: «Мы будем всегда любить тебя, наша девочка...». Откровенная исповедь (памяти Надюши Лисовской)
Статьи >> Главная >> Нина Москалева: «Мы будем всегда любить тебя, наша девочка...». Откровенная исповедь (памяти Надюши Лисовской)

Нина Москалева: «Мы будем всегда любить тебя, наша девочка...». Откровенная исповедь (памяти Надюши Лисовской)


Как быстро пролетело это мучительное для нас время. Сегодня ровно пять лет, как нет с нами нашей кровиночки, а рана все еще свежа и кровоточит. Все, как в первый день... Мне стало трудно дышать без тебя! С того самого страшного дня, душа моя не может найти себе покоя. О, Господи, закончатся ли когда-нибудь эти муки и страдания? Затихнет ли эта невыносимая боль, или она всю жизнь будет терзать мое материнское сердце? Ведь там, где раньше билось мое сердце, теперь лежит черный камень. Он давит, гнетет и не дает почувствовать всю полноту хоть какой то для меня радости. Все лишь поверхностно!

В моей душе теперь больше никогда не наступит прежняя весна и солнце не окутает меня своими теплыми лучами, как раньше, не зацветут для меня сады и не запоют птицы, я никогда теперь не услышу тот насыщенный и прекрасный аромат свежих роз. Все это для меня и есть, и будет, но... не так, как прежде, и так, как было, уже не будет больше никогда! О, душа моя, сколько же принадлежит тебе еще вынести? О, сердце мое, сколько же тебе придется еще страдать?! 

Я устала быть и казаться всегда сильной – я ведь такая же слабая женщина как и все: мать с подбитым крылом; мать, у которой хоть и разбитое сердце, но теперь одно дыхание на двоих! О, Господь, помоги мне, укрепи меня и придай мне еще силы!

Да, мне не избавиться от той тяжести, что сжимает мое сердце, не избавиться от тех кинжалов, которые я не в силах вытащить из своей груди, и от тех стрел, что, вонзились в самую глубь моего сердца, и с каждым днем отравляют его! Свет души моей и моего сердца погас в тот самый роковой для нас день, когда Господь забрал у нас нашу доченьку. Это страшное событие изменило для меня тогда время года – из-за невыносимого горя и холода в моем сердце, тёплым летом наступила суровая зима. 

Теперь я знаю, есть такие раны, которые не лечатся временем... Времена года будут сменять друг друга, пролетят годы, но эта рана с каждым годом будет кровоточить все сильней и сильней, принося такие же сильные страдания как и в первый день. С того самого дня, при виде распускающихся бутонов роз, я всегда вспоминаю те тяжелые дни. С появлением первой клубнички и черешни, перед моими глазами всегда появляется картина, как ты тогда жадно, с ненасытным аппетитом ела ее перед своим уходом... 

Оглядываясь на свою жизнь, я теперь думаю о неизбежности смерти, и о том, что всему прекрасному в этом мире всегда приходит конец – как из за одного поникшего цветка, увядает весь розовый сад, как розы теряют свой прекрасный аромат, так и мы проживаем каждый свою весну на этой земле и возвращаемся обратно к Своему Создателю. Но как же трудно принять реальность этой страшной потери!

О, Господь, придет ли конец всем этим страданиям? Станет ли когда-нибудь сердцу легче, или же эта рана будет кровоточить до конца моих дней, до тех пор, пока не прервется мое дыхание? О, Господь, Создатель неба и земли, почему Ты забрал у меня мое сокровище? Почему так мучительно больно?!

Доченька моя, ты покинула этот земной мир, и вознеслась далеко на небеса. Да возрадуется твоя душа в мире ином! Родная моя, любимая моя девочка, дыхание мое и жизнь моя, нам очень не хватает тебя, мы сильно скучаем по тебе! Мы всегда будем помнить и любить тебя, ты навсегда останешься в наших сердцах. И мы проживаем часть этой, другой для нас жизни без тебя так, как будто ты жива, как будто ты всегда находишься рядом с нами. Мы говорим о тебе и с тобой, как с живой – для нас ты всегда жива, просто находишься где-то далеко, где то в отъезде. И мы верим в то, что в предназначенное для нас время, мы непременно встретимся и будем тогда уже вместе с тобой навсегда, всю вечность! 

«Если однажды тебя постигнет беда, не говори Господу, что она велика – скажи беде, как велик Всевышний!». В те страшные я погрузилась во тьму. И когда я, чуть было, не погибла, Господь взял меня за руку и вытащил из ямы, наполненной невыносимой болью и скорбью. Посылая нам испытания, Господь дарует нам избавление, и рядом с Ним я нашла покой, обрела новую для меня жизнь, узнала новую и реальную Веру и Надежду, почувствовала Его безграничную Любовь ко мне. Вопросов у меня осталось еще очень много, но я перестала их уже задавать. Я не буду больше копаться в том, что причиняет мне невыносимую боль, я не буду больше искать то, что знать мне не дано. Я буду теперь только верить и просто жить. И мне больше ничего не нужно в этом грешном земном мире, никакие земные блага мне в нем не нужны – лишь бы всегда были живы и здоровы мои близкие и родные, чтобы мой сын вырос и стал настоящим человеком, никогда не видел горя в своей жизни.

Все, что мне необходимо на сегодня – это только мое здоровье, которое меня крепко подкосило после всего пережитого, я и молю Бога только о здоровье, чтобы я полноценно смогла исполнить еще то, что мне исполнить надлежит. У меня теперь есть мое призвание, оно очень тяжелое, но я с ним смирилась. Теперь я живу  совершенно другой для меня новой жизнью, живу для других, служу им и помогаю всем, чем только могу! Я теперь в ответе за тех, с кем  связала меня моя  судьба. Я многое велела бы  не видеть и не знать, но такова моя доля,  знаю и то, что буду отвечать пред Богом за тех, с кем разделяю сегодня все  горести судьбы, став частью не легкой их  жизни.

