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Валерий Панюшкин: Неотъемлемый орган


Международная конвенция о правах ребенка гласит: ребенок не может быть разлучен со своими родителями, разве только если родители лишены родительских прав по решению суда. Никто, никогда, ни на каком основании не может запретить родителям и детям быть вместе. Тогда почему, спрашивается, родителям и детям запрещено быть вместе в детской реанимации? Кто придумал эти правила? Какие соображения гигиены могут быть выше соображений любви?

Девятнадцать лет назад, когда рождался мой старший сын, меня не пустили даже и на порог родильного дома. Как-то само собой разумелось, что присутствие отца на родах непременно будет угрожать правилам асептики и антисептики, что отец непременно станет (посредством флирта, что ли?) отвлекать роженицу от главного ее занятия рожать, что на одежде будущего папы обязательно будет занесен в родильный зал зловредный стафилококк, и что при виде крови, пуповины или, не дай Бог, плаценты, молодой папаша обязательно рухнет в обморок, и придется акушерам не только принимать роды, но еще и откачивать мужчину, проявившего излишнее любопытство.

Семь лет назад, когда рождалась моя младшая дочь, меня, наоборот, пригласили в родильный зал, мне выдали чистый халат и бахилы, я видел, как рождается мой второй ребенок с самых первых схваток и до последней потуги, я держал жену за руку, и я был первым человеком, кроме акушерки, который взял ребенка в руки.

Оказалось, что все строгие правила, придуманные для родильных домов заботливым министерством здравоохранения, суть ни что иное как условность, которую можно преодолеть всего лишь тем, что в роддоме для отца, желающего присутствовать на родах, припасены чистые бахилы и халат. Попробуйте угадать, кстати, который из двух моих детей покинул родильный дом со стафилококком? Разумеется, старший сын.

Слава тебе Господи, мои дети никогда не попадали в реанимацию и никогда не подвергались интенсивной терапии. Но по роду своей работы я в детских реанимациях бывал неоднократно, и берусь утверждать, что медицинские эти учреждения устроены на принципиально ложных и негуманных основаниях.

Начать хотя бы с того, что меня, журналиста, в детскую реанимацию пускают, в то время, как родители больных (если не сказать умирающих) детей принуждены ждать под дверью. Письмо из редакции ("Главному врачу такому-то... просим вас оказать содействие в написании материала о...") удивительным образом оказывается весомее родственных связей, любви и прав, которые связывают больного ребенка и его родителей. Журналист имеет право войти в детскую реанимацию, а мать нет. Сестричка с соседнего отделения имеет право войти в реанимацию, просто, чтобы поболтать с реанимационной сестрой, а мать - нет. Самый последний слесарь, если надо починять кислородную установку, имеет право войти в детскую реанимацию, а мать - нет.

У меня десятки свидетельств. Родители детей перенесших (и не перенесших) реанимацию говорят в один голос: было ужасно, было невыносимо, было чудовищно для матери и для ребенка то, что к ребенку в реанимацию не пускали. Вот мама стояла под дверью реанимационного отделения и слышала, как дочь ее из-за двери кричала "Мама, помоги!" И не разнесла дверь, и не перегрызла горло врачу, не пускавшему ее в реанимацию, потому что боялась (внимание!) что врач обидится и не будет применять к ее девочке необходимых реанимационных действий. Вот ребенок рассказывает, что мама, прорвавшись к нему в отделение на пару минут, принесла для поддержания духа любимую игрушку, а доктор, как только мама ушла, игрушку отнял и бросил на пол. Вопрос: игрушка мешала стерильности? Другой вопрос: игрушку нельзя было простерилизовать? Почему бинт простерилизовать можно, а плюшевого медвежонка нельзя?

Реаниматологи приводят контраргументы. По словам реаниматологов, родителей нельзя пускать в реанимацию, потому что, увидев родителей, дети слишком сильно радуются, а расставаясь с родителями, дети слишком сильно плачут. Почему-то никому не приходит в голову вообще не разлучать родителей с детьми ни днем, ни ночью, тогда и не будет ни слишком сильного восторга встреч, ни слишком отчаянной горечи расставаний, а будет только поддержка, любовь и внимание, которых (никто не станет отрицать) в реанимации больному не бывает много.

Реаниматологи говорят, что интенсивная терапия - слишком сильное для нервной мамаши зрелище. Редкая, уверяют реаниматологи, женщина способна без содрогания смотреть, как ее ребенка интубируют. Ну, так, по-моему, пусть смотрит на интубацию с содроганием, а от слишком сильных содроганий надо дать матери седативных препаратов и потратить пять минут, чтобы объяснить, зачем ее ребенку в горло засовывают металлическую палку, и как устроена искусственная вентиляция легких.

Реаниматологи говорят даже, что будто бы в присутствии родителей дети "расслабляются и перестают бороться за жизнь". От реаниматологов я в первый раз в жизни услышал, таким образом, что с мамой ребенку труднее выжить, чем без мамы.

Еще я слышал от реаниматологов, что во время реанимации одни органы мешают другим выживать. Бывает, например, нужно отключить человеку нервную систему, чтобы реакция организма на боль не привела пациента к смерти быстрее, чем сама болезнь. Грубо говоря, реанимация - это и есть отключение одних органов на то время, пока восстанавливаются другие. Однако же ни одному врачу не приходит в голову на время интенсивной терапии оставлять подлежащие отключению органы за дверью реанимационного отделения. И в этом смысле, мне кажется, важно понять: мама - такой же неотъемлемый орган ребенка, как сердце или печень. Во время интенсивной терапии этот орган требует особого внимания. Внимания, а не ампутации.

Валерий Панюшкин


(хуже) 1 2 3 4 5 (лучше) 
26.10.07 22:09 by admin

Лариса Слюнченко29.10.07 00:47

читаю вас и плачу. значит, я не одна такая пришибленная мамаша, которая считает, ЧТО ЭТО НЕЧЕЛОВЕЧНО. моя Машенька лежала в отделении токсикологии Охматдета и 4,5 недели нас к ней не пускали. Пустили, когда со слов завотделения она стала «эмоционально истощена и не проявляла желания жить». эта железная дверь отделения - самый страшный кошмар моей жизни. я до сих пор не понимаю своего состояния тогда и кроме как стрессом не могу его объяснить. я не имела права быть сдержанной интеллигентной, адекватной. надо было орать, добиваться, ТОГДА писать журналистам и начальникам. нужно было быть рядом. я скоро напишу подробненько для сайта Донор. но это одиночество плюс грязные руки медперсонала, которыми занесли сепсис Машеньке, убили ее (и не нужно говорить, что синегнойку мы получили где-то в другом месте, надо уметь признавать свои ошибки и не сваливать их на родителей и других врачей, которых она до синегнойки недели четыре как не видела. Недаром же я постоянно слышу, что дети которые проходят через реанимационную хирургию Охматдета, выходят оттуда с «боевым комплектом» - синегнойкой, если память не изменяет по тому, что я читала на Доноре и общалась с родителями Олечко Мирослава, Катенька Манжурина (упокой, Господи, их душу) и другие дети, которые еще лечат эту дрянь). И спасает только то, что в Израиле я была рядом с дочкой все время. Все 11 дней. На меня даже не одели маску и белый (хаха) халат. Толкьо руки мыла перед входом и выходом в отделение. И никаких боксов специальных не нужно – все в рядок лежат, 1- кроватей и рядом стульчики для родителей. Врачи в Рамбам были в шоке, узнав, что я 2 месяца не видела СВОЕГО ребенка. Я ДУРА. Я доверилась абсолютно чужим людям, я доверила им самое дорогое в моей жизни - дочку. Доверила полностью. Мне говорили и кричали - не верь. А я ему верила – как же не верить, ведь врач с такими рекомендациями смотрит тебе в глаза и говорит – нельзя, даже уборщицей нельзя, не положено, у нас инструкция. А теперь оказывается, что в Охматдете существует инструкция, позволяющая родителям посещать ребенка в реанимации. Врачи говорят, что реанимация – зрелище не для родителей. Скажу вам как мать, на глазах у которой умирала дочка. Я РАДА, что я была рядом с ней. Я бы никогда себе этого не простила и не простила бы этого тем, кто не позволял мне быть рядом. Это мое право матери… мое право. Знаете, в Израиле назвал реаниматолог д-р Эли из клиники Рамбам практику разлучения больных детей с близкими неслыханной (вот цитата из письма завотделения клиники «Obviously for us separation of a child from her/his primary care taker is unheard of. We believe that the child and parents are one unit that needs full attention to both. We also believe in full transparency and we inform parents of every thing that is done to the child even miss happens that sometimes occur during hospitalization»).

В Израиле Маша лежала в реанимации в полном для вас понимании этого слова – не профильного, а самого что ни на есть, где дети с четвертой степенью ожогов, где дети после сложнейших операций черепно-мозговых, после пересадки органов и тд. Мамы манипуляции не проводят. Они их оплачивают как и здесь. Обращаться к врачам мы имеем право, и будем. Повторюсь, я очень уважаю эту профессию. Не сужу, что не спасли, но навредили, подорвали, не помогли – это факт для меня. Знаете, я та мама, которая способна на диалог при любом исходе. При всем страшном в итоге исходе в Израиле, я благодарна тем врачам и медсестрам, видела, что они сделали все возможное на том этапе. И кстати, мы не поехали в клинику, которая давала нам 70% шансов (хотя я бы поехала и за 10-ю процентами. Кстати, 70 % благополучного исхода было дано на основании выписки, предоставленной завотделения и до остановки сердца по непонятным до сих пор мне причинам за несколько часов перед вылетом).
Конечно, в результате обследования в Израиле выявилась масса трудностей и осложнений. Мы попали в Рамбам в Хайфе, где врачей и медперсонала реанимации не раздражало присутствие мамы, где приветствовали присутствие близких у постели больного как дополнительный стимулирующий и контролирующий фактор в работе медперсонала. Маме всегда можно задать вопрос. Мама вылижет, вымоет (уж простите, какая она была грязная!), вымолит, приласкает, утешит… есть фотографии, подтверждающие все. Я была рядом все время (и во время гемодиализа, плазмофереза, переливания крови, реанимации в последние минуты – тут главное – стерильный доступ к катетерам), поэтому выставление родителей за дверь просто необоснованно. Это просто вам не удобно.

Поверьте, скоро родители будут рядом с детьми. Это наше право, наши дети, а мы оплачиваем вашу работу во благо наших детей. Не вам устанавливать правила безоговорочные. Ведь не дураки же в Америке, Израиле и пр. открыли для посетителей двери реанимаций. Зав. Реан. Отд. Рамбам сказал, что главным источником инфекций у реанимационных больных являются руки медперсонала. Скажите, что придумал! И я как мама действительно имею право знать и контролировать со
admin29.10.07 10:17

Согласен с Вами, Лариса. Думаю, скоро будет именно так. Ждем Вашу статью.

Покой Господи р.Т. Марию со святыми!
Ирина Полянски30.10.07 06:34

Очень хорошая статья. Очень наболевшая тема. Я росла очень болезненной девочкой. Бронхоэктатическая болезнь с постоянными обострениями. Самое ужасное воспоминание детства- палата №3 детского отделения больницы Тропинки в г.Херсоне, где неделями находились дети от 1 года до 6 лет. Мало того, что нас, таких крошек отрывали от мам, так ещё окна были закрашены белой краской, чтобы родители не травмировались и не травмировали детей. Я помню ораву слезатых, сопливых, описаных детей с одной нянькой на 3 бокса. Когда с возрастом, после 6 лет, я перекочевала к взрослым детям я шарахалась в сторону от этой палаты. Страх пережитого ужаса парализовал. А теперь не могу себе простить этой слабости. Ну почему же я не заходила поиграться, посидеть с малышами. Хорошо, что в общих отделениях уже пускают родителей. Но опять таки зачастую без дополнительной "жил площади". Мамы ютятся с детьми на одной кроватке. С реанимациями дейсвительно нужно что-то делать. В Америке такого беспредела нет. Здесь родственники устраивают круглосуточные дежурства. Их просят выйти только на короткое время для проведения важных манипуляций (подключичка и т.д.) или экстренных мер (искуссвенного массаж сердца). Эта версия с инфекциями- совдеповская фальсификация дабы освободить рабочие, родительские руки для строительсва светлого будущего. Но ведь это время уже прошло. Есть доступ к научной информации. Почему же украинская медицина ещё живёт в позорном прошлом? Почему в США и Европе родственники не являются рассадником больничных инфекций, а на Украине являются. Почему мед работники на западе могут этично вести лечебный процесс не боясь маминого "надзора". Я будучи врачём на Украине, во время своих дежурств терапевтом часто навещала коллег в реанимации. Это очень удобно без родственников. Тихо-спокойно. Никто не дёргает. И к сожалению, самым мощным мотивом к работе тогда было дотянуть пациента до следующей смены. Не знаю как теперь. В США всё лечение довольно прозрачно. Пацент и родственники вправе не только обсудить всё с врачём, но так же и наблюдать и контролировать всё лечение. Но даже не в этом дело. А в том, что попав там в больницу ты остаёшься человеком, а не диагнозом. Ты прежде всего ребёнок, мама или папа, а потом уже всё остальное. Наверное нужно двигаться с демонстрациями к мин здраву. До коле.
Марина Новицкая30.10.07 09:51

При всем моем огромном уважении к профессии врача и к большинству из тех врачей, с которыми пришлось общаться по поводу здоровья, считаю, что вина врачей в такой ситуации намного больше, чем родителей.
Нашим врачам, не привыкшим к прозрачности своей работы просто НЕУДОБНО, когда под ногами путаются родители или родственники. По собственному опыту, опыту общения с другими родителями знаю, что большинство родителей АДЕКВАТНЫ в ситуации тяжелой болезни ребенка и вполне способны контролировать свои эмоции при виде медицинских манипуляций. А то, что дети перестают бороться в присутствии родителей - даже не бред, а просто наглая ложь для сохранения, опять же, собственного удобства. У Международной конфедерации родителей онкологических детей (ICCCPO) есть сотни, тысячи примеров обратного.
Опыт "сдавания" ребенка в реанимацию у меня маленький - однажды, в двухлетнем возрасте, сын нашел упаковку таблеток и то ли съел, то ли разбросал, но на всякий случай его на ночь положили в реанимацию. Уже утром мы его забрали, но вот это состояние собственной беспомощности, мысли о том, что он там лежит ОДИН, голенький, привязанный - и плачет, осталось во мне до сих пор. А когда я впервые провела ночь в онкоотделении с мамой, которая ждала известий из реанимации, куда увезли ее дочь - а утром ей сказали, что девочка умерла... Вот тогда я решила - я буду рвать зубами глотки, но мой ребенок не будет умирать один. Слава Господу, эта моя решимость тогда не понадобилась.
А еще я благодарю Господа, что тогда сына лечила врач, которая понимала, что родительская любовь и забота для ребенка главнее, чем даже медицинские манипуляции. Упокой, Господи, ее душу - Ольги Владимировны Ивановой, которая отдала свое здоровье нашим детям!
Ирина Полянски01.11.07 05:06

Хочу добавить ещё один маленький комментарий. Я живу в США, недалеко от нас есть большой, католический детский госпиталь им. Кардинала Гленона, г.Сент Луис, штат Мизури. В этом госпитале есть программа "Подержи ребёнка." Они приглашают людей прийти и подержать, хоть сколько, на руках больного грудного ребёнка, по какой-то причине оказавшегося в больнице без родителя (обычно неблагоприятные семьи, наркотики, алкоголь). Уже давно доказано, что ребёнку нужен физический контакт для полноценного развития. И тем более больному.
Другой пример на опыте моей подруги, здесь же в Штатах. У неё родился глубоко недоношенный ребёнок в 6.5 мес с весом 900 гр. Сашенька находился в больнице около 6 недель в специализированном отделении, оснащённом кювезами. У каждой пары кювезов на высокой платформе стояло раскладывающееся кресло. Туда по очереди возлегали моя подруга или её муж, чтобы подержать их голенького малыша на своей голой груди. Для так называемого "контакта кожа к коже". Вот так они вылёживали своего ребёнка 6 недель. Конечно сдавали и в кювез, чтобы немного передохнуть и поспать. Причём доступ в отделение был круглосуточный. Никто их грудных клеток не обрабатывал. За все 6 недель ребёнок не подхватил ни одной инфекции. Парню уже 6 лет, растёт здоровым, без каких-либо отклонений. Есть чему поучиться.
Светлана Морозова10.12.07 23:54

Поучительно. А мой малыш лежал в кювезе, я не могла врачей уговорить, чтобы пропустили к нему. Хорошо были выходные и санитарка провела один раз на 2 минутки. Спасибо огромное Ларисе, что подняла эту тему, как жаль, что для этого ей пришлось пережить такую трагедию.
Гость11.01.08 17:34

Хочу рассказать о своем опыте с реанимацией в Лондоне. Английская медицина совершенно бесплатная, никаких страховок, никаких взяток, ничего. Будь ты гражданин Британии или Украины - это совершенно не имеет никакого значения. Медицина такого высокого уровня, что я могу часами с вострогом об этом рассказывать. Я была беременна двойней и наблюдалась в Лондонском госпитале Королевы Шарлотты. На 26-й неделе у меня начались преждевременные роды. Сашку я родила естественным путем всего за 10 минут, а Антошу - кесарево. При родах присутсвовал муж. Меня только спросили, не против ли я если он будет присутвовать.
Детей сразу забрали в реанимацию. Причем Антошу перевезли в другой госпиталь, так как ему нужна была срочная операция.
Очнувшись, я сразу захотела увидеть детей. Муж посадил меня на кресло-каталу и мы поехали к Саше. Антошу я увидела только после выписки. Причем выписали меня через 3 дня.
Никаких халатов, бахиллов, только мытье рук. В реанимации меня встретили со словами, что все будет хорошо, сразу провели к масику. Он был всего около 25 см и находился под пленкой, в которой были созданы условия, максимально приближенные к естественным утробным. При этом мне разрешили пальчиком погладить малыша.
Саша медленно, но поправлялся, уже через неделю его сняли с вентеляции легких и перевели на оксижен. С Антошей было все намного сложнее и страшнее. Ребенок перенес операцию, легкие еще не расскрылись и были не готовы самостоятелно работать. Тем не менее каждый день, приходя в больницу я слышала только одно - все будет хорошо. С нами еженедельно встречался психолог, чтобы поддержать нас. Также врач еженедельно отчитывался о том как идет лечение. Я проводила в больницах больше времени, чем дома. Брала маленьких на руки, и прижимала к голой груди. Я пела им песенки, рассказывала сказки. И всегда рядом находилась медсестра, которая в любую минуту была готова помочь. Все с улыбками на лице, с искренним участием в глазах. Мне было трудно морально, так как детки находились в разных больницах, так как Саша поправлялся, а Антоша - нет. Но я знала, что медики делают все возможное, чтобы спасти моих деток. Но через 2 месяца умер Антоша. Мы успели его покрестить. Представляете в реанимации проходит обряд крещения? У нас это фантастика, а там это нормально. У меня сразу пропало молоко.
Тема похорон - это отдельная тема, я расскажу об этом в следующий раз. Только скажу, что после того, как умер мой мальчик, я приехала к Саше. В госпиталь уже перезвонили и сообщили осмерти моего сыночка. Все мне выражали сочуствие, подошла одна медсестра и сказала, что они не могут прийти на похорон поддержать меня, но они собрали деньги, - и сунула мне конверт в руки. Я была ошарашена.
Дни шли, Саша рос, я в больнице чувствовала себя как дома. Возле малыша неотступно находилась медсестра, но как только я подходила она отходила на задний план и не мешала мне общаться с малышом. Меня учили ухаживать за ним, кормить его с бутылочки.
Я приходила с мужем, с друзьями. И никогда мы не слышали слова нельзя.
Через 3,5 месяца нас выписали домой. Нас провожали всем отделением.
И это не было отношение ко мне лично, там так относяться ко всем.
Теперь Саше почти 4 года. И мне кажется, что все это случилось не со мной.
натагидра17.03.08 17:17