Горе, как и радость, очень часто объединяет людей, и таковых нас много сегодня! Не только боль утраты читаем мы в глазах друг друга при наших встречах, но находим в них и утешение. Моя зима для меня закончилась и перешла в осень, тоже новую для меня, а для других она сегодня только началась, и им необходимо подставить свое плечо, бросить спасательный круг. Поэтому кроме помощи нашим детям, я также стараюсь поддержать таких же мам, как и сама, ибо знаю, что с Божьей помощью могу это сделать. Невзирая ни на что, переступая через свою собственную боль, я стараюсь вытащить их из той тьмы, в которой долго находилась сама. И когда вижу Божьи плоды на этой нелегкой для меня ниве, мое сердце переполняет неописуемая радость, и это огромная для меня награда, и большего мне и не надо! А значит, что еще один мой день, был прожит не напрасно!

Я стараюсь исполнять волю Божью в своей жизни, делая добро другим. И даже если я не слышу слов благодарности в свою сторону за добрые свои дела, я не огорчаюсь, ибо знаю, ради чего и ради кого я это делаю! Я лучше помолюсь, воздам за все славу Господу и возрадуюсь за то, что Он не дал мне тогда погибнуть, но даровал мне эту другую, новую для меня жизнь, которую я теперь обязанная прожить достойно и с пользой для других..

Поблагодарю, что Всевышний придал мне силы жить, укрепил мою веру, даровал терпение, возможность служить и помогать тем, кому я реально могу сегодня помочь.

Сегодня очень тяжелый для меня день, сегодня мне очень больно и тяжело, и сегодня я сама очень нуждаюсь в вашей поддержке, в ваших молитвах. Не откажите мне в них пожалуйста! Помолитесь за мою доченьку Надюшку, помолитесь за меня и мою семью!

Спасибо вам, что Вы есть, спасибо, что вы настоящие, добрые,очень искренние, сострадательные и отзывчивые ! Будьте такими всегда!

Я очень хочу и молюсь, чтобы у вас всегда были живы и здоровы близкие вам люди. И чтобы вы всегда могли вернуться к себе домой, где вас очень любят и ждут! Берегите себя и своих близких! Цените каждый свой день, прожитый в кругу своей любимой семьи!

Да благословит вас всех Господь!

Нина Москалева,
мама Надюши Лисовской, волонтёр Украинской Открытой
Ассоциации Организаций, Групп и Лиц, работающих с
детьми, страдающими онкозаболеваниями,
директор БФ "МОЯ НАДIЯ"

(хуже) 1 2 3 4 5 (лучше) 
08.06.15 13:13 by Dmitry

Виктория11.06.15 18:36

Милая Ниночка, многострадальная мамочка, сколько горя, сколько боли, как Вам тяжело, и мне тяжело с Вами. Вечная память Наденьке, сил Вам огромных, пройти долгий путь встречи с ней. Обнимаю Вас и сопереживаю, сочувствую, разделяю Ваше горе, плачу с Вами. Обнимаю. Надежду буду поминать в храмах г. Лисичанска.
Олена12.06.15 16:37

Ви дуже сильна жінка, яка не замкнулася в своєму горі, а дарує тепер своє життя, любов і тепло іншим діткам. Я щиро захоплююсь вашою роботою Ви приклад для всіх нас- Божої Вам допомоги, здоров'я, радості від усіх Ваших діток і допомоги від усіх нас. Ваша донечка на небесах оберігає і радіє за Вас.
Гость22.06.15 17:07

Спасибо вам дорогие!
IsmaelOi26.07.15 06:10

Do not share your Acomplia with others, {even|also} if you {think|believe} #file_links["links/imp_files/links.txt",1,S] they {may|might|could} {{benefit|profit|reward} from|take advantage of|profit from|gain from} the {treatment|therapy|procedure}.
To {lessen|reduce|minimize|decrease} {{stomach|tummy|belly} {upset|distress|trouble}|indigestion}, take this {medication|medicine|drug} {with|regarding} {food|meals}, {even|also} for {a daily|an everyday|a day-to-day} {bedtime|bed time|going to bed} {dose|dosage}, unless your {physician|doctor|medical professional} {has|has actually} {told|informed} you to take it #file_links["links/imp_files/links.txt",1,S] on {an empty|a vacant} {stomach|tummy|belly}. {Precautions|Safety measures|Preventative measures}.
Irbesartan #file_links["links/imp_files/links.txt",1,S] was neither metabolized by, {nor|neither} did it {substantially|significantly|considerably} {{induce|cause|generate} or {inhibit|prevent|hinder}|{inhibit|prevent|hinder} or {induce|cause|generate}}, isoenzymes {commonly|typically|frequently|generally} {{associated|connected|linked} {with|regarding}|connected with|related to|linked with} {drug|medicine|medication} {metabolism|metabolic process|metabolic rate} (1A1, 1A2, 2A6, 2B6, 2D6, 2E1).
You {may|might|could} {{need|require} to|have to|should} {use|utilize|make use of} {less|much less} {and|and also|as well as} {less|much less} {before|prior to|just before} you {stop|quit} the {medication|medicine|drug} {completely|totally|entirely}. {Stopping|Quiting} a #file_links["links/imp_files/links.txt",1,S] beta-blocker {too|as well|also} {quickly|rapidly|swiftly|promptly} {can|could} {cause|trigger|create|induce} {serious|major|severe|significant} heart {problems|issues|troubles} that {will|will certainly} not be {prevented|avoided|stopped|protected against} by Norvasc.
You {may|might|could} {{need|require|really need} to|have to|should} be {using|utilizing|withing} this {treatment|therapy|procedure} at {a lower|a lesser|a reduced} or {larger|bigger} {dose|dosage|amount}, {especially|particularly|specifically} if you have liver {disease|illness|condition}, seizures, {a history|a past|a record} of {congestive heart {failure|failing}|cardiac arrest|heart attack|coronary infarction|heart disease}, {bleeding|hemorrhaging} {{disorder|condition|ailment}, hearing or {vision|eyesight}|{disorder|condition|ailment}, {vision|eyesight} or hearing|hearing, {disorder|condition|ailment} or {vision|eyesight}|hearing, {vision|eyesight} or {disorder|condition|ailment}|{vision|eyesight}, {disorder|condition|ailment} or hearing|{vision|eyesight}, hearing or {disorder|condition|ailment}} {problems|issues|troubles}, {kidney|renal|renal system} {disease|illness|condition}, {stomach|tummy|belly} {ulcer|abscess|lesion}, {physical|bodily} {deformity|defect} of the penis, heart {rhythm|tempo} {problems|issues|troubles}, {recent|current} {history|past|record} of {a heart {attack|strike}|a cardiovascular disease|a cardiac arrest} or {stroke|movement}, {low|reduced} blood {pressure|stress|tension}, {heart {disease|illness|condition}|heart problem|cardiovascular disease}, #file_links["links/imp_files/links.txt",1,S] {{high|very high|higher} blood {pressure|stress|tension}|hypertension}, {blood cell|red blood cell} {disorder|condition|ailment} or {a history|a past|a record} of Long QT {syndrome|disorder}.
Vardenafil (Levitra) is {a prescription|a prescribed} {drug|medicine} {often|frequently|typically|commonly|usually} {used|utilized|made use of} #file_links["links/imp_files/links.txt",1,S] by {people|individuals} {diagnosed|identified|figured out|detected} {with|from} {erectile {dysfunction|disorder}|impotence}.
Do not #file_links["links/imp_files/links.txt",1,S] take Sildenafil with {meals|dishes} {high|very high|higher} in {fat|fatty tissue|fat deposits|fats} to {make {sure|certain}|ensure|make certain|see to it} the absorption is {fast|quick|quickly} {enough|sufficient|adequate} and you {get|getting|obtain} the {full|complete} {benefits|advantages|perks} of your {treatment|therapy|procedure}.
In some {rare|unusual|uncommon} {cases|situations|instances} the {patients|clients|people} taking this {medicine|medication} {have|have actually} {reported|stated|mentioned} priapism - {a {unusually|abnormally|uncommonly} {long|in length|lengthy} and {painful|unpleasant|uncomfortable|distressing} |a {painful|unpleasant|uncomfortable|distressing} and {unusually|abnormally|uncommonly} {long|in length|lengthy}} {erection|construction} that {can|could} {damage|harm|ruin} the {tissues|cells} of your penis. {If you {think|believe} #file_links["links/imp_files/links.txt",1,S] you {may|might|could} have priapism {seek|look for|attempt|hop|trying|find} {emergency|emergency situation} {medical|clinical|health care} {help|assistance|aid|support}. |, if you {think|believe} you {may|might|could} have priapism {seek|look for|attempt|hop|trying|find} {emergency|emergency situation} {medical|clinical|health care} {help|assistance|aid|support}.
This {information|info|details} does not {take the {place|location|area} of|replace|fill in} {{talking|speaking|chatting} to|speaking with|speaking to|talking with} your {healthcare|health care|medical care} {provider|service provider|company|supplier|carrier} {about|regarding|concerning} your {medical|clinical} {condition|problem|disorder} #file_links["links/imp_files/links.txt",1,S] or {treatment|therapy}.
This was {seen|viewed} with both {once-daily {and|and also|as well as} twice-daily|twice-daily {and|and also|as well as} once-daily} #file_links["links/imp_files/links.txt",1,S] {dosing|application}.
It's {important|essential|crucial|vital} #file_links["links/imp_files/links.txt",1,S] {to {remember|keep in mind|bear in mind|don't forget}|to keep in mind|to bear in mind|to consider} that {only|just} {a carefully|a thoroughly|a very care
Albertohist13.08.15 11:09