Эх о чем говорить в наших реалиях когда маму иногда банально не ложат в больницу когда малыш в реанимации, это обячная практика , у меня был выбор или сидеть на лестниц под дверями реанимации (там нет даже лавочки) или ездить трижды в день час туда час обратно домой. Это потом мы узнали что у меня были проблемы с тазобедренными суставами, тогда было не до этого, хорошо что обощлось, я просто обматывала себя туго бинтом чтоб не так болело и муж или брат меня поддерживал в маршрутке, потому как сидеть я не могла и могла ехать только стоя. Это наверное только у нас могут маме 10 часов не говорить о состоянии ребенка, а потом не удосужившись зайти в палату проорать на весь коридор "там ваш ребенок умирает, взглянуть не хотите." И ето только у нас можно устроить такой садизм поместив в палату маму которая потеряла при родах ребенка, маму у которой ребенок в реанимайии и девочку 16 лет с малышом , которая даже не знает что с ним делать. И мы две очумевшие от горя целыми днями нянчились с етой деткой, одна ожидая разрешения из морга забрать ребенка, вторая со страхом ожидая очередного вопля в коридоре .
Когда на 3 сутки просто сорвало крышу и я в истерике открыв пинком дверь в ординаторскую орала что посажу весь роддом в полном составе и не дам похоронить ребенка без независимой експертизы , только тогда ко мне отнеслись серьезно , потому как и об етом я узнала позже причиной всех проблем была врачебная ошибка.
Врачь который спецально вызвал меня чтоб сказать об этом сразу же сказал что не повторит етого ни в каком суде.
Да и не нужен был мне этот суд. Этот человек сказал то, что дало нам силы бороться дальше. "Вашей вины в этом нет (все время прибывания в роддоме мне твердили что это моя вина при родах), это ошибка врачей"
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All the while, the sanchez-Vs. -Smith debate raged within the team