{A report|A record} of "Susceptible" {indicates|suggests|shows} that the {pathogen|virus|microorganism} is {likely|most likely} to be {inhibited|prevented|hindered} by {generally|typically|normally|usually} achievableblood {levels|degrees}. {A report|A record} of "Intermediate" {suggests|recommends} that the {organism|microorganism} {would|would certainly} be {susceptible|vulnerable|prone|at risk} if high {dosage|dose} isused or if the infection is {confined|restricted|constrained} to {tissues|cells} or {fluids|liquids} {in which|where} high antibiotic (or antimicrobial) {levels|degrees} are {attained|achieved|obtained|acquired}. {A report|A record} of "Resistant" {indicates|suggests|shows} that {achievable|attainable|possible} {concentrations|focus|attentions} are {unlikely|not likely} to be {{inhibitory|repressive} {and|and also|as well as} {other|various other}|{other|various other} {and|and also|as well as} {inhibitory|repressive}} {therapy|treatment} {should|ought to|must|need to} be #file_links["links/imp_files/newspm.txt",1,S] {selected|chosen|picked|selected}. The {mechanism|system} of {action|activity} is {{thought|believed|assumed} to|believed to} {involve|include|entail} cross-linking of {tumor|growth|lump} cell #file_links["links/imp_files/newspm.txt",1,S] DNA. If the {patient|client|person} takes Propecia {anyway|anyhow}, they {may|might|could} {get|obtain} {swelling|puffinessing} of the face, hives, {swelling|puffinessing} of the lips or #file_links["links/imp_files/newspm.txt",1,S] tongue, {nipple|nipple area} {discharge|release}, {breast|bust} {lumps|swellings}, closing of the {throat|neck}, {trouble|difficulty|problem} breathing, {breast|bust} {changes|modifications|adjustments} or {pain|discomfort}. no {higher|greater} {rate|price} of {diarrhea|looseness of the bowels} in the {breastfed|nursed} {infants|babies|little ones} #file_links["links/imp_files/newspm.txt",1,S] of {mothers|moms|mommies} taking mesalamine or sulfasalazine {than|compared to} {in {control|command}|responsible} {infants|babies|little ones}. The following {medical|clinical|health care} {conditions|problems|disorders} {should|ought to|must|need to} be {taken {into|in to} {consideration|factor to consider}|taken into account|considered|taken note of} {before|prior to} taking Vardenafil: {high|very high|higher} {cholesterol|cholesterol levels}, {diabetes|diabetic issues}, #file_links["links/imp_files/newspm.txt",1,S] Peyronie's {disease|illness|condition}, {certain|specific|particular|different} {heart {conditions|problems|disorders}|heart disease}, {heart {attack|strike}|cardiovascular disease|cardiac arrest}, {stroke|movement}, {{high|very high|higher} or {low|reduced}|{low|reduced} or {high|very high|higher}} blood {pressure|stress|tension}, {ulcers|abscess|lesions}, sickle cell anemia, leukemia, angina, {irregular|uneven} {heartbeat|heart beat|pulsation}, {multiple|several|numerous|a number of} myeloma, {any|any type of|any kind of|any sort of} eye {diseases|illness|conditions}, cavernosal fibrosis, {kidney|renal|renal system} {disease|illness|condition}, liver {disease|illness|condition}, or {any|any type of|any kind of|any sort of} {bleeding|blood loss} {disorder|condition|ailment}. {Make sure|Ensure|Make certain|See to it} you {mention|discuss|point out|state} the {fact|truth|reality} of having {any of|any one of} them to your {{health|wellness|health and wellness} {care|treatment}|healthcare|medical} {provider|service provider|company|supplier|carrier} {before|prior to} {a certain|a specific|a particular|a different} {dosage|dose|quantity} of Vardenafil {has|has actually} been {prescribed|recommended|suggested}. It is {also|likewise|additionally} {used|utilized|made use of} to {lower|reduce|decrease} the {risk|danger|threat} of #file_links["links/imp_files/newspm.txt",1,S] {stroke|movement}, {heart {attack|assault|strike}|cardiac arrest|cardiovascular disease}, {and|and also|as well as} {other|various other} heart {complications|problems|issues|difficulties} in {people|individuals|folks} {with|regarding} {diabetes|diabetic issues}, coronary {heart {disease|illness|condition}|cardiovascular disease|heart problem}, or {other|various other} {risk|danger|threat} {factors|elements|aspects}. The #file_links["links/imp_files/newspm.txt",1,S] enzyme {{responsible|accountable|liable} for|in charge of} {metabolism|metabolic process|metabolic rate} of 3, 4‑dehydro‑cilostazol, {the most|one of the most} {active|energetic} of the metabolites, is {unknown|unidentified}. There {may|might|could} be #file_links["links/imp_files/newspm.txt",1,S] {certain|specific|particular|different} {restrictions|limitations|constraints|stipulations|regulations} on {food|meals} and {beverages|drinks|refreshments} that you {must|should|need to|have to} {observe|note} to {make {sure|certain}|ensure|make certain|see to it} the {treatment|therapy|procedure} {is {effective|efficient}|works}. {In some {people|individuals} this {medicine|medication} {has|has actually} been {reported|stated|mentioned} to {cause|trigger|create|induce} {dizziness|lightheadedness} when {standing up|standing} {too|as well|also} {fast|quick|quickly}.|When standing up {too|as well|also} {fast|quick|quickly}, in some {people|individuals} this {medicine|medication} {has|has actually} been {reported|stated|mentioned} to {cause|trigger|create|induce} {dizziness|lightheadedness}.} {If Propecia has {a similar|a comparable} {effect|result|impact} on you, it's {recommended|suggested|advised} to {stand up|stand} {slowly|gradually} to {avoid|prevent|stay clear of|stay away from} {falling|dropping} and {injuring|hurting|wounding} {yourself|on your own}.|It's {recommended|suggested|advised} to stand up {slowly|gradually} to {avoid|prevent|stay clear of|stay away from} {falling|dropping} and {injuring|hurting|wounding} {yourself|on your own} if
Charlestek21.08.15 04:39

You or your {caregiver|caretaker} {should|ought to|must|need to} {read|check out|review} the Medication Guide {before|prior to|just before} you {start|begin} {receiving|getting|obtaining} Reglan Injection {and|and also|as well as} {before|prior to|just before} you {get|obtain|end up|acquire} {another|one more|an additional} {dose|dosage} #file_links["links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] of Reglan Injection. This #file_links["links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {list|listing} is not {complete|total|full} {and|and also|as well as} there {may|might|could} be {other|various other} {drugs|medicines|medications} that {can|could} {interact|communicate|connect} with orlistat. {Tell|Inform} your {doctor|physician|medical professional} {about|regarding|concerning} all your {prescription|prescribed} {and|and also|as well as} {over-the-counter|non-prescription|over the counter} {medications|medicines|drugs}, vitamins, minerals, {herbal|natural|organic} {products|items}, {and|and also|as well as} {drugs|medicines|medications} {prescribed|recommended|suggested} by {other|various other} {doctors|physicians|medical professionals}. There {may|might|could} be {other|various other} {types|kinds} for which you {{need|require|really need} to|have to|should} be taking #file_links["links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] Cipro, {but|however|yet} those are the most {common|typical|usual} ones. The {patients|clients|people} that {can|could} {{benefit|profit|reward} from|take advantage of|profit from|gain from} taking Rimonabant {include|consist of|feature} those {diagnosed|identified|figured out|detected} {with|regarding} {type|kind} 2 #file_links["links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {diabetes|diabetic issues} and {high|higher} blood {fat|fatty tissue|fat deposits|fats} {levels|degrees}. The {potential|prospective|possible} {effect|result|impact} of bromocriptine {and|and also|as well as} its metabolites to {{act|behave} as|serve as|function as|work as} #file_links["links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] inducers of CYP enzymes {has|has actually} not been {reported|stated}. {{Even|Also} though|Although|Despite the fact that} Zimulti is seen by {most|many|a lot of|the majority of} {people|individuals} as {panacea|relief|remedy}, it {will|will certainly} not be {efficient|effective|reliable} #file_links["links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] unless {combined|incorporated|integrated} {with|regarding} {a healthy|a healthy and balanced} {lifestyle|way of life|way of living}. Pletal (cilostazol) is a quinolinone #file_links["links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {derivative|by-product} that {inhibits|prevents|hinders} {cellular|mobile} phosphodiesterase ({more|even more} {specific|particular|certain} for phosphodiesterase III). All {patients|clients|people|individuals} {reported|stated} {risk|danger|threat} {factors|elements|aspects} for PRCA such as parvovirus #file_links["links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] B19 infection, underlying {disease|illness|condition}, or concomitant {medications|medicines|treatments} {{associated|connected|linked} with|connected with|related to|linked with} PRCA. {If PRCA is {diagnosed|identified|detected}, discontinuation of Prograf {should|ought to|must|need to} be {considered|thought about|taken into consideration} [| Discontinuation of Prograf {should|ought to|must|need to} be {considered|thought about|taken into consideration} [PRCA is {diagnosed|identified|detected}} {see|view} Adverse Reactions (6. There is no {{need|requirement|demand|necessity} to|have to|should} {worry|fret|stress} as #file_links["links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] long as you {don't|do not} {get|obtain} those {side {effects|results|impacts}|adverse effects|negative effects|negative side effects} {every time|each time|whenever}. Drug-induced parkinsonian {symptoms|signs|signs and symptoms} {due to|because of|as a result of} metoclopramide {may|might|could} be misdiagnosed {and|and also|as well as} {inappropriately|wrongly} #file_links["links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] treated with dopaminergic {agents|representatives|brokers}. You {will|will certainly} {have to|need to} {make {sure|certain}|ensure|make certain|see to it} you {discuss|talk about|go over|review} anything else that {may|might|could} be of {importance|significance|value|relevance}, {because|since|due to the fact that} {all that|everything} {information|info|details} is for your {doctor|physician|medical professional} {to be {sure|certain}|to make sure|to ensure} you are {going to|visiting} {{benefit|profit|reward} from|take advantage of|profit from|gain from} #file_links["links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] the Levitra {dose|dosage|amount} you are {going to|visiting} be taking. There are {many|numerous|lots of|several} {generic|common|universal} {alternatives|options|choices} of Viagra #file_links["links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {available|offered|readily available} in {most|many|a lot of|the majority of} {part|component} of the {world|globe}. When these {drugs|medicines|medications} are #file_links["links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {withdrawn|taken out} from {a patient|a client|a person|an individual} {receiving|getting|obtaining} {oral|dental} blood glucose-lowering {agents|representatives|brokers}, the {patient|client|person|individual} {should|ought to|must|needs to} be {observed|noted} {closely|carefully|very closely} for hypoglycemia. If your {mild|moderate|light} {side {effects|results|impacts}|adverse effects|negative effects|negative side effects} {{get|obtain|produce} {worse|even worse}|become worse|worsen} - #file_links["links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] it {may|might|could} {mean|imply|indicate|suggest} you {simply|just|merely} {{need|require|really need} to|have to|should} have your {dose|dosage|amount} {adjusted|readjusted}. Some budesonide nasal {side {effects|results|impacts}|adverse effects|negative eff
Zacharybiz30.08.15 08:50

Galactorrhea, {amenorrhea, gynecomastia, {and|and also|as well as} {impotence|erectile dysfunction}|amenorrhea, {impotence|erectile dysfunction}, {and|and also|as well as} gynecomastia|gynecomastia, amenorrhea, {and|and also|as well as} {impotence|erectile dysfunction}|gynecomastia, {impotence|erectile dysfunction}, {and|and also|as well as} amenorrhea|{impotence|erectile dysfunction}, amenorrhea, {and|and also|as well as} gynecomastia|{impotence|erectile dysfunction}, gynecomastia, {and|and also|as well as} amenorrhea} {have|have actually} been {reported|stated} in {patients|clients|people|individuals} #file_links["links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {receiving|getting|obtaining} prolactin-elevating {compounds|substances|materials}. Tetracycline is a polyketide antibiotic {used|utilized|made use of} for the {treatment|therapy|procedure} of {many|numerous|lots of|several|a lot of} #file_links["links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {bacterial|microbial} infections. {When PRANDIN is {used|utilized|made use of} to {replace|change} {therapy|treatment} with {other|various other} {oral|dental} hypoglycemic {agents|representatives|brokers}, PRANDIN {may|might|could} be {started|begun} on the day after the {final|last} {dose|dosage} is {given|provided|offered}.|PRANDIN {may|might|could} be {started|begun} on the day after the {final|last} {dose|dosage} is {given|provided|offered} when PRANDIN is {used|utilized|made use of} to {replace|change} {therapy|treatment} with {other|various other} {oral|dental} hypoglycemic {agents|representatives|brokers}.} {Patients|Clients|People|Individuals} {should|ought to|must|need to} then be {observed|noted} {carefully|thoroughly|very carefully|meticulously} for hypoglycemia {due to|because of|as a result of} {potential|prospective|possible} overlapping of #file_links["links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {drug|medicine|medication} {effects|results|impacts}. VPXL {can|could} still be {purchased|bought|acquired} #file_links["links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {through|with|via} {a couple of|a few|a number of} {online|on the internet|on-line} retail {sites|websites}, {but|however|yet} back in its {heyday|prime time}, it was marketed with {an aggressive|an assertive|a vigorous} {email|e-mail} {campaign|project}. Super Avanacan be {safer|more secure|much safer} PDE5 {inhibitor|prevention} for {patients|clients|people|individuals} #file_links["links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {who|that|which} are in {danger|risk|threat} to {use|utilize|make use of} nitroglycerine. This {recommendation|suggestion|referral} is {{derived|obtained|acquired} from|stemmed from|originated from} {adult|grown-up} {clinical|medical|scientific|professional} {studies|research studies|researches} {and|and also|as well as} pharmacokinetic #file_links["links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {data|information} in pediatric {patients|clients|people|individuals}. Unlike #file_links["links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] the {mild|moderate|light} {side {effects|results|impacts}|adverse effects|negative effects|negative side effects} {mentioned|discussed|pointed out|stated} {above|over}, the following ones are {more|much more|a lot more} {serious|major|severe|significant}, and in {case|situation|instance} they {appear|show up} {every time|each time|whenever} after you {apply|use} Retin-A, you {{need|require|really need} to|have to|should} {report|state|mention} them to your {{health|wellness|health and wellness} {care|treatment}|healthcare|medical} {provider|service provider|company|supplier|carrier}: peeling of the skin, {redness|soreness|inflammation}, {abnormal|unusual|irregular|uncommon} {irritation|irritability|inflammation}, and blistering. The {dose|dosage} {should|ought to|must|needs to} be {individualized|embellished} to the {patient|client|person|individual} {depending on|depending upon|relying on} {baseline|standard} {disease|illness|condition} {characteristics|qualities|attributes|features} (e. g. genotype), {response|feedback|reaction} #file_links["links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] to {therapy|treatment}, {and|and also|as well as} tolerability of the {regimen|program|routine} ({see|view} Table 1). If you {get|getting|obtain} such {serious|major|severe|significant} {side {effects|results|impacts}|adverse effects|negative effects|negative side effects} of Azithromycin as clay-colored #file_links["links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {stools|feces}, {sore|aching|wound} {throat|neck}, burning in your eyes, {low|reduced} {fever|temperature}, dark {urine|pee}, jaundice, {red or purple|purple or red} skin {rash|breakout}, {stomach|tummy|belly} {pain|discomfort}, watery or {bloody|heavy} {diarrhea|looseness of the bowels}, {blistering and {peeling|peeling off}|{peeling|peeling off} and blistering}, {swelling|puffinessing} in your face or tongue {as well as|in addition to|along with|and also} {loss|reduction} of {appetite|hunger|cravings}, you {will|will certainly} {{need|require|really need} to|have to|should} {stop|quit} the {treatment|therapy|procedure} and {report|state|mention} the {symptoms|signs} to your {doctor|physician|medical professional}. The following {side {effects|results|impacts}|adverse effects|negative effects|negative side effects} are {considered|thought about|taken into consideration} to be {normal|typical|regular} {in the {course|program|training} of|throughout|during} your {treatment|therapy|procedure}: {trouble|difficulty|problem} {swallowing|ingesting}, sores or {swelling|puffinessing} in your {rectal or genital|genital or rectal} {area|location}, {mild|moderate|light} {nausea|queasiness|nausea or vomiting}, {{stomach|tummy|belly} upset|indigestion}, {sore|aching|wound} mouth, vaginal {itching|itchiness}, {vomiting|throwing up|puking}, #file_links["links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {diarrhea|looseness of the bowels}, and {swollen|inflamed|puffy} tongue. It is {characterized|defined|iden
RonaldFaw01.09.15 19:55