<p>NEW YORK The hundreds of millions of dollars the NFL is ready to pay former playersSounds great, until youStretch it out over 20 years and divide it among thousands of people.Which is whySome former players and others think the league is getting off cheap in its tentativeSettlement with victims of concussion-Related brain injuries.The deal announced thursday toSettle 4, 500 orSo claims is awaiting apProval by a federal judge in philadelphia. "$765 million? "Asked former minnesota viking brent boyd, one of the original plaintiffs in the lawsuit. "The breakdown is $1.2 million over 20 years per team.What is that, a third of the averageSalary?There is no penalty there.It's pocket change. "Former players union President and Pro bowl center kevin mawae complained that the nfl does not have to admit culpability. "The unfortunate thing is that the general fan, theySee $765 million and they think it's a windfall for the players.It's great for.The guys that would fall in the category of needing immediate help,"MawaeSaid. "But it's $700 million worth of hush money that they will never have to be accountable for. "Others former players didn'tSeem as concerned about the amount of money, Preferring to focus on the timing of theSettlement.TheySaid that getting medical coverage now for their peers or themselves whoSuffer from a variety of brain ailments and other health Problems is essential. "Those people who need help now, really need the help the most and need it right now and not five years from now, will get the help,"Said former fullback kevin turner, whoSuffers from amyotrophic lateralSclerosis, or lou gehrig's disease, and was one of the lead plaintiffs. "That is key. ""It is hard to put a dollar figure on als or parkinson's or dementia and all these things.But if you ask me, i think it is fair. "The lawsuits accused the nfl of concealing the long-Term dangers of concussions while glorifyingSpectacular hits on the field.TheSettlement calls for payouts of up to $5 million for playersSuffering from alzheimer's disease;Up to $4 million for those who died of brain injuries known as chronic traumatic encephalopathy, or cte;And up to $3 million for playersSuffering from dementia.The nfl will also pay for medical exams and devote $10 million toward medical research. "Whether i got a dollar or a billion dollars, that wasn't going to help how i was feeling,"Said former nfl quarterback bernie kosar, who has dealt with a number of health issues now that his playing days are over andSaid the death of formerSan diegoStar juniorSeau"Was a real eye-Opener for me. ""Whether they get the money or not, i'm notSure that's going to make them feel better,"KosarSaid.The payments will hardly be a burden to the 32 nfl teams.The league generates close to $10 billion a year in revenue, and that is certain to rise when new tv contracts are negotiated in the near future. "I don't care if we get any money,"Said former linebacker jay brophy, who played for the miami hurricanes and later for the miami dolphins, and has been diagnosed with brain damage. "I'm not begging for anything.All i want is if there's treatment out there, build usSome centers,Send us to places to help us out because we don't have insurance.That's all i care about.Too many guys i know areSuffering and are going through things. "Andrew zimbalist, aSports economist atSmith college in northampton, mass., estimated theSettlement will cost the NFL $45 million a year, or 0.4 percent of current revenue. "The attorneys were underSome Pressure to deliver a concrete gain for those playersSuffering from these diseases,"ZimbalistSaid.If not for theSettlement,"It's likely the nfl would litigate for many years before anySettlement would come. "He added: "It is a positiveSettlement for the former players, even though it could have been higher. "Or as hall of fame linebacker harry carson put it, the nfl"Has the resources toSort ofStretch things out for years and years and years.The players don't have years and years and years. ""When i look at the number of players who have had neurological issues and have passed on,"Added carson, who was not a plaintiff,"I think now of the guys who are justStarting to experience neurological issues.They are going to be handled more humanely. "It's also a positive public relations move for the nfl just a week before theSeason kicks off.The last thing the league wanted was for concussions to remain a front-PageStory while games were being played.Commissioner roger goodell can now point to theSettlement and the league's player-Safety initiatives as Proof that Pro football is dealing forcefully with the issue. "Pr-Wise, it allows the league and the players association and medical experts and the u.S. Army and Harvard toShow how they are coming up withSolutions for the future rather than addressing omissions of the past, "Said Marc Ganis, President ofSportsCorp, a Chicago-basedSports consulting firm that does business with the league andSeveral teams. ButSome former players wonder if their future will be any brighter as they try to deal with brain disease. BoydSaid he foresees a "Bureaucratic nightmare of red tape"In attempts to get approved for coverage and then receive treatment. HeSaid he has been diagnosed with early-onset dementia and hasSigns of Alzheimer's disease. "When I testified before Congress, ISpoke of how the NFL's plan to cover disabilities was to delay, deny, hope they die, " BoydSaid. ---AP National Writer Nancy Armour, Pro Football Writer ArnieStapleton, andSports Writers Tom Canavan, Teresa Walker, Tim Reynolds andSteven Wine cont
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Thomson Reuters journalists are subject to an Editorial Handbook which requires fair presentation and disclosure of relevant interests. mobile,?????????????,???????????????????????????? Eine endgultige Entscheidung sei noch nicht gefallen. Im Rahmen einer umfassenden Umstrukturierung des Systems k? The Obama TARP fiasco Romney can’t use:If the dynamics of the presidential campaign were different a book called Bailout by Neil Barofsky would be getting a lot more attention Barofsky left a post in late 2008 as a top federal financial fraud prosecutor in New York to become the special inspector general overseeing the $700 billion TARP bailout program He’s written a Mr Smith-Goes-to-Washington-like account of how even after TARP was turned over to a Democratic administration – in fact more so after the Democrats took over – TARP money was dispensed and TARP rules were written almost completely for the benefit of the bankers who drove America into a ditchFor example there’s Barofsky’s blow-by-blow description of how the rules written by the Obama administration for its much-heralded $50 billion program to help homeowners whose mortgages were underwater were so tilted in favor of the banks and against homeowners actually being able to get relief that only $14 billion of the $50 billion was dispensed with few homeowners getting any help And Barofsky is not writing about compromises the Obama administration had to make with banker-sympathetic Republicans in Congress; this is all about internal decisions that unfailingly seemed to put the needs and mindset of Wall Street above those of Main Street consumersA presidential campaign that wanted to call out the Obama administration for being too friendly to Wall Street and the banks at the expense of Main Street would be using Bailout as the cheat sheet that keeps on giving But with the Romney campaign’s attack coming from the opposite direction – that the president and his team have killed the economy by shackling Wall Street – and with Romney on record in favor of allowing the mortgage crisis to “bottom out” with no government intervention the former Massachusetts governor and his team have no use for BailoutThat doesn’t mean reporters covering Wall Street and financial regulation shouldn’t be digging in if not now then after the voting I want to read a story challenging officials such as Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner to offer their response to Barofsky’s detailed and convincing indictmentDid Geithner really refuse repeatedly to meet with Barofsky and try time and again to torpedo his investigations into fraud at TARP or his efforts to write rules that would prevent fraud Did the Obama White House and the Treasury Department really argue to Barofsky that implementing what seem to me to be commonsense reporting and auditing rules for those accepting TARP money would scare off the banks from taking these handouts"I am truly sorry.the Total Return fund has seen outflows in 8 of those months.
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After our queries, "They would rather win television commissions than win the Senate, the Bottom Line is a downtown, salads and Mexican dishes are under $10.in back taxes last fiscal year, But the ability to better collect back taxes certainly helped. and Kevin Costner as adoptive papa Jonathan Kent.Lets buzz in for a closer look: ."Goodbye my son My hopes and dreams travel with you" Jor-El1 The trailer starts with baby Kal-El being placed into the ship that will lead him to his destiny The scene on Krypton is rightfully chaotic and the camera dotes on the emotional moment when the infants parents must send their son to a future unknown And the intense cosmic feel is very welcome because though weve heard "Truth Justice and the American way" for eons the bottom line is that Superman is first an alienIt appears a major theme in "Man of Steel" will become our Earthly fear of what Superman and his trans-world powers represent Jor-El foreshadows that in the trailers opening moments when his wife fears for their sons life as an outcast Then come those bellwether words: "Hell be a god to them""Youre the answer Youre the answer to: Are we alone in the universe" Jonathan Kent2 Once Clark Kent hits those awkward teenage years its clear his developing abilities are cause for concern And he has questions of his own which are answered when Pa Kent reveals to him the alien ship that brought him to Kansas"Cant I just keep pretending Im your son" an emotional Clark asks"You are my son" Kent says his voice cracking for throat-catching effect that eerily evokes Costners greatest on-screen father-son moment: nearly a quarter-century ago in "Field of Dreams""I have to believe you were sent here for a reason And even if it takes the rest of your life you owe it to yourself to find out what that reason is" Jonathan Kent3 This scene these words will send Clark on a confusing path on his search for self The dialogue is heard over images of an adult Clark bearded and hitchhiking The previous "Man of Steel" trailers showed Johnathan Kent talking to a young Clark imploring with him to keep his special abilities a secret because the world would never accept him Those words still weigh heavy as Clark appears to have no interest in being a hero instead preferring to hide in plain sight At a crossroads Clark needs an event of incredible magnitude to discover the hero withinThat events name is Zod"You believe your son is safe I WILL FIND HIM" Zod4 Although there are no demands to kneel General Zod (Michael Shannon) means business We see him in what appears to be Kryptonian handcuffs (no Earth facility could contain him right) Zod apparently is issuing threats toward Kal-El/Clark This is a welcome moment because we see a villain who is worthy of fear someone who can go mano-a-Supermano with the Man of Steel in a slugfest (Judging from the few fight scenes we glimpse the bout will be epic) Gratefully we get a Superman foe who doesnt need to whip out the Kryptonite "Whats the S stand for" Lois Lane5 Like the legendary "Dark Knight" scene with Christian Bales Batman and Heath Ledgers Joker it seems one of the first interactions between Henry Cavills Superman and Amy Adamss Lois Lane will be with one of them in handcuffs and the other sitting across a table asking the questions (This after wed shifted seamlessly from Crowes resonant non-Javert-y voiceover to that of Adams) "Its not an S On my world it means hope" replies Superman flashing a swagger that suggests that Supes/Lane pairing will have real sizzleThe moment provides hints at Christopher Nolans "realism" that he applied to the Batman films In Nolans world no man would slap an S on his chest call himself Superman and expect to be taken seriously But Nolan (and writer David Goyer who also co-wrote the Dark Knight trilogy) provide a plausible reason for Henry Cavills super duds: Theyre an homage to his Kryptonian heritageThat works for us. Washington DC 20017How do I contact Washington Post writers? 1150 15th Street NW.
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even if those computers weren’t actually connected to the Internet. other than .Internet connectivity is iffy and appears to be limited to the nation’s intranet The same thing goes for the new tabletsWhat’s important here however is that the forces of Internet openness appear to be too strong to resist And it’s not hard to see why Even smartphones and tablets without Wi-Fi connectivity can be a tremendous boon for any developing nation Those benefits can go beyond improved workplace productivity or the migration of new technology to new areas of the economy Everyone gains from the free flow of information around the globe And then there’s thepsychological impact of knowing that your nation is in at least some way opening up to the world The power of that knowledge is incalculableOf course there are some caveats to all of this There’s no guarantee this new technology will be used for good At the same time that media reports of smart phones and computers are making their way to the West so are reports that North Korea is essentially setting up an easily-policed national intranet and then recruiting an online hacker force – – to wreak havoc on the West’s Internet It may not be a cyberwar but it’s a discouraging sign at a time when the nation already seems to have a penchant for displaying its military hardware in politically insensitive ways So as quickly as it may rev up its fledgling innovation engine it may just as soon shut it downLastly there’s the extent to which technology has an impact on diplomacy and international relations Terms such as “transparency” “openness” and “connectivity” are now part of diplomatic initiatives to open up nations to the world Silicon Valley entrepreneurs when they travel abroad are the new ambassadors of American values as much as American technology We are living in a new digital era reshaping the future of people nations and business don’t twerk, Kids: Don’t smoke,The Kickstarter funds also allow Bors to say those 18 magic words that many a career-building colleague would love to utter:"For this first time in 10 years,000 means that Bors a comics journalist and syndicated editorial cartoonist has hit his "stretch goal" and will have the money to publish two collections of his work. Confusion arose as federal agents and the ATF lost track of many firearms that they originally suspected of being bought illegally by the Sinaloa Mexican drug cartel. 2012,"The story opens in 1936 in southern China where kung fu aces from the north arrive to test their methods against the local style known as Wing Chun Southerner Ip surpasses the northern champion Gong Yutian in a contest thats more philosophical than physical That settles nothing Concerned more with suppressed emotions and historical ruptures than keeping score the movie never anoints anyone as the definitive grandmasterIncensed that Ip bested her father beautiful and impulsive Gong Er ("" Zhang Ziyi) challenges the southerner Staged in an elaborately appointed brothel the fight quickly turns erotic Gong and Ip make as much eye contact as anything else and the contest ends not with blood but with chivalry This exhilarating sequence binds the two permanently if not happily and is worth the movies price of admissionThen World War II intervenes and Gong Yutians top male disciple Ma San (Zhang Jin) picks the wrong side Gong Er whose actions dominate the story for a time seeks to discipline the traitor Eventually she moves to postwar Hong Kong where she again encounters IpWong is known for multiple versions of his movies A 130-minute edit of "The Grandmaster" opened the Berlin Film Festival in February but the American release is 22 minutes shorter Although cuts may have been made throughout the film the World War II section feels the most truncatedThe movie holds together reasonably well however perhaps because its one of Wongs most conventional narratives That probably reflects the influence of Xu Haofeng who co-scripted with Wong or that the story is taken however loosely from real lifeYet the rueful soliloquies stately compositions exquisite cinematography and dreamlike passages all identify "The Grandmaster" as a Wong Kar-wai film The director took great efforts to be true to Chinese martial arts but he did so without sacrificing his own distinctive visionJenkins is a freelance writer????PG-13 At area theaters Contains violence profanity cigarette and opium use In Mandarin and Cantonese with subtitles 108 minutes" Metro Sept 1] were not a surprise However statistics cannot tell every storyOne of the more interesting Metro rides during the summer is the ride from Gallery Place/Chinatown to the Navy Yard/Ballpark station on the Green Line in the hour before a Washington Nationals home gameAs your poll showed Red and Orange line train riders are primarily white college-educated and between 40 and 64 years of ageGreen Line riders are primarily African American working class and ages 18 to 39 During the hour or so before a Nats game however Red Line riders get on the Green Line at Gallery Place and Blue and Orange riders board the train at LEnfant Plaza
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(courtesy of NCS - )Last year for the first time the industry organization recognized webcomics by adding an Online Comic Strip award to its annual compeitition (Jon Rosenbergs won the inaugural prize over "Penny Arcade" and "The Oatmeal"This year the NCS has newly announced the professional group is wisely splitting its webcomic recognition into two distinct categories: Online Comics Short Form and Online Comics Long Form"Last year we purposefully kept the criteria narrow with the Online Comics division so we could see how the process would work" Richmond tells Comic Riffs on Thursday "We always intended to expand the division to be more inclusive of other formats of cartooning This is another step"The criteria for a Short Form online comic will be a "daily strip single panel Sunday strip or partial/single page formats" adding that "Short form comics should be able to stand alone as a single narrative even if it is part of a longer storyline like an adventure strip"To be eligible Long Form online comics must be "ongoing narratives told in full-page formats Basically an online comic book or graphic novel where the story is fully serialized""The biggest challenge for us with respect to online comics has always been to adhere to the NCS awards rule that states that while it's not necessary to be a member a cartoonist must be eligible for NCS membership in order to have their work considered for a divisional award" says Richmond who is president of the longtime group"In order to be eligible for NCS membership you must earn the greater part of your living from cartooning" continues Richmond the noted MAD caricaturist/artist who won the groups major Reuben Award last year "That isn't an easy thing to quantify anymore With online comics we need to take into account site traffic professionalism in consistent and regular publication online community activity and other factors that are the hallmark of professional online work"In some cases it's pretty obvious the creator is making a career out of cartooning In some it's not so obvious"Richmond sees these rule changes among as an evolving process"As the publishing and digital world continue to march toward an inevitable convergence someday in the future the distinction between published and online comics will disappear and this will all be a moot point" he tells Comic Riffs "In the meantime the NCS will continue to explore and refine its efforts to recognize excellence in online comics"For more information about entering submissions The 67th annual Reuben Awards dinner will be May 25 in Pittsburgh Thats how he learned to clean squid, when he was hired by his predecessor to answer phones,) Be sure to test in a small area before you spread a product over the whole countertop If the stain is from hard water or mineral deposits the trade group recommends using a cleaner that removes stains from iron calcium or other mineral deposits Be sure to follow the instructions so you dont damage the gelcoat the slick surface on the countertop If that doesnt work try turpentine denatured alcohol or paint thinner all solvents that should remove hair spray paint tar and other "difficult stains"If the stains persist one option is to hire a company that refinishes cultured marble such as Miracle Method which has an office in Kensington (301-571-4200 or 703-738-4801; 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) She welcomes the opportunity to steer people toward appropriate solutions when they bring pieces to her "I can tell them what they need to know in the decision-making process I let them know how a painting was made whats happened to it since what my proposed treatment would be and what the painting will look like when it is finished" Sh
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and mesh upper is light, yet supportive while the polyurethane midsole has cushioning that is resistant to compression set,Due to the blown rubber material, the outsole is very lightweight and flexible to help you get the most out of every step,Tight stitching and a pleasing color scheme bring the noticeable style to this athletic shoe,Men's New Balance MT573GB You'll experience trail running at its finest when you wear this pair of sneakers designed by New Balance,The rubber compound outsole will feel like you're floating on air with its lightweight construction, while deep grooves provide muchneeded traction,The heel features two types of foam, with the top layer being softer for nice cushioning and the bottom consisting of dense and resistant foam that will put a spring in your step,As the mesh upper has synthetic accents arranged in an interesting layout, you'll know your feet will look good as you lace up,Women's New Balance W992GL Get to know the lasting comfort of this women's shoe by New Balance while correcting your step at the same time,Designed for those with an overpronation issue, this sneaker has a unique combination of the stability and cushioning needed to promote proper foot placement during a run,Pigskin and mesh upper, along with the blown rubber outsole, is light and airy to help prevent overheating,A versatile color scheme, dense padding and textured outsole combine to make this shoe a winner,Men's New Balance MT876OR For superior ground contact and cushioning, give this design from New Balance a try,Ideal for the off road runner, this responsive shoe has rock stop in the forefoot to protect against sharp rocks and other hazards,A dual density collar provides the best of both worldssoft foam that is up against the foot along with firm foam that serves as the foundation for support,Mesh upper will help cool your feet while the rubber compound of the outsole ensures ultimate durability,See how this pair of shoes can transform your run today,Women's New Balance WR883CU Moderate runners will find their dream shoe in this model that hails from New Balance,The upper has a synthetic and mesh combo with reflective detailing that will increase your visibility to drivers and other potential hazards of the road,Cushioning and flexibility are the focus of this design, with its blown rubber forefoot and dense midsole equipped to handle lightweight shock absorption,Perfect your jog in a set of shoes made for responding to and upholding your every step,Men's New Balance MT910GT There's nothing like an exhilarating run through your favorite trails in this shoe set created by New Balance,Featuring waterproof protection that will keep your feet dry, this sneaker contains an ortholite foam insert with an antimicrobial design that resists odor,Hints of vivid color bring this style to life while the shoelaces give additional midfoot support and security,Made for durability, the rubber compound outsole stands up to debris while still maintaining the right degree of flexibility needed,Women's New Balance WR1226SG A dependable running shoe with the perfect amount of cushion and support is a valuable investment, as proven by this design from New Balance,It is a highmileage trainer with moderate stability that will last you from the starting line all the way to the finish,Your heels will be well protected by the quality shock absorption, while the rubber compound outsole offers a gripping surface with necessary flexibility,Lace up your new pair of running shoes and see what a difference the right design can make in your run,New Balance designs constantly strive to achieve the ideal balance between support and comfort for runners of all types,Find your perfect fit today,Brad Lesko is a freelance writer who writes about a variety of topics and brands such as New Balance shoes,Leave everything behind you as you head out for your next run,It's just you and the pavement, your feet sliding into that easy rhythm, spurred on by your new pair of New Balance Shoes,Men's New Balance MR759TR Go the distance in a pair of running shoes that is up to the challenge, like this model from New Balance,The rubber compound outsole provides a strong grip along with surprising durability, while the waterresistant mesh upper promotes air circulation to keep feet dry,Great for the runner with a neutral gait, the strobel board runs throughout the shoe for the incredible shock absorption you will need for your highimpact workout,And with a striking color combination, this running sneaker is stylish as well as practical,Women's New Balance WR993KM Hit the road in running shoes that work just as hard as you do,With this bold highmileage shoe from New Balance, you can train for the next marathon or simply go out for a fun run,The pigskin and mesh upper is light, yet supportive while the polyurethane midsole has cushioning that is resistant to compression set,D