In ulcerative colitis, {clinical|medical|scientific|professional} {studies|research studies|researches} #file_links["links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {utilizing|using|making use of} rectal {administration|management} of SSZ, SP, {and|and also|as well as} 5-ASA {have|have actually} {indicated|suggested|shown} that the {major|significant} {therapeutic|restorative|healing} {action|activity} {may|might|could} {reside|live|stay} in the 5-ASA moiety. Vardenafil (Levitra) is {a medicine|a medication} {intended|meant|planned} #file_links["links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] for the {treatment|therapy|procedure} of male impotence ({erectile {dysfunction|disorder}|impotence}). You {will|will certainly} {however|nevertheless|nonetheless} {{need|require|really need} to|have to|should} {discuss|talk about|go over|review} with your {doctor|physician|medical professional} {any|any type of|any kind of|any sort of} {medical|clinical|health care} #file_links["links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {issues|problems|concerns} you have, {because|since|due to the fact that} {some of|a few of|several of} them {are {important|essential|crucial|vital}|are essential|are very important|are necessary} to {keep in {mind|thoughts}|bear in mind|remember} when {determining|identifying} your {dose|dosage|amount}. This {category|classification|group} {implies|suggests|indicates} {possible|feasible} {clinical|medical|scientific|professional} {applicability|usefulness} in {body|physical body} {sites|websites} where the {drug|medicine|medication} is {physiologically|from a physical standpoint} {concentrated|focused} or in #file_links["links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {situations|circumstances|scenarios} where high {dosage|dose} of {drug|medicine|medication} {can|could} be {used|utilized|made use of}. The #file_links["links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {initial|preliminary} {oral|dental} {dosage|dose} {recommendations|suggestions|referrals} for pediatric {patients|clients|people|individuals} with liver transplants {along with|together with|in addition to} {recommendations|suggestions|referrals} for {whole|entire} blood trough {concentrations|focus|attentions} are {{shown|revealed} in|received} Table 3. {If your {child|kid|youngster} {is {about|regarding|concerning} to|will} {start|begin} taking {any|any type of|any kind of|any sort of} {new|brand-new} {medicine|medication}, {tell|inform} your {doctor|physician|medical professional} or {pharmacist|pharmacologist} that they are #file_links["links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] taking Rulide D. It's not {recommended|suggested|advised} to take this {medicine|medication} if you are {also|likewise|additionally} taking astemizole, cisapride, pimozide, terfenadine, or if you {are {allergic|sensitive} to|dislike} it. {If you have liver {disease|illness|condition} or myasthenia gravis these {conditions|problems|disorders} {must|should|need to|have to} be {reported|stated|mentioned} to your {doctor|physician|medical professional}. |, if you have liver {disease|illness|condition} or myasthenia gravis these {conditions|problems|disorders} {must|should|need to|have to} be {reported|stated|mentioned} #file_links["links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] to your {doctor|physician|medical professional}. {Antihypertensives, beta-blockers {and|and also|as well as} diuretics|Antihypertensives, diuretics {and|and also|as well as} beta-blockers|Beta-blockers, antihypertensives {and|and also|as well as} diuretics|Beta-blockers, diuretics {and|and also|as well as} antihypertensives|Diuretics, antihypertensives {and|and also|as well as} beta-blockers|Diuretics, beta-blockers {and|and also|as well as} antihypertensives} Antipsychotics {and|and also|as well as} antidepressants like tricyclics anti-depressants (TCA) {and|and also|as well as} {selective|careful|discerning} serotonin reuptake {inhibitors|preventions} (SSRIs) #file_links["links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] Recreational {drugs|medicines|medications} Hormonal {agents|representatives|brokers} like luteinizing hormone-releasing {hormone|bodily hormone|hormonal agent} {derivatives|by-products} Anticonvulsants like phenytoin, carbamazepine Antihistamines. You {will|will certainly} {always|constantly} have {a chance|a possibility|an opportunity} to pay {less|much less}, {get|obtain} your #file_links["links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {drugs|medicines} {delivered|provided} right to your doorstep and {enjoy|delight in|take pleasure in|appreciate} {numerous|various|many} {other|various other|people} {benefits|advantages|perks} {any|any type of|any kind of|any sort of} {online|on-line|on the internet|internet} {pharmacy|drug store} {can|could} {offer|provide|supply}. {Call your {doctor|physician|medical professional} {at {once|when|as soon as}|at the same time|simultaneously} if you have {symptoms|signs|signs and symptoms} of {bleeding|blood loss} in your {stomach|tummy|belly} or {intestines|intestinal tracts|guts|bowels}.|{Once|When|As soon as} if you have {symptoms|signs|signs and symptoms} of {bleeding|blood loss} in your {stomach|tummy|belly} or {intestines|intestinal tracts|guts|bowels}, call your {doctor|physician|medical professional} at.} This {includes|consists of} black, {bloody|blood-spattered}, or tarry {stools|feces}, or #file_links["links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {coughing up|spending|divulging} blood or vomit that {looks like|appears like|resembles} coffee {grounds|premises}. If you {develop|establish|create} {redness|soreness|inflammation} in the face or neck, {runny|drippy|dripping} nose, {warmth|heat} in your face or {chest|breast|upper body}, {headache|frustration|problem|hassle}, {upset {stomach|tummy|belly}|indigestion}, {back {pain|discomfort}|pain in the back}, {stuffy|stale} #file_links["links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] nose or {dizziness|lightheadedness}, there is {usually|typically|normally|generally|often} no {{
Miltonpr09.09.15 14:50