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An Essential Guide to New Balance Black Shoes That Will Provide Maximum Comfort!, For a pair of New Balance black shoes, this essential guide is perfect! These New Balance black shoes are hard to beat and are worth picking up for major comfort and appeal! The NB Postal is great for major comfort! The walking strike path stabilizes the foot through the gait cycle,These sneakers feature a graphite rollbar with a biomedically positioned piece of graphite in the midsole which maximizes rearfoot stability,These sneakers are combined with medial and lateral posts for motion control through the gait cycle,The single density polyurethane outsoles and midsoles provide lightweight cushioning and resist compression sets,These are great for women who are on their feet often and give you the all day comfort you need, For a pair of comfortable walking shoes that will keep you looking refined and polished, the W901 sneakers,These sneakers have the technical features or a topnotch athletic shoe without the bulk and are stylishly sleek,The leather uppers on these sneakers will look beautiful and are extremely durable,The soft nylon lining is extremely comfortable, while the rubber sole has walking strike path technology,The Encap midsoles have polyurethane rims and Eva cores for maximum comfort,The padded collar and tongue also add an incredible amount of comfort to your look,These are definitely worth picking up for a sleek walking shoe design, For an adorable mule style slipon shoe, pick up the WA800 shoes,These fashion slipons are the feminine version of the low profile trail show,These feature ACTEVA midsoles, Ndurance full length, ROCK STOP, AT tread, slipon closures, and leather uppers for an incredible amount of comfort and design that cannot be beat,With your favorite pair of jeans or yoga pants, these will be your favorite comfort sneakers that have some major dressed up appeal,Who can deny this fantastic look! Pick these up today! For a great streetwear design, pick up the 595 sneakers,These are great with a perfectly eyecatching blend of black and red materials for a super hot look,These classic and comfortable retrostyle running shoes feature synthetic uppers for lightweight durability,The EVA foam midsole provide maximum cushioning, while the solid rubber outsoles provide longwearing durability,The synthetic uppers provide lightweight comfort that cannot be beat,These are beautiful and absolutely amazing, For a pair of walking shoes that will be great for both a man and woman, pick up the WX622 shoes,These shoes are a versatile trainer for a variety of athletic activities,With ABZORB heels and forefoot, these sneakers features injection molded EVA midsoles, rubber outsoles, and leather or leathermesh uppers,For an indoor or outdoor workout, these walking shoes are absolutely incredible to wear for extreme comfort,These beautiful sneakers will be your favorites that you will wear again and again, For a pair of running shoes, pick up the 654 shoes,With NFuse cushioned heels, these sneakers have a cushioned heel for shock absorption and allday comfort,The leather uppers make for natural comfort, durability, and breathability,The NGRIP slip resistance technology incorporates a unique lug design into highperformance rubber outsoles to provide premium traction,The NFUSE heel joins together foam of two different densities,The top foam is less dense for soft cushioning, while the denser bottom foam providing support and compression set resistance,For a perfect pair of black running shoes, these are your best choice for only $25,99, This essential guide to New Balance black shoes are musthaves,Pick these up today for major comfort and style! For a pair of New Balance black shoes, this essential guide is perfect! These New Balance black shoes are hard to beat and are worth picking up for major comfort and appeal! The NB Postal is great for major comfort! The walking strike path stabilizes the foot through the gait cycle,These sneakers feature a graphite rollbar with a biomedically positioned piece of graphite in the midsole which maximizes rearfoot stability,These sneakers are combined with medial and lateral posts for motion control through the gait cycle,The single density polyurethane outsoles and midsoles provide lightweight cushioning and resist compression sets,These are great for women who are on their feet often and give you the all day comfort you need, For a pair of comfortable walking shoes that will keep you looking refined and polished, the W901 sneakers,These sneakers have the technical features or a topnotch athletic shoe without the bulk and are stylishly sleek,The leather uppers on these sneakers will look beautiful and are extremely durable,The soft nylon lining is extremely comfortable, while the rubber sole has walking strike path technology,The Encap midsoles have polyurethane rims and Eva cores for maximum comfort,The padded collar and tongue also add an incredible amount of comfort to your look,These are definitely worth picking up for a sleek walking shoe design, For an adorable mule style slipon shoe, pick up the WA800 shoes,These fashion slipons are the feminine version of the low profile trail show,These feature ACTEVA midsoles, Ndurance full length, ROCK STOP, AT tread, slipon closures, and leather uppers for an incredible amount of comfort and design that cannot be beat,With your favorite pair of jeans or yoga pants, these will be your favorite comfort sneakers that have some major dressed up appeal,Who can deny this fantastic look! Pick these up today! For a great streetwear design, pick up the 595 sneakers,These are great with a perfectly eyecatching blend of black and red materials for a super hot look,These classic and comfortable retrostyle running shoes feature synthetic uppers for lightweight durability,The EVA foam midsole provide maximum cushioning, while the solid rubber outsoles provide longwearing durability,The synthetic uppers provide lightweight comfort
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STORY WRITTEN FOR & USED WITH PERMISSIONPosted: August 4, 2007NASA's $420 million Phoenix Mars lander blasted off early today and began a 10-month voyage to the red planet, bound for the northern polar plains where scientists believe vast deposits of ice are hidden just beneath the frozen surface.Running a day late because of stormy weather that slowed launch processing, the United Launch Alliance Boeing 2 rocket roared to life at 5:26:34 a.m. and quickly climbed away from launch complex 17 at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station. The international space station emerged from Earth's shadow seconds before liftoff, a brilliant "star" above the launch pad, and as the Delta 2 went supersonic, it streaked past Mars gleaming red in the morning sky 122 million miles away, a clearly visible target for NASA's newest robotic explorer.The Delta's first two stages performed normally to put the Phoenix lander and its interplanetary cruise stage into a preliminary parking orbit 106 miles up. A final boost by the lander's solid-fuel third stage motor took place on time about 84 minutes after launch to accelerate the spacecraft to the required departure velocity.A ground station at Goldstone, Calif., picked up telemetry from the spacecraft almost immediately - 9 seconds after its transmitter turned on - but it took a few minutes for word of a healthy spacecraft to filter out to reporters and other NASA managers not directly involved in the checkout procedure. But at an 11 a.m. news conference, officials said Phoenix was in near perfect health with all systems operating normally. The Delta 2 rocket put the craft on a near-ideal trajectory and if all goes well, Phoenix will reach Mars on May 25, 2008."While we're really happy that we now have ourselves on our way, that's great, it's 295 days to our entry, descent and landing where we get to do everything that was done today, but we do it in reverse," said Barry Goldstein, Phoenix project manager at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. "We go from the velocity we're at now down to 5 mph in seven minutes. It'll be a lot of fun."Data collected by NASA's orbiting Mars Odyssey spacecraft indicates vast amounts of ice within a few feet of the surface of Mars at extreme northern latitudes, possibly the remnant of an ancient ocean. Phoenix is equipped with an eight-foot robot arm that can dig nearly two feet into the soil next to the lander to tap into that ice and deliver samples to compact instruments and furnaces that will look for signs of organic compounds.While the relatively low-cost Phoenix is not equipped with instruments to search for signs of biological activity, mission scientists are hopeful the spacecraft will be able to determine whether the environment at the ice-soil boundary represents a modern habitable zone."I see this mission as a stepping stone towards the search for life on other planets," said Peter Smith, principal investigator at the University of Arizona. "We're hoping to find a place that we consider really a habitable zone on Mars. To me, if we can find that out, that would be a tremendous success. We're also really interested in following up on the discovery of water ice by the Odyssey spacecraft in 2002 and trying to understand how the ice got there and what it's source was and what its history has been."NASA's Mars Pathfinder lander and rover and the two Mars Exploration Rovers currently weathering a global dust storm on opposite sides of the red planet were built to study the geology of Mars and to confirm the presence of surface water in the distant past. Phoenix will concentrate on water known to exist today."We want to understand the ice properties," Smith said. "This is a big part of Mars. It's part of the NASA theme of follow the water. Well, we're for the first time getting kind of a fist-full, so to speak, of water and soil and we're going to analyze it."We intend to go where we know there's ice near the surface. Our entire mission is trying to understand the history of this ice, in particular does it melt over time and provide a habitat for some sort of Martian biology?"Unlike NASA's hugely successful Mars Exploration Rovers, Phoenix will not bounce to a landing cocooned in protective airbags. Instead, it will use a dozen pulsing, computer-controlled rocket motors to make its final descent to a soft landing near the northern polar cap. The last time NASA tried that, the ill-fated Mars Polar Lander simply disappeared, the presumed victim of a premature engine shutdown.This time around, using hardware left over from the polar lander project and a subsequent mission that was canceled in the wake of the 1999 failure, NASA managers believe they have done all that can reasonably be expected to ensure success. Along with fixing the sensor/software glitch believed to be responsible for the Mars Polar Lander's demise, engineers with spacecraft builder Lockheed Martin and NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory found and fixed a variety of other shortcomings in an exhaustive effort to ensure success."This team has put an enormous amount of energy into retiring and finding all sorts of problems," Goldstein said before launch. "We are very confident that we basically have retired everything that we can think of. But the simple fact of the matter is, landing on Mars is difficult. Probably the most difficult thing about it is not the things we can think of, it's things we can't think of."I'm confident we have worked as hard as any group of people can. Am I confident in the landing? I'll be nervous. If my fingernails survive that day, it will be a miracle. It's not the things that we know that will hurt us. It's the things we don't know."But if the appropriately named Phoenix mission wo
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STORY WRITTEN FOR & USED WITH PERMISSIONPosted: September 13, 2006 Credit: NASA TV/Spaceflight NowA 2,500-pound rotary joint seeing its first use aboard the international space station, successfully rotated a new set of still-stowed solar arrays today in a key test before array deployment early Thursday.As installed on the left end of the station's main solar array truss Tuesday, the new panels were oriented so their cooling radiators would have extended straight up if deployed, contacting a set of operational arrays.After checking out the new solar alpha rotary joint - SARJ - flight controllers sent commands to turn the joint, first 5 degrees and then a full 180 degrees, using one of two redundant motors. Space station flight director John McCullough said the initial checks went well and controllers will move the joint a full 360 degrees later today to test the other drive system."The really great news is the SARJ, the solar alpha rotary joint that we worked so hard on and talked about so much, it moved right before this briefing," McCullough told reporters. "I was pretty excited to see that. It was a great day and very visually enticing."If all goes well, flight controllers will begin the solar array extension process late today, deploying each packed-up wing a bit more than a yard, the length of one bay of their motorized self-assembling masts. On Thursday, the Atlantis astronauts will send commands to extend the masts the rest of the way.Once deployed, each 38-foot-wide solar array wing will stretch more than 115 feet in opposite directions. A detailed overview of solar array deployment will be posted here later today.Additional coverage for subscribers:VIDEO:PORT 3/PORT 4 TRUSS KEEL PIN REMOVED AND STOWED VIDEO:HELMETCAM OF BURBANK REMOVING SARJ RESTRAINT VIDEO:SPACEWALKERS PAUSE FOR PICTURE TIME VIDEO:STEVE MACLEAN REPORTS LOST BOLT VIDEO:ROTARY JOINT LOCK REMOVED BY SPACEWALKER VIDEO:STEP-BY-STEP PREVIEW OF SPACEWALK NO. 2 VIDEO:POST-EVA 1 STATUS BRIEFING VIDEO:TANNER LOSES BOLT DURING ROTARY JOINT WORK VIDEO:PIPER UNFOLDS SOLAR BLANKET BOXES VIDEO:SECOND WING'S STRUCTURE DEPLOYED BY PIPER VIDEO:FIRST SOLAR WING'S STRUCTURE DEPLOYED BY TANNER VIDEO:STEP-BY-STEP PREVIEW OF SPACEWALK NO. 1 VIDEO:TRUSS HANDED FROM SHUTTLE ARM TO STATION ARM VIDEO:ARM MANEUVERS TRUSS OVER SHUTTLE WING VIDEO:TRUSS SLOWLY LIFTED OUT OF PAYLOAD BAY VIDEO:ATLANTIS' ARM GRAPPLES THE TRUSS VIDEO:MONDAY'S MISSION STATUS BRIEFING VIDEO:ATLANTIS WELCOMED ABOARD THE STATION VIDEOOCKING REPLAY FROM CAMERA ON SHUTTLE ARM VIDEO:SHUTTLE ATLANTIS DOCKS TO THE STATION VIDEO:ATLANTIS' BREATH-TAKING FLIP MANEUVER VIDEO:CREW'S CAMCORDER FOOTAGE OF EXTERNAL TANK VIDEO:NARRATED ANIMATION PREVIEWING TRUSS UNBERTHING VIDEO:NARRATED ANIMATION PREVIEWING THE DOCKING VIDEO:NARRATED ANIMATION OF PAYLOAD BAY CONFIGURATION MORE: VIDEO:BRIEFING ON TANK'S PERFORMANCE VIDEO:TANK'S ONBOARD CAMERA LIFTOFF TO SEPARATION VIDEO:FLIGHT DIRECTOR EXPLAINS INSPECTIONS VIDEO:SUNDAY'S MISSION STATUS BRIEFING VIDEO:LAUNCH OF ATLANTIS! VIDEO:SHEDDING FOAM MAY HAVE HIT ATLANTIS VIDEO:ONBOARD VIEW OF EXTERNAL TANK SEPARATION VIDEO:INSIDE MISSION CONTROL DURING LAUNCH VIDEO:STATION CREW TOLD VISITORS EN ROUTE VIDEO:HOUSTON RADIOS DEBRIS REPORT TO CREW VIDEO:POST-LAUNCH NEWS CONFERENCE VIDEO:QUICK-LOOK BRIEFING ON DEBRIS LAUNCH REPLAYS:VIDEO:BEACH MOUND TRACKER VIDEO:CAMERA IN FRONT OF PAD VIDEO:BANANA CREEK VIEWING SITE VIDEO:VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING ROOF VIDEO:PAD 39B SIDE PERIMETER VIDEO:PLAYALINDA BEACH TRACKER VIDEO:PLAYALINDA BEACH ZOOM VIDEO:UCS 23 TRACKER VIDEO:UCS 11 TRACKER VIDEO:MISSION SPECIALIST 4 STEVE MACLEAN BOARDS ATLANTIS VIDEO:MISSION SPECIALIST 3 HEIDE PIPER BOARDS VIDEO:MISSION SPECIALIST 2 DAN BURBANK BOARDS VIDEO:MISSION SPECIALIST 1 JOE TANNER BOARDS VIDEO:PILOT CHRIS FERGUSON BOARDS VIDEO:COMMANDER BRENT JETT BOARDS VIDEO:ASTRONAUTS EMERGE FROM CREW QUARTERS VIDEO:CREW SUITS UP FOR LAUNCH TO SPACE VIDEO:FINAL INSPECTION TEAM CHECKS ATLANTIS VIDEO:ASTRONAUTS READY FOR SECOND LAUNCH TRY MORE: STS-115 patchThe official crew patch for the STS-115 mission of space shuttle Atlantis to resume orbital construction of the International Space Station.Choose your store: - - - John Glenn Mission PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The historic first orbital flight by an American is marked by this commemorative patch for John Glenn and Friendship 7.Final Shuttle Mission PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The crew emblem for the final space shuttle mission is available in our store. Get this piece of history!Celebrate the shuttle programFree shipping to U.S. addresses!This special commemorative patch marks the retirement of NASA's Space Shuttle Program. Available in our store!Anniversary Shuttle PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!This embroidered patch commemorates the 30th anniversary of the Space Shuttle Program. The design features the space shuttle Columbia's historic maiden flight of April 12, 1981.Mercury anniversaryFree shipping to U.S. addresses!Celebrate the 50th anniversary of Alan Shephard's historic Mercury mission with this collectors' item, the official commemorative embroidered patch.Fallen Heroes Patch CollectionThe official patches from Apollo 1, the shuttle Challenger and Columbia crews are available in the store.Ares 1-X PatchThe official embroidered patch for the Ares 1-X rocket test flight, is available for purchase.Apollo CollageThis beautiful one piece set features the Apollo program emblem surrounded by the individual mission logos.Expedition 21The official embroidered patch for the International Space Station Expedition 21 crew is now available from our stores.Hubble PatchThe official embroidered patch for mission STS-125, the space shuttle's last planned service call to the Hubble Space Telescope, is available for purchase. | | | | 2014 Spaceflight Now Inc.STS-115 Mission Specialist
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Posted: May 21, 2006 This illustration depicts the GOES-N spacecraft. Credit: BoeingGOES-N is the first spacecraft to be launched in the new GOES N-P series of geostationary environmental weather satellites. Developed by NASA for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the GOES satellites continuously provide observations of the Earth including the continental U.S., providing weather monitoring and forecast operations, as well as a continuous and reliable stream of environmental information and severe weather warnings. The GOES environmental satellites are key in helping meteorologists observe and predict local weather events, including thunderstorms, tornadoes, fog, flash floods, and other severe weather. In addition, GOES observations have proven helpful in monitoring dust storms, volcanic eruptions and forest fires. Plus, the satellites support the search and rescue satellite aided system (SARSAT). The program directly enhances the quality of human life and furthers the protection of the Earth's environment.Each GOES satellite carries two major instruments: an Imager and a Sounder. These instruments acquire high-resolution visible and infrared data, as well as temperature and moisture profiles of the atmosphere. They continuously transmit data to ground terminals where it is processed for rebroadcast to primary weather service offices in the U.S. and around the world, including the global research community.These instruments provide two valuable features. The first, flexible scan, offers smallscale area imaging that allows meteorologists to take pictures of local weather trouble spots. This allows them to improve short-term forecasts over local areas. The second feature, simultaneous and independent imaging and sounding, is designed to allow weather forecasters to use multiple measurements of weather phenomena to increase the accuracy of their forecasts.The GOES-N mission will be a vital contributor to weather, solar, and space operations and future science improvements with weather prediction and remote sensing. The satellite will aid severe storm warnings, resource management, search and rescue, emergency managers, and likely lead to additional advances in environmental sciences and multifaceted data applications of remotely sensed phenomena. GOES-N data will add to the global climate change databases of knowledge, embracing many civil and government environmental forecasting organizations that work to benefit people everywhere and help save lives. GOES-N is scheduled to launch in the summer of 2006 on board a Boeing Delta IV (4,2) Expendable Launch Vehicle from the Space Launch Complex (SLC 37B) at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station.The NASA-NOAA PartnershipIn 1983, NASA signed an agreement with the NOAA to design and build a new generation of environmental satellites. These satellites would carry instruments designed to operate as never before, taking near continuous observations of Earth. NASA and NOAA have worked jointly to perfect, develop and complete the GOES program, begun in 1975 with the launch of the GOES-1 satellite. The two agencies have been actively engaged in a cooperative program ever since, and will continue the GOES series with the launch of the GOES-N satellite.NOAA manages the overall GOES Program and establishes requirements, provides funding, distributes environmental data for the U.S., and determines the need for satellite replacement. NOAA also designs and develops the ground system needed to acquire, process and disseminate the satellite data.NASA teams with NOAA to acquire and manage the study, design and development of each of the GOES spacecraft. NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) in Greenbelt, Md., is responsible for the construction, integration and verification testing of the spacecraft, instruments and unique ground equipment. Working as a team, NOAA and NASA design, develop, install and integrate the ground system needed to acquire, process, and disseminate the data from the sensors on the GOES satellites. NASA's GSFC is responsible for the procurement of the GOES satellites for NOAA including final testing in Florida and the initial on-orbit checkout. NOAA is responsible for satellite operation, data distribution and management of the program. Boeing Launch Systems will conduct the commercial launch of GOES-N with a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) launch license. Boeing is responsible for the Delta IV launch vehicle processing at SLC-37B, the integration of the GOES-N spacecraft with the Boeing Delta IV and the launch countdown activities.Design and OperationsIn the past, scientists from environmental service agencies have stated a need for continuous, dependable, timely and high-quality observations of the Earth and its environment. This new series of GOES satellites provide continuous observations to fill the need. The instruments on board the satellites measure the Earth's emitted and reflected radiation from which atmospheric temperature, winds, moisture and cloud cover can be derived.GSFC engineers design the satellite to operate in geosynchronous orbit 22,000 miles above the Earth. At this orbit, because the satellite's orbital velocity matches the rotation of the Earth, it appears to remain stationary in the sky. In addition, GSFC engineers develop the GOES satellites to have a three-axis body stabilized spacecraft design. This enables the satellite to "stare" at the Earth and provide images of clouds more frequently, relay an increased amount of data about the Earth's surface temperature and water vapor fields, and to sound continuously the atmosphere for vertical thermal and vapor profiles.The system provides long-range weather forecasting, ensuring that non-visible data, for any region of the Earth, is no more than six hours old. It serves the central and eastern Pacific Ocean; North, Central, and
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Credit: NASASpace station-bound supply ship launched from Virginia SPACEFLIGHT NOWPosted: July 13, 2014 A fresh load of supplies and research experiments began a three-day journey to the International Space Station on Sunday after a successful midday launch aboard an Antares rocket from Virginia's Eastern Shore. The Antares rocket lifts off from NASA's Wallops Flight Facility. Photo credit: NASA/Joel KowskyLoaded with approximately 3,300 pounds of provisions, the commercial Orbital Sciences Corp. Cygnus supply ship will complete the cargo delivery Wednesday with an automated approach to the space station.The supplies include food for the lab's six-man crew, research experiments to learn how the human body changes in space, gear to maintain systems aboard the massive research complex, and 29 small CubeSats to be ejected from the space station's Japanese science module.The pursuit began at 12:52 p.m. EDT (1652 GMT) with a thunderous blastoff from the Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport at NASA's Wallops Flight Facility. The 13-story Antares booster disappeared into clouds moments later, but telemetry radioed back to the ground from the rocket showed it performed as designed, burning twin kerosene-fueled Aerojet Rocketdyne AJ26 engines for nearly four minutes to rocket into the upper atmosphere.The Antares rocket jettisoned its aerodynamic fairing before firing a second stage Castor 30B solid-fueled motor built by ATK to accelerate up to orbital velocity.The rocket deployed the Cygnus spacecraft into orbit about 10 minutes after liftoff as the vehicles raced across the Atlantic Ocean at more than 5 miles per second.NASA confirmed two Dutch-built solar arrays on the Cygnus spacecraft extended to begin generating electricity for the cargo ship's mission.Controllers will oversee numerous thruster firings by the Cygnus supply ship over the next three days as the vehicle shapes its orbit to meet the International Space Station on Wednesday.High-tech GPS and laser navigation systems will guide the Cygnus on its rendezvous, which is scheduled to culminate with capture by the space station's Canadian robotic arm at 1039 GMT (6:39 a.m. EDT).Space station commander Steve Swanson will be at the controls of the robot arm during the approach, assisted by European Space Agency flight engineer Alexander Gerst.The mission -- named Orb-2 -- is Orbital's second operational resupply run to the space station. The Dulles, Va.-based aerospace contractor conducted two test flights in 2013 before launching operational cargo service on the Orb-1 mission in January. File photo of a Cygnus cargo spacecraft at the International Space Station. Photo credit: NASA"Every flight is critical," said Frank Culbertson, executive vice president of Orbital's advanced programs group and a former space shuttle and space station commander. "We carry a variety of types of cargo on-board, which includes food and basic supplies for the crew, and also the research."Sunday's launch was delayed from early May after a bottleneck in the space station's busy manifest of visiting cargo and crew vehicles. Orbital announced further delays as engineers ensured the AJ26 powerplants on the Antares rocket were free of the defect that caused a major engine mishap on a test stand in Mississippi.Ground crews fell behind in launch preparations last week due to severe weather at the Virginia launch site, forcing another slip."It took a lot effort for people to pull this off," Culbertson said.Orbital has a $1.9 billion contract with NASA to cover eight logistics missions through 2016. NASA has a similar contract with SpaceX, which takes up cargo with its Falcon 9 rocket and Dragon capsule, then returns experiment samples to Earth.Both companies are contracted to haul 20 metric tons, or about 44,000 pounds, of cargo to the space station.The U.S.-owned Cygnus and Dragon resupply vehicles, along with Russia's Progress, the European Space Agency's Automated Transfer Vehicle and Japan's H-2 Transfer Vehicle, make up the space station's life line with Earth to get critical hardware, life-support commodities, and food to the complex orbiting more than 250 miles up."They really can't afford to get behind on any of that with six people up there, and if we're going to keep six people on the station, we need a routine and regular delivery of cargo, and that's what we're trying to establish with this service," Culbertson said before Sunday's launch.Supplies packed inside the Cygnus spacecraft's pressurized cargo module, built in Italy by Thales Alenia Space, include more than a half-ton of food, a pump for the Japanese laboratory, and a hardware kit to prepare for future spacewalks to install a new nitrogen and oxygen system outside the space station's airlock."You've got to resupply the crew, you've got to keep the research flowing up to them, and you've got to have reliable return of some of the research samples," said Dan Hartman, NASA's deputy space station program manager. "There's a lot of system maturation that we need to do that we're testing on the International Space Station if we're going to go deeper and farther into the solar system."NASA views the space station as the cornerstone of the agency's long-term space exploration strategy. Officials say physiological research and technology demonstrations aboard the space station are critical to making human missions to an asteroid or Mars feasible."The way to succeed and buy down on all that risk is to have all these vehicles -- the Cygnus, the ATV, the HTV, the SpaceX [Dragon] -- and have a consistent resupply of not only the supplies needed for the crew, but also the cutting edge technology demonstrations that we need to fly to test -- and yes, fail at times and retest -- just to have t
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Posted: May 20, 2004 Photo: Pat Corkery/Lockheed MartinAres 1-X PatchThe official embroidered patch for the Ares 1-X rocket test flight, is available for purchase.Apollo CollageThis beautiful one piece set features the Apollo program emblem surrounded by the individual mission logos.Expedition 21The official embroidered patch for the International Space Station Expedition 21 crew is now available from our stores.Hubble PatchThe official embroidered patch for mission STS-125, the space shuttle's last planned service call to the Hubble Space Telescope, is available for purchase. | | | | 2014 Spaceflight Now Inc.PHOTOS: Atlas 5's late-night launch from CaliforniaA classified U.S. spy payload rocketed into orbit from California on an Atlas 5 launcher Thursday, joining the nation's eyes and ears in the sky to supply intelligence to the government's national security agencies.The satellite is owned by the National Reconnaissance Office, but government officials do not disclose the identities of the NRO's spacecraft, only saying the payload will serve national security purposes.But independent satellite-watchers believe the spacecraft will join the NRO's fleet of spacecraft with radars to penetrate cloaks of clouds and darkness and reveal what adversaries are doing regardless of weather or time of day.The United Launch Alliance Atlas 5 rocket lifted off from Vandenberg Air Force Base at 11:14:30 p.m. PST Thursday (0714:30 GMT; 2:14:30 a.m. EST Friday), majestically rising into clear skies on a chilly night at the spaceport on California's rugged Central Coast.See our for live coverage of the launch.Credit: Gene Blevins/LA Daily NewsPHOTOS: TDRS spacecraft delivered to launch padSPACEFLIGHT NOWPosted: January 15, 2014 A new-generation NASA data relay satellite was transferred to the launch pad Jan. 13 for attachment to a United Launch Alliance Atlas 5 rocket.Tracking and Data Relay Satellite L, or TDRS L, is set for liftoff Jan. 23 atop the Atlas 5 booster from Cape Canaveral's Complex 41. The launch window opens at 9:05 p.m. EST and extends for 40 minutes.The spacecraft was transported to the launch pad in a convoy from the Astrotech payload processing facility in nearby Titusville, through Kennedy Space Center past the landmark Vehicle Assembly Building, then to Complex 41's Vertical Integration Facility, where the two-stage Atlas launcher was already assembled awaiting the TDRS L spacecraft.The move occurred overnight when traffic in the area was light.See our for the latest news on the mission.Photo Credit: NASA/Dmitri GerondidakisPluto New Horizons archiveMore pictures, video from New Horizons launchAs we wrap up the launch portion of our New Horizons coverage, we have posted some additional photo galleries of the Lockheed Martin Atlas 5 rocket blasting off. Also, various replays of the launch from pad cameras and ground trackers are available with the live liftoff audio and commentary in our Spaceflight Now Plus premium service.IMAGES: IMAGES: - new!IMAGES: IMAGES: - new!Additional coverage for subscribers:VIDEO:THE ATLAS 5 LAUNCH EXPERIENCE VIDEO:LAUNCH PAD BASE CAMERA VIDEO:FACING THE FLAME TRENCH VIDEO:CLOSE-UP OF BOOSTERS AT IGNITION VIDEO:CAMERA ON ATLAS 5 ASSEMBLY HANGAR VIDEO:ROOF OF SPACE SHUTTLE VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING VIDEO:TRACKER MONITORS ENGINES DURING FLIGHT VIDEO:THE UCS 15 GROUND TRACKING CAMERA VIDEO:PLAYALINDA BEACH TRACKER FOLLOWS ROCKET VIDEO:TRACKER SHOWS THE VEHICLE'S ROLL PROGRAM VIDEO:VIEW FROM SHUTTLE COUNTDOWN CLOCK Probe sets sail on voyage to the outer solar systemA supercharged Atlas 5 rocket carrying NASA's Pluto-bound New Horizons probe roared to life and vaulted away from Earth Thursday on a three-billion-mile, nine-year voyage to the frigid edge of the solar system. - live updatesIMAGES: IMAGES: IMAGES: Additional coverage for subscribers:VIDEO:LIFTOFF OF NEW HORIZONS! VIDEO:LAUNCH AS SEEN FROM THE PRESS SITE VIDEO:ALL FIVE SOLID ROCKET BOOSTERS JETTISON VIDEO:NEW HORIZONS IS DEPLOYED FROM THIRD STAGE VIDEO:POST-FLIGHT INTERVIEW WITH NASA LAUNCH MANAGER VIDEO:WATCH POST-LAUNCH NEWS BRIEFING AUDIO:LISTEN TO THE NEWS CONFERENCE Maryland storms delay New Horizons launchAlready running a day behind because of high winds in Florida, NASA's New Horizons Pluto mission was grounded Wednesday by storms in Maryland that knocked out power to the spacecraft control center at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory near Washington.Additional coverage for subscribers:VIDEO:NARRATED FOOTAGE OF ATLAS 5'S LAUNCH CAMPAIGN VIDEO:NARRATED FOOTAGE OF NEW HORIZON'S CAMPAIGN VIDEO:FIRST LAUNCH ATTEMPT IS SCRUBBED Pluto-bound probe rolls out to the pad on eve of launchA grand adventure to explore the outer frontier of the solar system was moved to the launch pad Monday morning for the final day of preparations leading to blastoff.IMAGES: Additional coverage for subscribers:VIDEO:ATLAS 5 ROCKET ROLLS TO PAD WITH NEW HORIZONS VIDEO:TIME-LAPSE VIDEO OF THE ROLLOUT VIDEO:SUNDAY'S PRE-LAUNCH NEWS BRIEFING VIDEO:ANIMATED ATLAS 5 LAUNCH PREVIEW WITH NARRATION VIDEO:NEW HORIZONS SCIENCE BRIEFING VIDEO:SCIENCE INSTRUMENTS BRIEFING-PART 1 VIDEO:SCIENCE INSTRUMENTS BRIEFING-PART 2 First mission to 9th planetNew Horizons was built to become the first robotic explorer to visit Pluto and probe the Kuiper Belt in the outskirts of the planetary neighborhood. Check out this highly-detailed five-part preview story examining NASA's New Horizons mission.Additional coverage for subscribers:VIDEO:NEW HORIZONS MOUNTED ATOP THE ATLAS 5 VIDEO:SPACECRAFT TRAVELS TO ROCKET ASSEMBLY BUILDING VIDEO:MISSION LOGO APPLIED TO THE ATLAS 5'S FAIRING VIDEO:SPACECRAFT ENCAPSULED WITHIN ROCKET NOSE CONE Probe nears launch on mission of pure explorationIt is astronomers' insatiable quest to examine the conditions billions of years ago when the planet of our solar system were formi
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Animation shows Cassini firing its engine to enter orbit around Saturn. Credit: NASA TV/Spaceflight NowIf all goes well, Cassini will brake into orbit around Saturn the night of June 30, firing its main engine for a nerve-wracking 96.4 minutes. Another 51-minute rocket firing in late August will raise the low point of Cassini's orbit and set the stage for a true voyage of discovery. Equipped with state-of-the-art telescopes, an imaging radar system and a battery of other powerful instruments, Cassini will spend at least four years orbiting the sixth planet from the sun, studying its rings in unprecedented detail, making high-resolution movies of its windy atmosphere, charting its magnetic field and mapping a host of icy moons. Saturn's largest moon, Titan, will get special treatment in January when the European-built Huygens probe now bolted to Cassini's hull makes a parachute descent to the surface through the moon's smoggy atmosphere. Bigger than the planet Mercury, Titan is the only moon in the solar system with a thick atmosphere, one in which hydrocarbons fall as rain and liquid ethane pools on its ultra-cold surface. "Imagine a world that's smaller than Mars and bigger than the planet Mercury, where the air is four times denser at its surface than the air in this room and the surface pressure is about the same as you'd experience at the bottom of a neighborhood swimming pool," said Jonathan Lunine, a University of Arizona physicist and a member of the Cassini science team. "On that world, the distant sun is never seen and at high noon, things are no brighter than a partly moonlit night on the Earth. "Because of its great distance, the cold is so enormous that water is always frozen out of the atmosphere. Nitrogen is nearly so, but not quite. And the simplest organic molecule, methane, is there to take the place of water as a cloud former, possibly a rain maker and maybe even the stuff of lakes or seas of hydrocarbons. "The methane is lofted hundreds of miles above the surface of this world," Lunine said before Cassini's launch in 1997. "It's cracked open by sunlight and cosmic rays and a menagerie of more complicated organics is produced from the methane and these then float down to the surface to accumulate over time, perhaps to depths of hundreds of meters or more. Volcanism and impacts shape the surface and provide energy to make ever more complex organic molecules in a planet-wide tapestry that is an organic chemist's dream. "What I have described to you is Titan, the second largest moon in the solar system, nearly the largest. It was partly revealed to us by Voyager 1 in 1980. Through its many instruments, Voyager discovered and characterized a dense atmosphere around this cold world. Yet ... Voyager's cameras could not penetrate the organic haze and so we still do not know what awaits Cassini-Huygens at the end of its journey." An artist's concept shows the Huygens craft making its descent to Titan. Credit: ESABut in the years since Cassini's launch, optical and radar observations from Earth have given scientists at least a hint of what the spacecraft might find. Scientists are convinced lakes or small oceans of liquid hydrocarbons exist on Titan, but not a globe-spanning sea. One way or the other, the European Space Agency's Huygens probe should resolve the matter, perhaps even splashing down in one of the frigid pools. "Titan is almost certainly not the home of life today," Lunine said. "But the organic chemical cycles that go on may constitute a chemical laboratory for replaying some of the steps that led to life on Earth. Titan is in some ways the closest analogue we have to the Earth's environment before life began and this makes Titan very important." The Cassini mother ship, meanwhile, will fly through 76 ever-changing orbits of Saturn over the next four years, using the gravity of Titan to warp its trajectory, setting up subsequent encounters. Forty-five flybys of Titan are planned, four of the moon Enceladus, two each for Iapetus, Rhea and Tethys and one each for Mimas, Hyperion and Dione. Put another way, Cassini will make more than 50 close passes by seven of Saturn's 31 known moons. Flyby altitudes will be as low as 310 miles, but Titan encounters will be limited to about 590 miles to avoid possible aerodynamic effects from flying through the extreme upper reaches of its atmosphere. Cassini will use its dish antenna to make radar maps of Titan's hidden surface. Special filters will be used to permit its cameras to glimpse the surface through specific spectral "windows." While scientists aren't sure what they will see, the mission could provide key insights into how life began on Earth. "Probably the most important thing that our generation can do is to understand the evolution of life in our solar system and throughout the universe," said Charles Elachi, director of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and leader of the Cassini radar experiment. "In a sense, Cassini will write one of those chapters ... in the book of how life evolved in our universe." And throughout the voyage, Cassini's instruments will study Saturn itself, its rings and its space environment. Workers put final touches on Cassini at Kennedy Space Center prior to launch in 1997. Credit: NASA-KSC"This mission's objective is a four-year, close-up study of the Saturnian system, including its atmosphere, the magnetosphere surrounding Saturn, those rings, its many icy moons and the large moon, Titan," said Wesley Huntress, NASA's associate administrator for space science at the time of Cassini's launch. "The mission represents a rare opportunity to gain significant insights into major scientific questions about the creation of the solar system, pre-life conditions he
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STORY WRITTEN FOR & USED WITH PERMISSIONPosted: December 16, 2006NASA's Mission Management Team today decided to add a fourth spacewalk to Discovery's mission in a bid to fully retract an unruly solar array on the international space station. The decision was announced during a spacewalk by Robert Curbeam and Sunita Williams to finish re-wiring the orbital outpost."We are go for EVA-4 on flight day 10," astronaut Stephen Robinson radioed from Houston.Curbeam and Williams plan to inspect the partially retracted P6-4B array later today and to possibly shake its storage box in a bid to free a presumably hung up guide wire preventing the blankets from folding smoothly.Assuming that doesn't resolve the issue, Curbeam and Swedish astronaut Christer Fuglesang will carry out a fourth spacewalk Monday to attempt some sort of repair.Under that scenario, Discovery would undock from the station Tuesday and the astronauts would carry out a final heat shield inspection Wednesday. After packing up Thursday, landing at the Kennedy Space Center would be expected around 3:56 p.m. Friday.Curbeam and Williams successfully wrapped up a complex re-wiring job today, routing solar array electricity through two main bus switching units, transformers and other equipment making up channels 1 and 4 of the space station's electrical power system. Flight controllers then successfully activated a critical pump to circulate ammonia coolant through cold plates and radiators to keep the electrical components from overheating.Curbeam and Fuglesang wired in electrical power system channels 2 and 3 during a spacewalk Thursday. Today's work completed the station's switch over from interim to permanent power, a major milestone that clears the way for future crews to build out the station's main solar array truss and, eventually, to add new modules.Building out the main power truss requires astronauts to fold up and move the P6 solar arrays, which provided interim power to the station. P6 eventually will be moved to the far left side of the power truss where it will joint a set of arrays known as P4 that were attached in September.The Discovery astronauts attempted to retract the left wing of the P6 array, known as P6-4B, on Wednesday but they were only able to pull it in about half way. Several of the slats in the folding blankets failed to fold evenly, stopping the process in its tracks. Repeated attempts to free a presumably jammed guide wire were unsuccessful.Engineers initially said the array could be safely left as is, that it had enough structural rigidity in its partially retracted state to withstand shuttle and Russian Progress supply ship dockings and undockings. But there were questions about whether it was up to the jarring from Soyuz crew capsule dockings at a port closest to the array.NASA managers said earlier an additional spacewalk to deal with the array would force the astronauts to forego a planned final heat shield inspection after undocking because the shuttle only has enough hydrogen and oxygen for its electricity producing fuel cells to stay in orbit until Saturday at the latest.The original flight plan called for a landing Thursday at the Kennedy Space Center, preserving two weather contingency days. NASA seldom cuts into the weather reserve, prompting speculation that an additional spacewalk would rule out the late heat shield inspection.NASA went into Discovery's flight with an understanding that a post-undocking heat shield checkout could be taken off the table if the astronauts had problems with the space station electrical work that might require an additional spacewalk.But during today's Mission Management Team meeting, senior agency managers concluded an additional spacewalk would, in fact, be required to deal with the recalcitrant solar array.The repair work could have been deferred to the station's three-person crew, but spacewalks use the buddy system and a single astronaut would be required to stay inside and operate the retraction system as well as the space station's big robot arm.In the end, the MMT, chaired by John Shannon, decided to add a spacewalk to Discovery's mission to resolve the matter sooner rather than later. The P6-2A wing, currently fully extended to the right side of the station, is scheduled to be retracted in March and engineers would like to have experience with P6-4B before attempting a second retraction that might result in the same problem.The P6 array, with both wings fully retracted, is scheduled to be unbolted and moved to the far left end of the station's solar array truss in September.Along with adding another spacewalk to Discovery's mission, the MMT also decided to preserve the final heat shield inspection, giving up one of the shuttle's two weather contingency days.With only one weather contingency day beyond that, NASA likely will activate both of its backup landing sites at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., and White Sands, N.M., on Friday. Touchdown at the Kennedy Space Center, weather permitting, is scheduled for 3:56 p.m.Video coverage for subscribers only:VIDEO:WIDESCREEN VIEW FROM PLAYALINDA BEACH TRACKER VIDEOISCOVERY'S LAUNCH THROUGH FUEL TANK SEPARATION VIDEO:SHORT CLIP OF DISCOVERY BLASTING OFF VIDEO:ASTRONAUTS DEPART QUARTERS FOR PAD VIDEO:CREW FINISHES DONNING SPACESUITS VIDEO:ASTRONAUTS IN DINING ROOM VIDEO:TIME-LAPSE MOVIE OF PAD GANTRY ROLLBACK VIDEO:LONGER LENGTH MOVIE OF THE SCRUB VIDEO:SCRUB CALLED DUE TO LOW CLOUDS VIDEO:ASTRONAUTS DEPART QUARTERS FOR PAD VIDEO:CREW FINISHES DONNING SPACESUITS VIDEO:ASTRONAUTS IN DINING ROOM THURSDAY VIDEO:PAD'S ROTATING SERVICE STRUCTURE ROLLED BACK VIDEO:POST-ARRIVAL COMMENTS FROM THE CREW VIDEO:ASTRONAUTS ARRIVE IN WAVE OF T-38 JETS VIDEO:BIOGRAPHIES OF THE DISCOVERY ASTRONAUTS VIDEO:NARRATED STS-116 MISSION PREVIEW MOVIE VIDEO:WEDNESDAY'S SHUTTLE BRIEFING IN ITS ENTIRETY BRIEFING SOUNDBITES:VIDEO:THE
Jordan 23+614.10.14 07:10