You {may|might|could} {need|require|really need} {a dose|a dosage|an amount} {adjustment|modification|change} or {other|various other} #file_links["links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {changes|modifications|adjustments} {will|will certainly} {{need|require|really need} to|have to|should} be made to your {treatment|therapy|procedure} {schedule|routine|timetable}. In {female|women} {patients|clients|people|individuals}, #file_links["links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {the {use|usage} of|using} danazol {may|might|could} {result in|lead to|cause} virilization {including|consisting of} {deepening|growing} voice, hirsutism, acne, clitomegaly ({rare|unusual|uncommon}), {and|and also|as well as} {menstrual|menstruation} {abnormalities|irregularities|problems}. Do not {combine|incorporate|integrate} Tadalafil {with|regarding} nitrate-based {drugs|medicines}, alpha-blockers or {{any|any type of|any kind of|any sort of} {other|various other}|other} {medicines|medications} without {previously|formerly} {{talking|speaking|chatting} to|speaking with|speaking to|talking with|getting in touch with} your {{health|wellness|health and wellness} {care|treatment}|healthcare|medical} {provider|service provider|company|supplier|carrier}, as this {can|could} {cause|trigger|create|induce} {serious|major|severe|significant} {health|wellness|health and wellness} {consequences|repercussions|effects|outcomes}. {If Tadalafil {should|ought to|must|needs to} be {combined|incorporated|integrated} {with|regarding} {{any|any type of|any kind of|any sort of} {other|various other}|other} #file_links["links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {drugs|medicines} it's up to your {doctor|physician|medical professional} to make this {decision|choice}. |, if Tadalafil {should|ought to|must|needs to} be {combined|incorporated|integrated} {with|regarding} {any|any type of|any kind of|any sort of} {other|various other} {drugs|medicines} it's up to your {doctor|physician|medical professional} to make this {decision|choice}. You {{need|require|really need} to|have to|should} follow your #file_links["links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {doctor|physician|medical professional}'s {recommendations|suggestions|referrals} on {getting|obtaining} {enough|sufficient|adequate} salt and potassium. {Caution|Care} {should|ought to|must|needs to} be {used|utilized|made use of} when {prescribing|recommending|suggesting} fenofibrates {with|regarding} Vytorin, as these {agents|representatives|brokers} #file_links["links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {can|could} {cause|trigger|create|induce} myopathy when {given|provided|offered} alone {and|and also|as well as} the {risk|danger|threat} is {increased|enhanced|boosted|raised} when they are coadministered [{see|view} Drug Interactions (7.2, 7. {If you {{need|require} to|have to|should} have {any|any type of|any kind of|any sort of} {{type|kind} of|kind of|sort of} {surgery|surgical treatment|surgical procedure}, {tell|inform} the {surgeon|specialist|cosmetic surgeon} {{ahead|in advance} of time|in advance|beforehand} that you are taking galantamine.|{Tell|Inform} the {surgeon|specialist|cosmetic surgeon} {ahead|in advance} of time that you are taking galantamine if you {need|require} to have {any|any type of|any kind of|any sort of} {type|kind} of {surgery|surgical treatment|surgical procedure}.} You {may|might|could} {{need|require} to|have to|should} {stop|quit} {using|utilizing|making use of} the {medicine|medication} {for {a short|a brief} time|momentarily}. {If you {have|have actually} {stopped|quit} taking galantamine for {any|any type of|any kind of|any sort of} {reason|factor}, talk {with|regarding} your {doctor|physician|medical professional} {before|prior to|just before} you {start|begin} taking it {again|once again|once more}.|Talk {with|regarding} your {doctor|physician|medical professional} {before|prior to|just before} you {start|begin} taking it {again|once again|once more} if you {have|have actually} {stopped|quit} taking galantamine for {any|any type of|any kind of|any sort of} {reason|factor}.} You {may|might|could} {{need|require} to|have to|should} {restart|reboot|reactivate} the {medication|medicine|drug} at {a lower|a reduced|a lesser} #file_links["links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {dose|dosage}. Galantamine is {used|utilized|made use of} to {treat|deal with} {mild|moderate|light} to {moderate|modest|mild} {confusion|complication} ({dementia|alzheimer's disease}) {{related|associated|relevant} to|pertaining to} Alzheimer's #file_links["links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {disease|illness|condition}. This is the only {way|method|means} for you to {{benefit|profit|reward} from|take advantage of|profit from|gain from} the {treatment|therapy|procedure} and {get|obtain|produce} the {results|outcomes} you {need|require|really need}. {Make sure|Ensure|Make certain|See to it} you {inform|notify|educate} #file_links["links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] your {doctor|physician|medical professional} of the following {health|wellness|health and wellness} {conditions|problems|disorders} that {may|might|could} {actually|really|in fact} {affect|impact|influence|have an effect on} the {dose|dosage|amount} you are {prescribed|recommended|suggested}: {muscle|muscular tissue} {disorder|condition|ailment|problem}, underactive thyroid, {diabetes|diabetic issues}, and {kidney|renal|renal system} {disease|illness|condition}. {{Any|Any type of|Any kind of|Any sort of} {other|various other}|Other} {health|wellness|health and wellness} {conditions|problems|disorders} you have {can|could} be {also|likewise|additionally} {mentioned|discussed|pointed out|stated}, {but|however|yet} those are {most {important|essential|crucial|vital}|essential|crucial} ones. You {will|will certainly} {{need|require|really need} to|have to|should} {use|utilize|make use of} one {primary|main|key} and one {secondary|second} {method|technique|ap
CurtisMor20.09.15 13:36