STORY WRITTEN FOR & USED WITH PERMISSIONPosted: November 30, 2006Space station engineers believe a Russian rocket firing to boost the lab's altitude, needed to permit the shuttle Discovery to dock on flight day three of its upcoming mission, was aborted Wednesday because of the station's unbalanced mass. The Progress cargo ship docked to the Zvezda module (as seen on the top of this picture taken from below the station) stopped the altitude reboost Wednesday. Photo: NASA-KSCEven with the abort, and if no additional firings are attempted before Discovery's launch, an orbital analysis shows the shuttle will have flight day three docking opportunities Dec. 7, the current launch date, as well as Dec. 9, 11, 13, 15-22, 24 and 26. Any launch through Dec. 17 will result in a landing before the end of the year, even with two contingency days for bad weather or other problems. But Dec. 26 is the actual end of the launch window based on the station's orbit.The aborted rocket firing Wednesday would have boosted the station's orbit enough to permit FD-3 dockings every day through the Dec. 17 end-of-year launch target. But the planned 18-minute 22-second firing was terminated after just three minutes and 16 seconds, apparently due to the unbalanced mass and because the station's orientation was not constant."That consistent orientation, or attitude, is required for the reboost to continue to avoid any tumbling or excess stresses on the mechanical systems of the international outpost," NASA spokesman Kelly Humphries said today from space station mission control at the Johnson Space Center.The station is asymmetrical at present due to the addition of a new set of solar arrays on the left end of its main power truss during a shuttle flight in September. The reboost maneuver Wednesday, using engines in a Progress supply ship attached to the back end of the Zvezda command module, was the first since the new arrays were added."Attitude managers have been watching over the systems and looking for opportunities that they could find a good configuration of the thrusters that would allow for another reboost attempt," Humphries said. "No decision yet."The next opportunity for a rocket firing is Friday, but engineers say it's doubtful Russian flight controllers will resolve the issue by then.The shuttle Discovery is scheduled for launch Dec. 7 to re-wire the space station, allowing it take advantage of the new port-side solar arrays. But Discovery must dock on the third day of its mission to complete all the planned work.While the Russians investigate reboost options, NASA engineers are troubleshooting a glitch Tuesday in which a circuit breaker popped open during tests of new solar array control software.The new port-side arrays are designed to rotate like a big paddlewheel once operational, allowing them to stay face-on to the sun as the station circles the globe. During Discovery's mission, the solar alpha rotary joint, or SARJ, that physically turns the huge solar wings will be turned on for the first time.But one of two circuit breakers that routes power to the SARJ motors tripped open Tuesday during a test of new software designed to adjust the alignment of the motors and the drive gear.Engineers are conducting tests to determine whether the trip was caused by the software or by some sort of hardware problem. Based on preliminary testing, they suspect it was software related. But troubleshooting is not yet complete.The issue is critical because without a fix, the system would have no redundancy. A second remote power controller trip during the upcoming space station re-wiring work could trigger a blackout aboard the lab complex."The work ongoing now is to gather additional data what might have happened in the software associated with that solar array rotary joint," Humphries said. "Later today, they are going to pull down some data from the multiplexer-demultiplexer computer that transmits the data back and forth between that remote power controller and the truss structure."A software-related data communications glitch involving the MDM could be responsible for the trip. But troubleshooting is not yet complete.Video coverage for subscribers only:VIDEO:WEDNESDAY'S SHUTTLE BRIEFING IN ITS ENTIRETY BRIEFING SOUNDBITES:VIDEO:THE ISSUES DISCUSSED AT FRR VIDEO:NOT YOUR FATHER'S FRR VIDEO:READY TO RESUME NIGHT LAUNCHES VIDEO:LAUNCH PREPS PROCEEDING WELL VIDEO:YEAR-END ROLLOVER CONCERNS VIDEO:REASSESSING TANK FOAM RISK VIDEO:STATION SOLAR ARRAY DRIVE SYSTEM PROBLEM VIDEO:PRESSURIZATION PRECAUTIONS AT THE PAD VIDEO:OVERVIEW OF STS-116 MISSION VIDEO:SHUTTLE/ISS PROGRAM PERSPECTIVE VIDEO:PREVIEW OF MISSION'S SPACEWALKS VIDEO:ASTRONAUTS' PRE-FLIGHT NEWS BRIEFING VIDEO:COVERAGE OF PRACTICE COUNTDOWN ACTIVITIES VIDEOISCOVERY ROLLS TO THE PAD VIDEOISCOVERY MATED TO TANK AND BOOSTERS VIDEO:SHUTTLE HOISTED VERTICALLY INSIDE VAB VIDEOISCOVERY HAULED FROM HANGAR TO VAB VIDEO:PORT 5 TRUSS PAYLOAD PACKED UP VIDEO:CREW VISITS KENNEDY SPACE CENTER VIDEO:EXTERNAL FUEL TANK MATED TO BOOSTERS MORE: John Glenn Mission PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The historic first orbital flight by an American is marked by this commemorative patch for John Glenn and Friendship 7.Final Shuttle Mission PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The crew emblem for the final space shuttle mission is available in our store. Get this piece of history!Celebrate the shuttle programFree shipping to U.S. addresses!This special commemorative patch marks the retirement of NASA's Space Shuttle Program. Available in our store!Anniversary Shuttle PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!This embroidered patch commemorates the 30th anniversary of the Space Shuttle Program. The design features the space shuttle Columbia's historic maiden flight of April 12, 1981.Mercury anniversaryFree shipping to U.S. addresses!Celebrate the 50th ann
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STORY WRITTEN FOR & USED WITH PERMISSIONPosted: August 2, 2005Editor's Note...The following discussion was uplinked to the Discovery astronautsovernight as part of a lengthy daily "execute package" from mission control.It is fairly technical, but given the recent discussion about protruding gapfillers and how they might affect the shuttle Discovery's aerodynamicsduring re-entry, it provides insight into how managers reached the decisionto order a spacewalk repair. Acronyms are spelled out for clarity, but thereader is assumed to be familiar with the general thrust of the discussion.SOURCE: NASAThe major discussion and decision point from the MMT (mission managementteam) today was with regard to performing the EVA (spacewalk) task to removethe 2 protruding gap fillers. The MMT decided that the prudent course ofaction was to add this task to EVA 3 to remove the uncertainty and potentialconcerns for flying entry with the gap fillers in place. As a result we aresending along more details of the task and timeline, and the overall planfor EVA 3 with this task inserted.The MMT decision resulted after careful deliberation and extensivediscussion on the potential thermal and structural effects of leaving thegap fillers in place and experiencing early boundary layer transition (BLT),as compared to the relative risk aspects of this particular EVA task. Thefollowing outlines some of those particulars, and of course we're alsosending along the presentation material for your consideration.The aero/thermal team outlined their approach to predicting the point atwhich early transition could occur, and they then discussed the resultingpotential thermal implications for both the RCC (reinforced carbon carbonleading edge panels) and TPS (thermal protection system) tile. As you knowthere are many challenges in this area, not the least of which is that thewind tunnel and CFD (computational fluid dynamics) data bases do not coverthis Mach regime, and of course the only flight test data we have is thatfor Shuttle entry, since no other winged vehicles have flown in this regime.We have had 2 documented cases of early BLT at about M (Mach) 18, STS-28 andSTS-73.We have had several cases of early transition and ABLT (asymmetricboundary layer transition) at lower Mach numbers, the majority of them inthe M 12-15 region. For reference, transition normally occurs in the M 8-12region. As a result, the team used this limited flight data for the M 18early BLT's to extrapolate on the currently accepted and certified model forBLT.The extrapolation was necessary in order to consider the effects ofhaving early BLT with our flight conditions, primarily because these gapfillers are further forward relative to our data base, and among otherthings the BL is thinner in this area over these forward nose tiles. The enditem answer is that because of the further forward position and the amountof protrusion that we have, approximately 1 inch, the resulting bestestimate for early BLT is about M 21.5 (+/- 2.5M).The team then evaluated the potential effects of an early BLT in thisMach regime, and presented the results for both the RCC and the TPS tilearea. It was noted that as it relates to the RCC, we have no documentedflight evidence or reason to believe that we have ever had early transitionthat affected the RCC. Said differently, we have no evidence that we haveever had turbulent flow wash onto the RCC in these regions of higherheating.However, given an early BLT at M 21.5 and the resulting flow due to thesegap fillers being off-centerline, the analyses show that we could haveturbulent flow wash onto the RCC. It was noted that these analyses wereoverall best estimate (conservative in some aspects and best estimate inother aspects). The magnitude of the resultant heating could be on the orderof the heating rates that we expect on a TAL (trans-Atlantic landing) forexample, where we go to the single use RCC limits of ~ 3250 deg F. This iscompared to the nominal EOM (end of mission) multi-flight reuse limits thatwe design to of about 2950 deg F.If the early BLT occurred at the high end of the uncertainty at about M24 the heating rate could be even higher than our TAL limits by about 100deg F. For the tile areas, the analyses showed that this thermal profilecould result in negative margins on the mid-body and aft fuselage structuresfrom the normal 1.4 FS (factor of safety). The results ranged from slightlynegative margins to as much as a 30% decrease in the FS (0.98 FS) dependingon the exact tile locations.As a note, the aero and flight control communities also reviewed theseconditions and determined that there would be no concerns. As you'll recallthe WRAP DAP (digital autopilot software) was designed to handle earlytransition and ABLT, so these satisfactory results were expected. As such,the MMT opted to not review those specific details, although the technicalcommunity did the necessary rigor for completeness.The team acknowledged that there is high uncertainty in the analyses fordetermining just how early BLT could occur, as well as for determining theresulting potential thermal implications for the RCC and tile. It ispossible that we've flown with these conditions before, however we do nothave data to show that we have and therefore we cannot prove that it wouldbe a lower risk than the EVA task. As such, given the relative risk trade between the potential for theseheating conditions as compared to the EVA task to remove the gap fillers,the MMT determined that the EVA was the prudent approach. As for theproposed EVA 3 task, the first and preferred option is to remove the gapfillers by pulling them out with the gloved fingers, or the forceps ifrequired. The downmode will be to cut them off to the lowest level feasible,with the hacksaw or scissors. If they are left in place the desire is to getthem to a height of no more than 29 ~ 0.4 ". The general plan would be topre-position ESP-2 on FD
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STORY WRITTEN FOR & USED WITH PERMISSIONPosted: August 2, 2006Finally catching a break from the weather, the shuttle Atlantis was hauled to its ocean-side launch pad early today for final preparations before blastoff at the end of the month on a space station assembly mission. Atlantis arrives at pad 39B. Credit: NASA-KSCThe 4.2-mile move from the Vehicle Assembly Building began at 1:05 a.m., two days late because of showers and thunderstorms that pounded Cape Canaveral Sunday night and Monday. The shuttle's mobile launch platform was "hard down" at the pad by 8:54 a.m.Atlantis' crew - commander Brent Jett, pilot Chris Ferguson, flight engineer Dan Burbank, Joe Tanner, Steve MacLean and Heidemarie Stefanyshyn-Piper - will fly to the Kennedy Space Center next week to participate in a dress-rehearsal countdown Aug. 10.Launch currently is targeted for Aug. 27, but NASA managers are considering the possibility of moving the flight up one day to Aug. 26.Atlantis' launch window is based on the international space station's orbit, the angle between the sun and the plane of the station's orbit and lighting conditions for photo documentation of the ship's external tank and heat shield. Based on those factors, the launch window extends from Aug. 27 through Sept. 13.But any launch past Sept. 7 would put the shuttle in conflict with launch of a Russian Soyuz capsule carrying the station's next full-time crew. NASA managers and their Russian counterparts want to ensure at least one day between undocking of Atlantis and arrival of the Soyuz. As a result, if Atlantis launches between Aug. 27 and Sept. 3, the Soyuz will take off Sept. 14. A shuttle launch between Sept. 4 and Sept. 7 would result in a Soyuz launch Sept. 18.A Soyuz launch later than Sept. 18 would result in a dead-of-night landing for the returning station crew, a scenario the Russians want to avoid. That means Atlantis must get off the ground by Sept. 7 at the latest unless the Russians change their launch strategy.To ensure as many launch attempts as possible, NASA engineers are assessing whether orbital lighting would be sufficient for a shuttle launch as early as Aug. 26. At issue is whether critical areas of the external tank would be illuminated sufficiently for photo documentation after separation from the shuttle.But Aug. 26 will be a challenge regardless of orbital lighting. Given Atlantis' delayed move to the pad, the launch team only has two days of contingency time left in the pad processing schedule to handle unexpected problems.The goal of the 116th shuttle mission is to install two new truss segments - port 3 and port 4 - on the left end of the station's main power and cooling truss. The port 3 truss segment features a complex rotary joint that will enable two huge solar panels making up the port 4 segment to track the sun as required to provide maximum power.Earlier today, the station's mobile transporter, used to carry the lab's robot arm from point to point along the main truss, was moved from work site 4 to work site 7 on the end of the port 1 truss segment to await Atlantis' arrival. The station arm, mounted on the transporter, will be used to move the new truss segments brought up by Atlantis into position for attachment to P1 (there is no P2 segment).The STS-115 flight plan is being revised to reflect recent changes. But here are two timelines, based on the latest rendezvous projections and a recent decision to move up undocking one day, for launch attempts Aug. 26 and Aug. 27 (in EDT and mission elapsed time)AY/EDT DD HH MM EVENT______________________________________________08/26/06Sat 04:52 PM 00 00 00 STS-115 Launch08/28/06Mon 12:13 PM 01 19 21 Atlantis docks with space station08/29/06Tue 10:52 AM 02 18 00 EVA-1 beginsTue 05:17 PM 03 00 25 EVA-1 ends08/30/06Wed 10:52 AM 03 18 00 EVA-2 beginsWed 05:22 PM 04 00 30 EVA-2 ends08/31/06Thu 08:12 AM 04 15 20 4A solar array mast deploy to 100 percentThu 09:42 AM 04 16 50 2A solar array mast deploy to 100 percent09/01/06Fri 10:52 AM 05 18 00 EVA-3 beginsFri 05:17 PM 06 00 25 EVA-3 ends09/03/06Sun 02:06 PM 07 21 14 Undocking09/06/06Wed 10:36 AM 10 17 44 Deorbit ignition (orbit 170)Wed 11:38 AM 10 18 46 Landing--------------------------------------08/27/06Sun 04:30 PM 00 00 00 STS-115 Launch08/29/06Tue 12:38 PM 01 20 08 Atlantis docks with space station08/30/06Wed 10:30 AM 02 18 00 EVA-1 beginsWed 04:55 PM 03 00 25 EVA-1 ends08/31/06Thu 10:30 AM 03 18 00 EVA-2 beginsThu 05:00 PM 04 00 30 EVA-2 ends09/01/06Fri 07:50 AM 04 15 20 4A solar array mast deploy to 100 percentFri 09:20 AM 04 16 50 2A solar array mast deploy to 100 percent09/02/06Sat 10:30 AM 05 18 00 EVA-3 beginsSat 04:55 PM 06 00 25 EVA-3 ends09/04/06Mon 02:29 PM 07 21 59 Undocking09/07/06Thu 11:00 AM 10 18 30 Deorbit ignition (orbit 171)Thu 12:02 PM 10 19 32 LandingNASA managers are expected to discuss launch date targets later this week at a program requirements change board - PRCB - meeting. An official launch date will be announced Aug. 16 at the conclusion of a two-day flight readiness review.If NASA can get Atlantis off within the available window, and if the shuttle's external tank doesn't shed any significant amounts of foam insulation, the space agency will remove a self-imposed restriction to only launch in daylight, greatly expanding the available launch windows for subsequent flights.But if Atlantis fails to get off in the August/September window, the agency will face the prospect of just three useable launch days - Oct. 26, 27 and Dec. 23 - before the end of the year because of lighting and temperature constraints based on the station's orbit.Additional coverage for subscribers:VIDEO:ATLANTIS ARRIVES AT LAUNCH PAD 39B VIDEO:ROLLOUT FROM VEHICLE
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STORY WRITTEN FOR & USED WITH PERMISSIONPosted: November 26, 2011 KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, FL--A towering Atlas 5 rocket flashed to life and vaulted into space Saturday, putting on a spectacular weekend sky show as it boosted NASA's $2.5 billion Mars Science Laboratory rover on an eight-and-a-half-month 352-million-mile voyage to the red planet.Credit: Justin Ray/Spaceflight NowSee more images on our Equipped with a nuclear power pack, a robot arm and a suite of sophisticated instruments, the mobile laboratory, dubbed Curiosity in a student naming contest, is expected to spend at least two years looking for organic compounds and signs of past or present habitability in the layered terrain at the heart of a 100-mile-wide crater.It is the most complex and scientifically ambitious Mars mission yet attempted, one that promises to revolutionize humanity's understanding of martian history and whether the planet ever had -- or still has -- the raw materials and an environment hospitable to the evolution of life.The Curiosity rover is "really a rover on steroids," Colleen Hartman, a senior manager in NASA's science directorate, said before launch. "It's an order of magnitude more capable than anything we have ever launched to any planet in the solar system. It will go longer, it will discover more than we can possibly imagine."The mission got underway on time at 10:02 a.m. EST (GMT-5) when the rover's United Launch Alliance Atlas 5 rocket roared to life and lifted away from launch complex 41 at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station.Equipped with four solid-fuel strap-on boosters for additional power, the 1.2-million-pound Atlas 5 blasted off with nearly 2 million pounds of thrust, majestically climbing away from its seaside pad and arcing away to the East through scattered clouds as it accelerated toward space.Trailing a churning cloud of fiery exhaust, the strap-on boosters were jettisoned just under one minute and 55 seconds into flight and the rocket continued on its way under the power of its Russian-built RD-180 first-stage engine.Four-and-a-half minutes after takeoff, the first stage dropped away and the hydrogen-fueled RL10 engine at the base of the Centaur second stage ignited, powering the spacecraft toward a planned 102-by-201 mile high parking orbit 11-and-a-half minutes after launch.Telemetry from the rocket was spotty during a 20-minute coast to the Mars departure point, but the Centaur re-ignited as planned for a final eight-minute burn, accelerating the spacecraft to an Earth-escape velocity of 22,500 mph. A few moments after that, at 10:46 a.m., the Mars Science Laboratory and its solar-powered interplanetary cruise stage separated from the Centaur, completing the launch phase of the mission."The launch vehicle has given us a great injection into our trajectory, and we're on our way to Mars," Project Manager Peter Theisinger said in a statement. "The spacecraft is in communication, thermally stable and power positive."During the eight-and-a-half-month cruise to Mars, engineers at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., will test the rover's instruments, adjust the craft's trajectory and tweak the control software that is vital to the mission's success."Our first trajectory correction maneuver will be in about two weeks," Theisinger said. "We'll do instrument checkouts in the next several weeks and continue with thorough preparations for the landing on Mars and operations on the surface."If all goes well, Curiosity will reach the red planet on Aug. 5 for a nail-biting six-minute plunge to the floor of Gale Crater.Just before entry, the cruise stage will re-orient the spacecraft and small weights will be ejected to change the entry vehicle's center of gravity, providing the lift necessary for a guided descent.Using an advanced heat shield to endure entry temperatures up to 3,400-degree Fahrenheit, the rover's flight computer will fire small rocket thrusters as required to fine tune the craft's fight path based on actual atmospheric conditions.Four minutes and 15 seconds after entry, at a velocity of about 900 mph and an altitude of roughly 7 miles, a huge braking parachute will unfurl, slowing the probe's plunge to a more manageable 180 mph. At that point, at an altitude of just under 1 mile, the rover and its "sky crane" rocket pack will fall free of the parachute assembly for a powered descent to the surface.For flight controllers at JPL, monitoring the computer-controlled descent, this will be the moment of truth.Too large to use airbags like those that cushioned NASA's Pathfinder, Spirit and Opportunity rovers, Curiosity will rely instead on landing rockets positioned above the rover, avoiding the challenge of coming up with a reliable way to get a one-ton vehicle off of an elevated, possibly tilted lander.Using a high-precision radar altimeter, sophisticated attitude sensors and complex software, Curiosity's radiation-hardened computer will control the dual rockets on each corner of the sky crane to achieve a steady 1.7 mph vertical descent rate.Just before touchdown, the rover will be lowered from the hovering sky crane on a long tether, gently setting down on its six 20-inch-wide wheels. At that point, the bridle will be cut, the sky crane will fly away to a crash landing and flight controllers will begin checking out and activating Curiosity.Thanks to the sky crane and the guided entry, mission planners were able to select the most scientifically interesting target -- Gale Crater -- from a list of carefully considered candidates.Starting on the floor of the vast crater and then slowly ascending the central peak through canyons and ravines visible in orbital photography, "we're basically reading the history of Mars' environmental evolution," said MSL project scientist John Grotzinger."We
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STORY WRITTEN FOR & USED WITH PERMISSIONPosted: July 12, 2005The shuttle Discovery's countdown is ticking smoothly toward blastoff Wednesday, but forecasters said today the launch likely will hinge on whether afternoon showers move out of the area before the opening of the shuttle's short launch window. Liftoff is targeted for 3:50:52 p.m. Wednesday. Shuttle forecaster Kathy Winters downgraded the forecast from 70 percent "go" to 60 percent Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. The primary concern is showers or thunderstorms within 20 nautical miles of the shuttle's emergency runway."As the sea breeze forms, we're going to see some showers and possibly even a thunderstorm develop during the countdown," Winters said. "But then as the sea breeze progresses to the west with the easterly flow, we should actually see an improvement in our weather at the launch pad. "What our main concern is going to be is that these storms will move far enough to the west to be beyond the 20-nautical-mile ring around the Shuttle Landing Facility, which is our return-to-launch-site (abort) concern. So we are expecting to see some weather in the area, but it should progress to the west." A shuttle main engine failure or some other major malfunction in the first few minutes of flight would force the crew to attempt an emergency return to the Kennedy Space Center. Because the shuttle makes a gliding approach and only has one shot at the runway, NASA flight runs require relatively clear sky, no rain and crosswinds of 15 knots or less. The 20-nautical-mile circle around the runway is intended to ensure good landing conditions a half-hour after launch when a returning crew would be on final approach. NASA test director Jeff Spaulding said there are no technical problems of any significance at pad 39B, although NASA managers plan to meet later today to resolve a few lingering technical issues. Overall, Spaulding said, "the vehicle is ready, the team's ready, I think our nation is ready and it seems like our weather will be ready so that we can begin our historic mission of returning the shuttle to flight and bringing our crew safely home." Said payload manager Scott Higginbotham: "This has been a long journey for all of us, it's been a long story in many of our lives but we're all committed to seeing that we have a happy ending." Spaulding said Discovery's crew - commander Eileen Collins, pilot James Kelly, flight engineer Stephen Robinson, Andrew Thomas, Wendy Lawrence, Charles Camarda and Japanese astronaut Soichi Noguchi - are in good spirits and ready to go. "Their mood is one of excitement as is ours and they're anxious to get back to launching," he said. "They've been training for an awful long time and certainly, they're prepared and ready for this mission. That's their focus right now." Discovery's crew plans to honor the memory of the Columbia astronauts in a ceremony aboard the shuttle on July 20, the 36th anniversary of the Apollo 11 landing on the moon in 1969. Earlier today, the families of the Columbia astronauts wished Discovery's crew well. Here is their statement:"As NASA prepares to launch the Shuttle Discovery, we, the Columbia Families, would like to show our support for the STS-114 crew and all the dedication and talent of those who supported this Return to Flight effort. We have had two and a half years to reflect daily on the loss of our loved ones as the Shuttle Columbia (STS 107) broke apart over Texas on February 1, 2003."In the aftermath of the Columbia tragedy we saw our nation?s space program reinvent itself. The extraordinary efforts of local, state and national organizations involved in the recovery effort, the Columbia Accident Investigation Board, the Return to Flight Task Group and all the NASA and aerospace industry workforce implementing the Return to Flight effort have clearly done an exemplary job in defining and reducing the technical risk as much as possible. As the families of Apollo 1 and Challenger before us, we grieve deeply but know the exploration of space must go on. We hope we have learned, and will continue to learn, from each of these accidents, so that we will be as safe as we can be in this high risk endeavor."As important as solving the technical risk is, we must be vigilant to ensure the organizational and cultural issues that contributed to Apollo, Challenger, and Columbia are forever remembered. Under the leadership of the new NASA Administrator, we have every confidence that the sacrifice of our loved ones and those that preceded them, will be realized for the benefit of all humankind."Godspeed Discovery."Additional coverage for subscribers:VIDEO:TODAY'S COUNTDOWN STATUS BRIEFING AUDIO:LISTEN TO COUNTDOWN STATUS BRIEFING VIDEO:MONDAY COUNTDOWN STATUS BRIEFING AUDIO:LISTEN TO COUNTDOWN STATUS BRIEFING VIDEO:SHUTTLE PROCESSING OVERVIEW AUDIO:LISTEN TO SHUTTLE PROCESSING OVERVIEW VIDEO:REVIEW OF PRE-LAUNCH ACTIVITIES AUDIO:LISTEN TO REVIEW OF PRE-LAUNCH ACTIVITIES VIDEO:THE LAUNCH COUNTDOWN BEGINS! VIDEO:WEATHER OFFICER GIVES LAUNCH FORECAST VIDEO:SUNDAY COUNTDOWN STATUS BRIEFING AUDIO:LISTEN TO COUNTDOWN STATUS BRIEFING VIDEO:SHUTTLE PROPULSION SYSTEM MODIFICATIONS AUDIO:LISTEN TO PROPULSION SYSTEM BRIEFING VIDEOETAILS ON NEW LAUNCH TRACKING CAMERAS AUDIO:LISTEN TO CAMERA BRIEFING VIDEO:MEET DISCOVERY'S SEVEN ASTRONAUTS VIDEO:PREVIEW OF DISCOVERY'S MISSION VIDEO:SPACE STATION WITHOUT SHUTTLE MORE: Ares 1-X PatchThe official embroidered patch for the Ares 1-X rocket test flight, is available for purchase.Apollo CollageThis beautiful one piece set features the Apollo program emblem surrounded by the individual mission logos.Expedition 21The official embroidered patch for the International Space Station Expedition 21 crew is now available from our st
Parka Woolrich Uomini31.10.14 20:02