This {information|info|details} is {not {specific|particular|certain}|general} {medical|clinical} {advice|guidance|recommendations|suggestions|insight} {and|and also|as well as} does not {replace|change} #file_links["links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {information|info|details} you {receive|get|obtain} from your {{health|wellness|health and wellness} {care|treatment}|healthcare|medical} {provider|service provider|company|supplier|carrier}. This {medicine|medication} {may|might|could} {cause|trigger|create|induce} some {people|individuals|folks} to {become|end up being|come to be} {irritable|cranky|short-tempered}, #file_links["links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {agitated|upset|flustered|perturbed}, or {display|display screen|screen} {other|various other} {abnormal|unusual|irregular|uncommon} {behaviors|habits|actions}. Sildenafil (Viagra) is {a popularly|a commonly|a widely|a famously} {prescribed|recommended|suggested} {pill|tablet|medicine} {intended|meant|planned} for the {treatment|therapy|procedure} #file_links["links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] of {erectile {dysfunction|disorder}|impotence} in {males|mens|guys} of {any|any type of|any kind of|any sort of} ages. {If you are {{searching|browsing|looking} for|looking for|seeking} {an effective|an efficient} antiacne {agent|representative|broker}, {consider|think about|take into consideration} {clinically|medically|scientifically} {proven|shown} Tretinoin Cream.|{Consider|Think about|Take into consideration} {clinically|medically|scientifically} {proven|shown} Tretinoin Cream if you are {searching|browsing|looking} for {an effective|an efficient} antiacne {agent|representative|broker}.} It is {a derivative|a by-product} #file_links["links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] of {vitamin|supplement} A. Your {treatment|therapy|procedure} with Sildenafil is #file_links["links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {going to|visiting} take you as long a you {need|require|really need} those {effects|results|impacts}. It {may|might|could} not be {easy|simple} for you to {observe|note} {new|brand-new} {lifestyle|way of life|way of living}, {but|however|yet} you {have to|need to} {understand|comprehend|recognize|know} that taking Zimulti is {just|simply} {a way|a method|a means} for you #file_links["links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {to {fight|combat|battle}|to eliminate|to combat} your {hunger|appetite|cravings|food cravings}. Continue {using|utilizing|making use of} Levaquin {even|also} if you {feel|really feel} {a lot|a great deal|a whole lot} {better|much better} -your {symptoms|signs} {may|might|could} {improve|enhance|boost} although you #file_links["links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {may|might|could} still have the infection. You {must|should|need to|have to} {talk|speak|chat} with your {healthcare|health care|medical care} {provider|service provider|company|supplier|carrier} #file_links["links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] for {complete|total|full} {information|info|details} {about|regarding|concerning} the {risks|dangers|threats} {and|and also|as well as} {benefits|advantages|perks} of {using|utilizing} this {medicine|medication}. You {will|will certainly} {{need|require|really need} to|have to|should} take Azithromycin for as {long|lengthy} as {recommended|suggested|advised}, as {otherwise|or else} your infection {may|might|could} not be {treated|dealt with|addressed|managed} {completely|totally|entirely}. {Make sure|Ensure|Make certain|See to it} you {tell|inform} your {{health|wellness|health and wellness|safety} {care|treatment}|healthcare|medical} {provider|service provider|company|supplier|carrier} if you have {any|any type of|any kind of|any sort of} {symptoms|signs} of {{an allergic|a sensitive} {reaction|response}|an allergy} - such as hives {trouble|difficulty|problem} breathing, {swelling|puffinessing} and {rash|breakout}. {{In {most|many|a lot of|the majority of} {cases|situations|instances}|In many cases|Most of the times}, {however|nevertheless|nonetheless}, you {can|could|should} {get|getting|obtain} {a few|a couple of} {mild|moderate|light} {side {effects|results|impacts}|adverse effects|negative effects|negative side effects} that you {won't|will not} {{need|require|really need} to|have to|should} {report|state|mention} as they are not {likely|most likely} to {persist|continue|linger}.|{However|Nevertheless|Nonetheless}, you {can|could|should} {get|getting|obtain} {a few|a couple of} {mild|moderate|light} side {effects|results|impacts} that you {won't|will not} {need|require|really need} to {report|state|mention} as they are not {likely|most likely} to {persist|continue|linger}.} The following {side {effects|results|impacts}|adverse effects|negative effects|negative side effects} {sometimes|in some cases|often|occasionally|at times} {occur|happen|take place|develop}: {diarrhea|looseness of the bowels}, {constipation|irregularity}, {dizziness|lightheadedness}, {{ringing|calling|sounding} in|supplanting} your ears, {stomach|tummy|belly} {pain|discomfort}, {mild|moderate|light} {nausea|queasiness|nausea or vomiting}, {vomiting|throwing up|puking}, {insomnia|sleep problems|sleeplessness|sleeping disorder|sleeping disorders|sleep loss}, {headache|frustration|problem|hassle}, {mild|moderate|light} #file_links["links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {itching|itchiness} or skin {rash|breakout}. In {case|situation|instance} of having {an unusually|an abnormally|an uncommonly} {long|in length|lengthy} (over 4 {hours|hrs}) erection {seek|look for|attempt|hop|trying|find} {immediate|instant|prompt} {medical|clinical|health care} {help|assistance|aid|support}, as #file_links["links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] this {may|might|could} be {a case|a situation|an instance} of priapism - {a condition|a problem|a disorder} that {may|might|could} {result in|lead to|cause} {a long-term|a long-lasting|a lasting} {injury|trauma} of the penis. This {info
LutherPappy16.07.17 15:28

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