STORY WRITTEN FOR & USED WITH PERMISSIONPosted: June 29, 2004After a seven-year voyage from Earth, NASA's $3.3 billion Cassini probe is racing toward a make-or-break rocket firing Wednesday, a 96-minute maneuver designed to put the craft in orbit around the ringed planet Saturn for a four-year scientific odyssey.Flight controllers at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., sent final commands to Cassini over the weekend, setting the stage for main engine ignition at 10:35:42 p.m. Wednesday. Cassini fires its engine to enter orbit around Saturn as illustrated in this artist's concept. Credit: NASA/JPLOperating more than 930 million miles from Earth - so far it takes radio signals an hour and 23 minutes to make a one-way trip - Cassini's on-board computer system must carry out the all-important rocket firing on its own.At this point, flight controllers can only sit and wait. And chew their nails."I think about the Cassini mission as having three primary segments and then two rather hair-graying events that connect those segments into one continuous mission," said project manager Bob Mitchell. "The segments are designing and building the spacecraft, flying the spacecraft to Saturn and then conducting the science mission at Saturn."And the hair graying events are launch and orbit insertion, which is coming up tomorrow. Now for the launch event, I think we've all recovered from that very nicely, primarily because it was just so outstandingly successful. ... We're about to go through our second hair-graying event."At a news conference today, he told reporters "I think I can speak for all the team members when I say that while we're all at least a little bit nervous, we're also very excited. It's an event we welcome very much and are pleased to have here."The goal of the Cassini mission is to study Saturn's windy atmosphere, its complex ring system, several of its icy moons and how the planet's magnetic field interacts with the space environment. In what promises to be one of the most exciting phases of the mission, a European-built probe called Huygens will be released from Cassini on Christmas Eve for a parachute descent into the thick nitrogen atmosphere of Saturn's moon, Titan, on Jan. 14.In all, Cassini is expected to complete 77 orbits of Saturn over the next four years, requiring 157 trajectory-nudging rocket firings. The gravity of Titan will be used for major course changes, with 45 planned flybys. Seven close flybys of smaller, icy moons also are planned.But first, Cassini must execute the Saturn Orbit Insertion maneuver, or SOI. This graphic shows the ring plane crossing and orbit insertion burn. Credit: NASA/JPLTo achieve orbit around Saturn, the 12,600-pound Cassini must reduce its velocity by about 1,400 mph using a rocket engine that only produces 100 pounds of push. As a result, the engine must fire for 96.4 minutes to put Cassini into the desired orbit.If the engine shuts down early, the computer will switch to a spare. But the end result must be roughly the same - 96 minutes of braking - or Cassini might not be able to achieve its long-awaited mission."There are no problems, we have no indication of any problems with the spacecraft that would have any adverse effect on SOI," Mitchell said. Added Julie Webster, lead spacecraft engineer: "This spacecraft, this whole mission has been an incredibly smooth one to fly.""This orbit insertion sequence is self contained on the spacecraft," she said. "We loaded up the last command we're going to send to it late Saturday night, Sunday morning, and we've just been clocking it out ever since and getting no indications of anything. We expect this to go very, very smoothly."The propulsion system has worked flawlessly since Cassini's launch aboard a Titan 4B rocket on Oct. 15, 1997. The only issue of any consequence was a leaking helium regulator that forced engineers to change the way they pressurize the system for major rocket firing.Helium is used to push propellants through Cassini's plumbing and into the main engine's combustion chamber at a constant pressure. The regulator controls that pressurization, which is needed for long firings like the upcoming Saturn Orbit Insertion burn.In this case, Cassini's complexity and built-in redundancy came to the rescue. By delaying the opening of a downstream latch valve to just 70 seconds or so before main engine ignition, engineers were able to work around the regulator issue with no impact to mission operations. The procedure was used for a major 88-minute Deep Space Maneuver rocket firing back in 1998 and again in late May for a six-minute burn that set up a flyby of the moon Phoebe."We've got a real nice propulsion system," lead propulsion engineer Todd Barber said in an earlier interview. "It's a plumber's nightmare, there are so many valves and alternate paths and contingency paths available that basically, we're able to handle a lot of anomalies. And the regulator leak we saw was right after launch and we've been able to accommodate that with the way we time the opening of valves, etc."Even so, Barber will feel much better after Cassini successfully brakes into orbit. "It's been a long time coming and the hopes and dreams of thousands of engineers are resting on that one evening. When we get the signal back is when we'll all go take a deep breath. Hold your ears, because they might pop." Cassini's two engines are seen in this pre-launch photo. Credit: NASA/JPLCassini is equipped with two rocket engine assemblies, REA-A and REA-B. Rocket Engine Assembly B, however, is strictly a backup. It has never been fired.Mitchell said in an interview he had high confidence the SOI maneuver will work normally and that REA-B will not be needed &qu
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Orbital Sciences' L-1011 is otherwise known as "Stargazer."L-1011 takes to the skies with Pegasus rocket When a rocket leaves Vandenberg Air Force Base, it usually involves fire, smoke and a ground-shaking roar. But a Pegasus XL rocket departed the California base at 12:58 p.m. local time Tuesday strapped to the belly of its L-1011 carrier jet.Pegasus is destined for a remote launch site halfway between Hawaii and Australia where the booster will be air-launched next Wednesday to place a NASA X-ray telescope into space.Vandenberg is the home port for Pegasus, the place where the rocket was assembled, tested and fitted with the NuSTAR spacecraft cargo. This two-day ferryflight will take the vehicle to the Kwajalein Atoll for launch into an equatorial orbit that the satellite desires.See our for the latest news on the launch.Photo credit: /Spaceflight NowFollow the countdown and launch of the Orbital Sciences Pegasus rocket with NASA's Demonstration of Autonomous Rendezvous Technology spacecraft. Reload this page for the very latest on the mission.Additional coverage for subscribers:VIDEO:L-1011 CARRIER JET TAKES OFF FROM VANDENBERG VIDEO:PEGASUS ROCKET LAUNCHES DART VIDEO:POST-LAUNCH COMMENTS FROM NASA MANAGER VIDEO:NARRATED FOOTAGE OF PRE-FLIGHT CAMPAIGN SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 2005NASA's $110 million high-risk, high-tech demonstration of a space autopilot for future human spaceships and robotic cargo craft closed within 300 feet of its target Friday night, then inexplicably ran out of fuel to the dismay of helpless engineers on the ground. Read our .1829 GMT (2:29 p.m. EDT)NASA's Demonstration of Autonomous Rendezvous Technology spacecraft ran out of fuel as it approached its target satellite for autopilot tests last night, the program manager told reporters in a news conference a short time ago. It is not clear why DART used substantially more thruster propellant than envisioned, but officials saw the craft was fighting some guidance errors earlier in the mission.DART was designed to perform two series of maneuvers around the target satellite, plus featured a 30 percent fuel margin, Jim Snoddy said. But the satellite safed itself at a distance of 92 meters from the MUBLCOM satellite instead of closing within five meters and later performing the flyaround demonstrations.Sensing it didn't have enough fuel to continue with the mission, DART backed away and began its "retirement" procedures. The craft is supposed to fire engines and deplete its hydrazine fuel in the next half-hour or so, thereby moving into a disposal orbit and formally concluding the $110 million flight.Check back later for a complete report.1446 GMT (10:46 a.m. EDT)MISSION PROBLEM. The DART spacecraft suffered a problem after reaching its target late Friday, failing to complete the planned demonstrations. The satellite went into its "retirement" mode, ending the $110 million test early.The mission was supposed to last nearly 24 hours before expending battery life and onboard fuel supplies."After a successful rendezvous, acquisition of the target spacecraft, and approach to within approximately 300 feet, DART placed itself in the retirement phase before completing all planned proximity operations, ending the mission prematurely," NASA announced a short time ago."NASA is convening a mishap investigation board to determine the reason for the DART spacecraft anomaly," the statement said.The space agency plans a news conference later today.FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 20051905 GMT (3:05 p.m. EDT)Ground teams have received early batches of data from DART, which reveal the spacecraft is performing well, a NASA spokesman says.The spacecraft is on course to rendezvous with the MUBLCOM target satellite later tonight.The entire mission of DART lasts just one-day and finishes with the craft completing a "retirement" engine firing to reach a disposal orbit where it will circle Earth for the next decade or two before re-entering the atmosphere and burning up.1810 GMT (2:10 p.m. EDT)NASA's Demonstration of Autonomous Rendezvous Technology spacecraft is alive and operating following its successful delivery into polar orbit today by the air-launched Orbital Sciences Pegasus XL rocket.The satellite is controlling itself with absolutely no human touch. The revolutionary autopilot technologies will either make or break the mission."It'll be an interesting mission where you'll really have no control of your mission once you let go of it, but that's what the technology's all about," said Jim Snoddy, DART project manager from NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center.NASA expects to release a couple of status updates during the DART rendezvous tests over the next 24 hours. Watch this page for the latest.Below is a preview of the missionART's sophisticated systems will locate the U.S. military's retired MUBLCOM communications satellite and rendezvous with the five-year old craft to demonstrate autopilot concepts. Over a one-day period, DART is programmed to perform a series of maneuvers around the target before concluding the $115 million mission.The mission timeline called for a checkout of onboard systems starting about 30 minutes after launch. The craft then begins trek to reach its target, which will take about 7 hours or so. The science phase of the DART project to navigate in and around MUBLCOM begins about 8 hours after launch and continues through tomorrow."About 21 hours into the mission, God willing, we complete everything," Snoddy said.If successful, DART will mark the first autonomous rendezvous conducted without any human involvement in U.S. space program history."DART is totally autonomous. There is no ability for human intervention," Snoddy said. "Of course systems of the future will want human intervention but DART was not designed to do that just to show that we could put all of the
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STORY WRITTEN FOR & USED WITH PERMISSIONPosted: December 17, 2006Faced with an unforgiving space station assembly sequence, NASA managers were forced to shoehorn an additional spacewalk into Discovery's mission to complete the retraction of a recalcitrant solar array. The spacewalk came at the expense of a landing weather contingency day but it was either that or give up a post-undocking heat shield inspection, an option many shuttle engineers were reluctant to consider.The issue illustrates the difficulty NASA managers may face balancing flight safety with schedule pressure resulting from the Bush administration's 2010 deadline for completing the international space station and retiring the shuttle. That somewhat arbitrary deadline leaves NASA little maneuvering room when it comes to dealing with unexpected problems like the partially retracted solar array that has disrupted the Discovery crew's schedule.In this case, NASA's options are limited by the amount of hydrogen and oxygen the shuttle can carry to generate electricity and a pre-launch decision to add a docked day to the flight because of the mission's complexity and the possibility a day would be needed to correct problems activating the lab's permanent power system.As such, Discovery's flight is classified as a 12-plus-zero-plus-two-day mission, i.e., a 12-day flight with two weather contingency days. There is not be enough hydrogen and oxygen on board to extend the mission itself beyond 12 days and still preserve two backup landing days.NASA went into Discovery's flight with an understanding that the post-undocking heat shield checkout could be taken off the table if the astronauts had problems with the space station electrical work that might require an additional spacewalk. Late inspection, in fact, did not even show up on a list of pre-flight mission priorities.This was not an issue under the original flight plan, which called for undocking Monday, late inspection Tuesday and a landing Thursday at the Kennedy Space Center, with Friday and Saturday as weather backups. But the flight plan was thrown into disarray when the astronauts ran into problems retracting a solar array on the international space station.NASA engineers concluded the P6-4B solar array could be safely left in its partially deployed state for several months, but it had to be dealt with eventually. The P6 array, which provided interim power during the lab's initial assembly, is scheduled to be moved to the left end of the station's main solar power truss in September and it cannot be moved with either of its two wings even partially extended.Only three options were available:Adding a spacewalk to Discovery's mission to complete the retractionDeferring any repair attempt to the station crew after the shuttle's departureDeferring the work to the next shuttle mission, assembly flight 13A, in MarchAdding a spacewalk to Discovery's mission, it was believed, would force NASA to give up the late heat shield inspection. That was the going-in position when agency managers approved the 12-0-2 mission plan. But it soon became clear many in the post-Columbia shuttle program viewed the late inspection as a high priority regardless of where it ranked on NASA's official list.At the same time, station managers were not keen to add a spacewalk to the three-person Expedition 14 crew's already busy schedule. Spacewalks use the buddy system and a single astronaut would be required to stay inside and operate the retraction system as well as the space station's big robot arm."We're choreographed pretty tightly now to get from here to assembly complete," station Program Manager Mike Suffredini told reporters Saturday night. "And the next step for us as a program is to go into this stage where (the Expedition 14 crew has) three EVAs where we have to finish the reconfigurations ... and hook up the lab to the central cooling system."Adding a solar array repair spacewalk would require "arm operations, two crew outside, commanding the solar array," Suffredini said. "That right there is at least four crew and you still haven't talked about your (spacewalk coordinator) crew person we normally have for each EVA."Station planners also were reluctant to add solar array repair work to the next shuttle assembly mission scheduled for March. During that flight, the other wing of the P6 array must be retracted and a new set of arrays installed.In the end, the MMT, chaired by John Shannon, decided Saturday to add a spacewalk to Discovery's mission to resolve the matter sooner rather than later. To the surprise of many shuttle observers, however, the MMT opted to retain the late inspection, giving up one of the two available landing weather contingency day instead.NASA has three shuttle landing sites in the United States: The Kennedy Space Center in Florida, Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., and Northrup Strip in White Sands, N.M. Landings at Edwards add more than a week to a shuttle's turnaround time. Only one shuttle mission ever ended at Northrup, in 1983, and it's not clear how much time would be needed to get Discovery back from New Mexico.As it turns out, the landing site is not as much of an issue for Discovery as it might normally be. Whenever the orbiter gets back to Kennedy, it will be taken off flight status for a major inspection and overhaul. The shuttle Endeavour, coming out of its own orbiter maintenance and down period, or OMDP, will serve as the emergency rescue vehicle for the March shuttle flight.But Discovery's next flight is STS-122, a high-priority mission scheduled for launch next October to carry the European Space Agency's Columbus research module into orbit. While NASA likely could make up any lost time getting Discovery back to Florida, the schedule is tight and program managers don't like to lose time on the f
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STORY WRITTEN FOR & USED WITH PERMISSIONPosted: June 24, 2004Station commander Gennady Padalka, U.S. flight engineer Mike Fincke and Russian ground controllers are troubleshooting a problem with Fincke's Orlan spacesuit that forced the crew to abort a planned six-hour spacewalk today.Another attempt could be staged as early as June 29, assuming Russian engineers can resolve the apparent oxygen leak that derailed tonight's excursion just 14 minutes and 22 seconds after it began. Four Orlan suits are on board the station and mission managers could simply opt to use one of the others. But nothing has been decided at this point."Hey, Dan, how'd you like my EVA?" Fincke radioed mission control in Houston after re-entering the space station and doffing his suit."Yeah, we're thinking you might have set a record there for one of the shortest," replied astronaut Dan Burbank from the Johnson Space Center. "But yeah, it's a shame we couldn't have finished this today, but there will be another day here.""Absolutely, and I'm really grateful to the Russian specialists to catch that leak as fast as they did, because that could have gotten into our reserves and we didn't have to go there," Fincke said. "So that was pretty good. We just came back in, shut the door and we'll just live to fight another day. And that's a good thing."Padalka and Fincke began the spacewalk, the first for the Expedition 9 crew, at 5:56 p.m. EDT when the Pirs airlock module hatch was opened to space. The goal of the spacewalk was to replace an electronic component that failed in April, shutting down one of the station's three operational control moment gyroscopes. The gyros are used to stabilize and re-orient the lab complex.Fincke exited the airlock module first, but within minutes, Russian flight controllers noticed a decrease in pressure in his primary oxygen tank."Check the pressure in the prime bottle and tell us what the rate is over the course of three minutes, how quickly the pressure is dropping," a controller radioed."Say again?""What is the pressure?""310," Fincke replied.A few moments later, the pressure had dropped to 300. Mission controllers in Moscow promptly radioed Padalka, telling him to call off the spacewalk."Copy, 300. Gennady, you need to return. Something is not right. The pressure in Michael's prime bottle is falling. So close the hatch. And you may need to switch to your backup bottle.""Copy that," Padalka replied. "OK, Michael, we're going back in."After re-entering the airlock, the spacewalkers closed the hatch, connected their suits to station supplies and repressurized the Pirs module. Padalka doffed his suit and assisted Fincke in some preliminary troubleshooting, but Russian engineers were not able to immediately identify the problem.Fincke passed on "condolences" to the planners who spent days designing the complex spacewalk. "We're going to get through this yet," he radioed. "Hang in there, everybody.""We copy that. And oh by the way, welcome to the world of seasoned EVA members," Burbank joked. "Complete with a malfunction as well.""Yeah, I could have done without the malfunction, but that's OK," Fincke said. "Yeah, I've got experience now. They can't call me a rookie. Thanks guys, and we'll be in touch."Padalka and Fincke originally planned to wear U.S. spacesuits and to exit the station from the U.S. Quest airlock, which is attached to the starboard side of the station's Unity module. The component that must be replaced, a remote power control module, or RPCM, is located on the station's S0 truss atop the U.S. Destiny laboratory module, just a few feet away from the airlock.From a management standpoint, the entire spacewalk would be carried out under the authority and direction of flight controllers at the Johnson Space Center.But during tests last month, the cooling system in one of the two NASA suits failed to operate properly. Three U.S. suits are onboard the station, but one already was sidelined with technical problems. Without two operational suits, NASA and Russian flight planners had to come up with an alternative approach.The solution was to have Padalka and Fincke don Russian Orlan suits and exit from the Pirs airlock. But that strategy posed several major challenges that conspired to delay the spacewalk by more than a month.Those challenges included:Management: Because the astronauts will exit and re-enter the station using the Russian airlock, Russian flight controllers were responsible for initial operations, handing off to Houston when the spacewalkers made it to the U.S. segment of the station. They would resume active control when Padalka and Fincke returned to the Russian segment.Translation Path: To make it the S0 worksite, Padalka and Fincke were required to exit the Pirs module and pull themselves across a long Russian boom to the front of the Russian Zarya module. From Zarya, the astronauts had to make their way across to the U.S. Unity module, around the Quest airlock module and up to the S0 truss. A fairly tortuous path as spacewalks go, flight controllers said they did not expect any problems.Communications: The Orlan spacesuits require the use of antennas mounted on the back of the Zvezda command module. At the S0 work site, the astronauts could run into blockage problems preventing normal communications through mission control near Moscow. The astronauts practiced hand signals for emergency use and planned to periodically venture to the top of the S0 truss to permit transmission of spacesuit telemetry to Moscow.The station uses four control moment gyroscopes to maintain the lab's orientation in space without having to tap into limited supplies of on-board rocket fuel. But
Raymondpl07.11.14 15:54

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STORY WRITTEN FOR & USED WITH PERMISSIONPosted: September 14, 2006;Updated after status briefing The first solar wing nears full extension. Credit: NASA TV/Spaceflight NowThe Atlantis astronauts successfully unfurled a second solar array today, giving the international space station a new set of wings stretching some 240 feet from tip to tip and completing the primary goal of the 116th shuttle mission.While the mission is far from over - a third spacewalk is on tap Friday - getting the new solar arrays attached and deployed marks a critical first step in the resumption of space station assembly after a three-and-a-half-year hiatus."We're happy to be here to tell you the truss, the P3/P4 truss is installed, the SARJ joint's checked out, the solar arrays are deployed, we're in outstanding shape," space station Program Manager Mike Suffredini told reporters. "The bottom line is, this flight has gone better than my wildest dreams."This afternoon, NASA released spectacular video of Atlantis' launch Sept. 9 that was shot by cameras mounted on the ship's twin solid-fuel boosters and in a WB-57 jet aircraft flying at 60,000 feet near the launch pad.The booster cams showed no obvious problems with the shuttle's external tank insulation and no signs of any heat shield damage. While the WB-57 footage was not as sharp, it provided dramatic views of the shuttle well after booster separation, including ignition of Atlantis' orbital maneuvering system engines for additional boost.But deployment of the space station's huge new solar arrays was the clear highlight of today's activity in space.The P3/P4 arrays are needed for the next planned assembly mission in December as NASA works through a complex sequence of flights that must be accomplished in series to build out the lab's main solar array truss and prepare the station for arrival of European and Japanese research modules.The only real hitch in an otherwise by-the-book mission was a software commanding problem Wednesday that held up test and check out of a drive system needed to rotate the new arrays to keep them face on to the sun as the station circles the globe.As it turned out, the glitch was actually a safety feature built into higher level supervisory software that controllers had not taken into account. Once they did, checkout of the solar alpha rotary joint, or SARJ, went smoothly and the Atlantis astronauts were cleared to press ahead with array deployment early today.During extension of an identical set of arrays in 2000, many of the compressed slats in the solar blanket initially stuck together due to the effects of low temperatures and atomic oxygen.When the stuck panels broke free during deployment, the arrays oscillated more than expected and caused a tension cable to jump from its guide. The system was repaired during a spacewalk and procedures were changed for today's deploy.Flight controllers first extended each wing a few feet to improve warming and release compression. Then the astronauts deployed the panels, one at a time, first to 49 percent and then, after waiting for more solar warming, out to a full 100 percent. The extension was done in a high-tension mode to help prevent the panels from pulling up at the bottom as the self-assembling masts extended.The procedure worked as planned and no problems were encountered."Good deploy of the 2A array, very similar to the deploy of the 4A array," Atlantis commander Brent Jett called around 8:45 a.m. after the second wing was fully extended."Good day for space station," replied astronaut Pam Melroy from mission control in Houston. "We confirm the solar array is also fully deployed on telemetry. Congratulations!""We're very happy to get the array out today," Brent said. "There was never any motion on the tension mechanism until it was supposed to move at the very end. There was, however, quite a bit of spring tension and when the (stuck) panels would release, the boxes would move quite a bit, but that was the same on both arrays."Suffredini was elated with how the deployment played out."A lot of folks have spent time talking about a couple of bolts (and) the software feature we rediscovered last night," he said. "But if you told me before this flight these were the only issues we were going to deal with as a program, I would have taken that and run. The only real problem I have is getting everybody to understand when we say these things are hard, really believing us, because the next flight is going to be even more difficult."But we're ecstatic today," he said. "The vehicle has performed in an outstanding way, the systems that make up the P3/P4 truss have all performed as advertised and we're well on our way to returning to assembly."The new arrays, known as P4 because they're part of left-side truss segment No. 4, were wired into the station's electrical system earlier this week during a spacewalk by Joe Tanner and Heidemarie Stefanyshyn-Piper. But the panels will not begin providing power to the station until December, when the next shuttle assembly crew arrives to carry out a major electrical system rewiring.During that flight, the left wing of the P6 solar array, currently positioned at right angles to P4 at the top of the station, will be retracted, permitting the new panels to rotate as required to track the sun.The P6 array will be moved next August to a position just outboard of P4, completing the left side of the station's main power beam. Two other arrays will be attached to the right side of the truss in February 2007 and June 2008.For the Atlantis astronauts, a third spacewalk is on tap Friday, starting at 5:15 a.m., to complete final closeouts of the new hardware and to repair S-band and KU-band antenna systems on the station.While Tanner and Joe Tanner Stefanyshyn-Piper are outs
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Posted: November 2, 2005Lockheed Martin technicians are replacing one of the solid-fuel boosters attached to the Atlas 5 rocket that will launch NASA's New Horizons spacecraft to Pluto because of damage the motor sustained during Hurricane Wilma. This file image shows an Atlas 5 solid rocket booster being raised into the Vertical Integration Facility. Credit: Lockheed MartinThe Atlas 5 is being assembled inside the 30-story Vertical Integration Facility at Cape Canaveral's Complex 41 in advance of the targeted January 11 liftoff that will send the five-ton New Horizons probe on its decade-long cosmic cruise to encounter the unexplored planet Pluto.Although the center of Wilma remained well south of the Cape, the large storm delivered heavy rain and hurricane-force winds to the Space Coast on October 24 as it sliced across Florida. A third of the 41-by-275-foot reinforced fabric "MegaDoor" on the assembly building's opening that faces the launch pad tore in the storm, causing some debris to fall inside the facility.The Atlas 5's bronze first stage and Centaur upper stage were erected atop a mobile launch platform, and the first of five strap-on solid rocket boosters was attached to the first stage when Wilma blew through. Atlas 5 rockets are put together within the VIF, then moved to the pad in the final 12 hours of the countdown.Post-storm inspections revealed a ding on the solid motor casing, prompting officials to order the booster's removal and replacement. The motor could have been safe to fly, engineers believed, but officials ruled that exchanging it would be quicker than the time required to analyze the damage and re-certify the booster. The Atlas 5 rocket to launch New Horizons will appear similar to the vehicle pictured in this image. It will feature a large nose cone, as depicted here, and strap-on solid motors. Photo: Lockheed MartinThe launch campaign resumed this week following the Wilma cleanup and vehicle assessments. A second booster was added to the Atlas 5 on Tuesday, and the remaining three boosters earmarked for the mission will be installed through next week.The damaged motor was detached Wednesday. Its replacement is expected to arrive in early December. The slender white boosters are 67 feet long. They are ignited at liftoff to provide a powerful kick in combination with the rocket's RD-180 kerosene-fueled main engine. This launch will mark the first time an Atlas 5 has flown with five strap-on boosters; earlier flights have featured pairs, and one mission used three.Exactly what caused the damage or even what punctured the MegaDoor remains unclear, officials say, since the event wasn't witnessed.A re-planning of the pre-launch schedule is being conducted to recover from the unanticipated booster replacement.The original plans allowed time off during the Thanksgiving and year-end holiday seasons. But New Horizons must depart Earth within a narrow launch window dictated by alignment of the planets, making it appear inevitable that some holiday time will have to be spent readying for the launch. New Horizons could reach Pluto as early as 2015, depending on the exact launch date. Credit: Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research InstituteThe overall launch opportunity extends from January 11 to February 14. However, the first 23 days of the window are most desirable because a launch during that period enables the spacecraft to swing past Jupiter for a gravity sling-shot that speeds the travel to Pluto. The final 12 days of the window would miss Jupiter, significantly delaying the Pluto arrival.Lockheed Martin is looking at a temporary repair to the torn MegaDoor, while hoping tropical weather systems stay clear of the Cape during the waning month of hurricane season. A long-term fix to the door is being studied.Telescopes.comLargest selection and the best prices anywhere in the world. Free shipping on select items. is the largest dealer of both Meade and Celestron Telescopes. Visit or call toll free 1-800-303-5873.STS-134 PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The final planned flight of space shuttle Endeavour is symbolized in the official embroidered crew patch for STS-134. Available in our store!Final Shuttle Mission PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The crew emblem for the final space shuttle mission is now available in our store. Get this piece of history!Apollo CollageThis beautiful one piece set features the Apollo program emblem surrounded by the individual mission logos.STS-133 PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The final planned flight of space shuttle Discovery is symbolized in the official embroidered crew patch for STS-133. Available in our store!Anniversary Shuttle PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!This embroidered patch commemorates the 30th anniversary of the Space Shuttle Program. The design features the space shuttle Columbia's historic maiden flight of April 12, 1981.Mercury anniversaryFree shipping to U.S. addresses!Celebrate the 50th anniversary of Alan Shephard's historic Mercury mission with this collectors' item, the official commemorative embroidered patch.Ares 1-X PatchThe official embroidered patch for the Ares 1-X rocket test flight, is available for purchase.Apollo CollageThis beautiful one piece set features the Apollo program emblem surrounded by the individual mission logos.Expedition 21The official embroidered patch for the International Space Station Expedition 21 crew is now available from our stores.Hubble PatchThe official embroidered patch for mission STS-125, the space shuttle's last planned service call to the Hubble Space Telescope, is available for purchase. | | | | 2014 Spaceflight Now Inc.First AEHF satellite readied for launchThis collection of photographs shows the inaugural Advanced Extremely High Frequency satellite -- AHEF 1 -- being encapsulated within the Atlas 5 rocket's nose cone at the Astrote
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Posted: August 8, 2013NOTE: GMT is 4 hours ahead of Eastern Daylight Time. Times are subject to change.Aug. 9Height Adjustment Maneuver 00137 GMT - A height adjustment maneuver, called HAM 0, will raise the HTV's altitude by changing the ship's velocity by 2.5 meters per second, or about 5 mph. This burn puts the spacecraft in an orbit about 5 kilometers, or 3 miles, below the International Space Station.Aug. 9Establish Proximity CommunicationsThe HTV establishes a proximity communications link with the space station when it passes within about 23 kilometers, or 14.3 miles, of the complex.Aug. 9Height Adjustment Maneuver 20443 GMT - Another major rendezvous maneuver will place the HTV about 5 kilometers, or 3 miles, behind the space station on the minus V-bar.Aug. 9Approach Initiation Point0805 GMT - The HTV departs the approach initiation point about 5 kilometers, or 3.1 miles, behind the space station. This is the starting point for the final rendezvous and approach sequence. The HTV will fly to a rendezvous insertion point around 500 meters, or 1,640 feet, directly below the station along the minus R-bar.Aug. 9Rendezvous Insertion Point0908 GMT - The HTV arrives at the rendezvous insertion point about 500 meters, or 1,640 feet, directly below the station along the minus R-bar. The ship will soon switch navigation sources from relative GPS to a rendezvous laser radar for the final approach.Aug. 9250 Meter Hold Point Arrival0929 GMT - Arriving at a programmed hold point 250 meters, or about 820 feet, below the station, the HTV pauses to conduct a "yaw around" maneuver position the ship for potential contingency abort maneuvers.After about 35 minutes of stationkeeping, the HTV resumes its approach to the station.Aug. 9250 Meter Hold Point Departure1004 GMT - After ground controllers analyze its health and performance, the HTV leaves the hold point to continue its approach to the station.Aug. 930 Meter Hold Point Arrival1033 GMT - The HTV stops at a point 30 meters, or 98 feet, below the space station. This is the final hold point to check the spacecraft's alignment and systems before entering the capture box.Aug. 930 Meter Hold Point Departure1053 GMT - Flight controllers instruct the HTV to leave the 30 meter point and fly to a capture box about 9 meters, or 30 feet, below the space station's Kibo laboratory module.Aug. 9Sunrise1054 GMT - The International Space Station moves into the daylight portion of its orbit.Aug. 9Capture Point1114 GMT - The HTV reaches a capture box about 9 meters, or 30 feet, directly below the station.Aug. 9Capture1129 GMT - The station's robot arm, operated by astronaut Cady Coleman, grapples the HTV as the craft hovers about 9 meters, or 30 feet, below the complex's Kibo module.Aug. 9Sunset1203 GMT - The International Space Station moves into the night portion of its orbit.Data Source: JAXA and NASAFinal Shuttle Mission PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The crew emblem for the final space shuttle mission is now available in our store. Get this piece of history!STS-134 PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The final planned flight of space shuttle Endeavour is symbolized in the official embroidered crew patch for STS-134. Available in our store!Ares 1-X PatchThe official embroidered patch for the Ares 1-X rocket test flight, is available for purchase.Apollo CollageThis beautiful one piece set features the Apollo program emblem surrounded by the individual mission logos.Project OrionThe Orion crew exploration vehicle is NASA's first new human spacecraft developed since the space shuttle a quarter-century earlier. The capsule is one of the key elements of returning astronauts to the Moon.Fallen Heroes Patch CollectionThe official patches from Apollo 1, the shuttle Challenger and Columbia crews are available in the store. | | | | 2014 Spaceflight Now Inc.Japan dispatches delivery mission to space station SPACEFLIGHT NOWPosted: January 22, 2011 LOS ANGELES -- Japan successfully launched a robotic spaceship Saturday with supplies to stock the International Space Station with scientific gear, spare parts and provisions for the lab's six-person crew. The H-2B rocket launched Saturday from southern Japan. Credit: JAXAThe 35,000-pound orbital freighter blasted off aboard an H-2B rocket at 0537:57 GMT (12:37:57 a.m. EST) from Launch Pad No. 2 at the Tanegashima Space Center, an island base at the southern tip of Japan.The 186-foot-tall rocket soared into a mostly clear sky, breaking the sound barrier about a minute after setting off from its seaside launch pad. Four solid rocket boosters jettisoned two minutes into the flight, and the launcher's twin first stage main engines cut off less than four minutes later.A hydrogen-fueled second stage placed the H-2 Transfer Vehicle in orbit and deployed the payload 15 minutes after leaving Earth. The rocket was aiming for an orbit between 124 miles and 186 miles high with an inclination angle of 51.6 degrees to the equator.The rocket's actual orbital parameters were not immediately available, but a NASA spokesperson reported the launch was successful and said the HTV was transmitting data back to Japanese engineers in Tsukuba, a scientific hub just outside of Tokyo."The launch vehicle flew smoothly, and, at about 15 minutes and 13 seconds after liftoff, the separation of the Kounotori 2 was confirmed," the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency said in a written statement.Japan is calling the spacecraft Kounotori 2, which means white stork.JAXA confirmed the craft was controlling its orientation in space and activating key systems in the moments after reaching orbit.The launch was delayed two days by bad weather earlier this week.Saturday's mission is the second time Japan has launched the H-2B rocket and HTV cargo ship. JAXA and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries developed both vehicles as part of their contribution to the space station program
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Photographer Ben Cooper captured this incredible view of Friday night's Minotaur 5 launch from the top of Rockefeller Center in New York City, showing the launcher's first and second stage burns. See a . Credit: Ben Cooper/Follow the countdown and launch of the Orbital Sciences Minotaur rocket with the U.S. Air Force's XSS-11 technology demonstration satellite. Reload this page for the very latest on the mission.MONDAY, APRIL 11, 20051539 GMT (11:39 a.m. EDT)Deploying tiny probes to inspect or service spacecraft in distress and flying satellites that can operate with limited human touch are the chief goals behind a state-of-the-art technology demonstration mission successfully launched into Earth orbit this morning. Read our .1415 GMT (10:15 a.m. EDT)T+plus 40 minutes. There has been no further word on the McMurdo communications pass. Spacecraft mission managers had cautioned before the launch that it could be 100 minutes after liftoff before data would be available to confirm a good release of XSS-11 from the Minotaur fourth stage.1350 GMT (9:50 a.m. EDT)T+plus 15 minutes. Engineers are hoping that the McMurdo tracking station in Antarctica will pick up the rocket's telemetry in about 20 minutes to potentially confirm spacecraft separation from the launch vehicle.We will post confirmation of a successful launch outcome as soon as officials make that announcement.1349 GMT (9:49 a.m. EDT)T+plus 14 minutes. LOS of data. The rocket has passed out of range from the tracking station at Vandenberg as expected. It could be almost two hours before controllers acquire signal from the XSS-11 spacecraft to determine a successful separation from the fourth stage motor.1347 GMT (9:47 a.m. EDT)T+plus 12 minutes, 25 seconds. The launch team computes that the orbit achieved is on target.1346 GMT (9:46 a.m. EDT)T+plus 11 minutes, 50 seconds. Thrust is tailing off from the solid-fueled fourth stage.1346 GMT (9:46 a.m. EDT)T+plus 11 minutes, 22 seconds. All systems appear normal as fourth stage continues to burn.1345 GMT (9:45 a.m. EDT)T+plus 10 minutes, 43 seconds. Fourth stage stage ignition with normal pressures reported.1345 GMT (9:45 a.m. EDT)T+plus 10 minutes, 30 seconds. The third stage has been jettisoned from the fourth stage. Coming up on ignition of the fourth stage.1343 GMT (9:43 a.m. EDT)T+plus 8 minutes, 45 seconds. Rocket health status is still looking normal.1342 GMT (9:42 a.m. EDT)T+plus 7 minutes. The rocket is coasting to the high point of its initial suborbital trajectory achieved to this point in the launch. Once at apogee in a few minutes, the spent third stage will separate and the fourth stage motor will ignite to circularize the orbit for deployment of XSS-11.1341 GMT (9:41 a.m. EDT)T+plus 6 minutes. The vehicle's systems remain in good shape. 1339 GMT (9:39 a.m. EDT)T+plus 4 minutes, 45 seconds. The Minotaur remains on course. Performance so far in this launch indicates the target apogee altitude high point will be reached.1338 GMT (9:38 a.m. EDT)T+plus 3 minutes, 30 seconds. The solid-fuel third stage has burned out, and the rocket is now in a brief coast period.1338 GMT (9:38 a.m. EDT)T+plus 3 minutes. Third stage solid motor continues to fire. All appears normal.1337 GMT (9:37 a.m. EDT)T+plus 2 minutes, 27 seconds. The rocket's payload fairing nose cone has separated.1337 GMT (9:37 a.m. EDT)T+plus 2 minutes, 17 seconds. Third stage ignition confirmed as the spent second stage falls way. This sheds the Minuteman 2 portion of Minotaur and the Pegasus heritage takes over.1336 GMT (9:36 a.m. EDT)T+plus 1 minute, 45 seconds. The rocket's attitude and orientation are correct.1336 GMT (9:36 a.m. EDT)T+plus 80 seconds. Second stage performing as expected as the Minotaur soars into the early morning sky.1336 GMT (9:36 a.m. EDT)T+plus 67 seconds. The first and second stages have separated. Second stage has ignited.1335 GMT (9:35 a.m. EDT)T+plus 45 seconds. Attitude is normal as the vehicle passed through maximum dynamic pressures.1335 GMT (9:35 a.m. EDT)T+plus 25 seconds. System status is normal.1335 GMT (9:35 a.m. EDT)T+plus 10 seconds. First stage motor pressure nominal.1335 GMT (9:35 a.m. EDT)LIFTOFF! Liftoff of the Minotaur rocket launching the Air Force Research Laboratory's Experimental Satellite System-11 spacecraft to demonstrate new autonomous satellite features in Earth orbit.1334 GMT (9:34 a.m. EDT)T-minus 1 minute. 1333 GMT (9:33 a.m. EDT)T-minus 90 seconds. The rocket ordnance has been armed.1333 GMT (9:33 a.m. EDT)T-minus 2 minutes. Auto sequence start. Flight computer is controlling the countdown.1332 GMT (9:32 a.m. EDT)T-minus 2 minutes, 30 seconds. Coming up on auto sequence start in 30 seconds.1331 GMT (9:31 a.m. EDT)T-minus 3 minutes, 15 seconds. The Air Force-controlled Western Range is clear for launch.1331 GMT (9:31 a.m. EDT)T-minus 3 minutes, 40 seconds. The air conditioning duct to the rocket's payload fairing has been retracted.1331 GMT (9:31 a.m. EDT)T-minus 4 minutes. The flight computer is armed. Also, the C-band tracking beacon is working normally on interal power.1330 GMT (9:30 a.m. EDT)T-minus 5 minutes. The rocket's avionics are switching to internal power.1329 GMT (9:29 a.m. EDT)T-minus 6 minutes. The final management poll is now complete and no problems are standing in the way of liftoff.1328 GMT (9:28 a.m. EDT)T-minus 6 minutes, 45 seconds. The XSS-11 spacecraft has been declared "go" for launch.1326 GMT (9:26 a.m. EDT)T-minus 8 minutes, 30 seconds. The flight termination system is now armed.1326 GMT (9:26 a.m. EDT)T-minus 9 minutes. The rocket's flight termination system is switching to interal power. The FTS would be used to destroy the rocket should a problem arise during flight.1325 GMT (9:25 a.m. EDT)T-minus 10 minutes and counting. Experimental Satellite System-11 spacecraft has gone to internal battery power for launch.1323 GMT (9:23 a.m. EDT)T-minus 12 minutes. The launch time is b
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Posted: March 16, 2005A circuit breaker aboard the international space station popped open early today, interrupting power to one of the three operational gyroscopes used to maintain the lab's orientation in space. NASA officials said the failure would have no immediate impact and that the space station's orientation could be maintained with just two gyros while engineers study the problem.The circuit breaker in question, known as a remote power controller, wasinstalled during a spacewalk last June by Expedition 9 commander GennadyPadalka and flight engineer Mike Fincke. The unit replaced one that failedApril 21, 2004. It is not yet known what caused the replacement RPC to failat 3:17 a.m. EST (0817 GMT) today.The space station is equipped with four massive control momentgyroscopes. By controlling how fast the gyros spin, the station can bere-oriented or maintained in a desired "attitude" without using Russianrocket thrusters and tapping into limited amounts of on-board fuel.CMG-1 failed and shut down June 8, 2002. A replacement will be carriedaloft aboard the shuttle Discovery in May for installation during one ofthree spacewalks by shuttle astronauts Stephen Robinson and Soichi Noguchi.While the station can operate with just two gyros, NASA wants to restorefull redundancy as soon as possible to protect against additional failuresdownstream.The loss of CMG-2, assuming it cannot be brought back on line, is not inand of itself a constraint to Discovery's launch. But without threeoperating gyros, the combined station-shuttle crews would not be able tore-position Discovery with the ship's robot arm for possible repairs if anymajor debris-related damage is incurred during launch.While no one expects such damage, NASA is viewing Discovery's mission as atest flight of sorts to make sure modifications to the shuttle's externalfuel tank will work to minimize foam shedding. Just in case, flightcontrollers have devised plans for re-orienting the shuttle after it isdocked to the station to provide access if repairs in hard-to-reach areasare, in fact, required.At least one spare RPC already is aboard the space station andDiscovery's crew will deliver four more. But no decisions about a possiblespacewalk replacement will be made until flight controllers and engineershave exhausted ongoing efforts to restore the RPC to service by remotecontrol."Flight controllers will continue to try commanding that RPC closed todayand mission managers will assess the condition of the circuit breaker ...tomorrow morning," said a NASA spokeswoman in mission control at the JohnsonSpace Center in Houston.In other developments, the space station's Russian Elektron oxygengenerator, which shut down late last week, is back in operation. After extensive troubleshooting, the unit was successfully restarted at 7:53 a.m. EST today.Telescopes.comLargest selection and the best prices anywhere in the world. Free shipping on select items. is the largest dealer of both Meade and Celestron Telescopes. Visit or call toll free 1-800-303-5873.Apollo 11 Mission ReportApollo 11 - The NASA Mission Reports Vol. 3 is the first comprehensive study of man's first mission to another world is revealed in all of its startling complexity. Includes DVD!Choose your store: - - - Soviet SpaceFor the first time ever available in the West. Rocket & Space Corporation Energia: a complete pictorial history of the Soviet/Russian Space Program from 1946 to the present day all in full color. Available from our store.Choose your store: - - - Viking patchThis embroidered mission patch celebrates NASA's Viking Project which reached the Red Planet in 1976.Choose your store: - - - Apollo 7 DVDFor 11 days the crew of Apollo 7 fought colds while they put the Apollo spacecraft through a workout, establishing confidence in the machine what would lead directly to the bold decision to send Apollo 8 to the moon just 2 months later. Choose your store: - - - Gemini 12Gemini 12: The NASA Mission Reports covers the voyage of James Lovell and Buzz Aldrin that capped the Gemini program's efforts to prove the technologies and techniques that would be needed for the Apollo Moon landings. Includes CD-ROM.Choose your store: - - - Apollo 11 special patchSpecial collectors' patch marking the 35th anniversary of the historic Apollo 11 moon landing is now available.Choose your store: - | | | | 2014 Spaceflight Now Inc.Spacecraft near and far are watching Saturn SPACE TELESCOPE SCIENCE INSTITUTE NEWS RELEASEPosted: May 26, 2004As Saturn grows closer through the eyes of the Cassini spacecraft, which is hurtling toward a rendezvous with the ringed world on June 30 (July 1, Universal Time), both Cassini and the Earth-orbiting Hubble Space Telescope snapped spectacular pictures of the planet and its magnificent rings. Saturn as seen by Hubble (top) and Cassini (bottom). Hubble Credit: NASA, ESA and Erich Karkoschka (University of Arizona); Cassini Credit: NASA/JPLDownload larger image version Cassini is approaching Saturn at an oblique angle to the Sun and from below the ecliptic plane. Cassini has a very different view of Saturn than Hubble's Earth-centered view. For the first time, astronomers can compare views of equal-sharpness of Saturn from two very different perspectives.The view from Hubble, taken on March 22, 2004, is so sharp that many individual Saturnian ringlets can be seen. When Cassini returned its picture of Saturn on May 16, it was so close to the planet that the Imaging Science Subsystem narrow-angle camera could not fit the whole planet in its field-of-view. Cassini is still about 12.4 million miles (about 20 million kilometers) away and only 36 days from reaching Saturn.Hubble's exquisite optics, coupled with the high resolution of its Advanced Camera for Surveys, allow it to take pictures of Saturn which are nearly as sharp as Cassini's, even t
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STS-134 PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The final planned flight of space shuttle Endeavour is symbolized in the official embroidered crew patch for STS-134. Available in our store!Final Shuttle Mission PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The crew emblem for the final space shuttle mission is now available in our store. Get this piece of history!Apollo CollageThis beautiful one piece set features the Apollo program emblem surrounded by the individual mission logos.STS-133 PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The final planned flight of space shuttle Discovery is symbolized in the official embroidered crew patch for STS-133. Available in our store!Anniversary Shuttle PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!This embroidered patch commemorates the 30th anniversary of the Space Shuttle Program. The design features the space shuttle Columbia's historic maiden flight of April 12, 1981.Mercury anniversaryFree shipping to U.S. addresses!Celebrate the 50th anniversary of Alan Shephard's historic Mercury mission with this collectors' item, the official commemorative embroidered patch.Ares 1-X PatchThe official embroidered patch for the Ares 1-X rocket test flight, is available for purchase.Apollo CollageThis beautiful one piece set features the Apollo program emblem surrounded by the individual mission logos.Expedition 21The official embroidered patch for the International Space Station Expedition 21 crew is now available from our stores.Hubble PatchThe official embroidered patch for mission STS-125, the space shuttle's last planned service call to the Hubble Space Telescope, is available for purchase. | | | | 2014 Spaceflight Now Inc.Spaceflight Now +Premium video content for our Spaceflight Now Plus .New lunar missionDuring this NASA news conference on April 10, agency officials unveil the Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite, or LCROSS, that will launch piggyback with the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft in October 2008. LCROSS will use the launch vehicle's spent upper stage to crash into the moon's south pole in an explosive search for water. LCROSS mission planDaniel Andrews, the LCROSS project manager from NASA's Ames Research Center, narrates this animation depicting the mission from launch through impact on the lunar surface.STS-1 crew looks backIn this highly entertaining program, commander John Young and pilot Bob Crippen of the first space shuttle crew tell stories and memories from STS-1. The two respected astronauts visited Kennedy Space Center on April 6 to mark the upcoming 25th anniversary of Columbia's maiden voyage. STS-41G crew filmThe October 1984 flight of space shuttle Challenger featured a diverse set of accomplishments. The Earth Radiation Budget Satellite environmental spacecraft was deployed and a planet-mapping radar was tested. The seven-person crew was led by Bob Crippen and included the first Canadian in space, Marc Garneau, and the first time two women, Sally Ride and Kathryn Sullivan, had flown aboard one flight. Sullivan and Dave Leestma also conducted a spacewalk to demonstrate techniques for refueling satellites. The crew narrates this post-flight film of STS-41G. Next station crewFull coverage of the Expedition 13 crew's launch aboard a Russian Soyuz spacecraft to begin a six-month mission aboard the International Space Station.Solar eclipse from ISSExternal cameras on the International Space Station captured this incredible footage of the March 29 solar eclipse. The station flew through the eclipse over the Middle East as the moon passed in front of the sun and cast its shadow on the Earth.Total solar eclipseA total solar eclipse occurred March 29. This video from Side, Turkey shows the period of totality when the moon slid between the Earth and Sun. The eclipse revealed the Sun's glowing outer halo of million-degree gas, called the solar corona.Mars Science Lab Launch WindowsThe Mars Science Laboratory's planetary launch period opens Nov. 25 and extends through Dec. 18, providing 24 days for the Atlas 5 rocket to blast off with the Curiosity rover.Times listed in Eastern Standard Time (GMT-5)Launch Date.....Window Open...Window Close...Window DurationNov. 25..........10:25 a.m.....12:08 p.m.......1hr 43minNov. 26..........10:02 a.m.....11:45 a.m.......1hr 43minNov. 27...........9:41 a.m.....11:24 a.m.......1hr 43minNov. 28...........9:19 a.m.....10:59 a.m.......1hr 40minNov. 29...........9:03 a.m.....10:43 a.m.......1hr 40minNov. 30...........8:48 a.m.....10:33 a.m.......1hr 45minDec. 1............8:35 a.m.....10:23 a.m.......1hr 48minDec. 2............8:22 a.m.....10:10 a.m.......1hr 48minDec. 3............8:11 a.m......9:59 a.m.......1hr 48minDec. 4............8:00 a.m......9:48 a.m.......1hr 48minDec. 5............7:50 a.m......9:37 a.m.......1hr 47minDec. 6............7:40 a.m......9:27 a.m.......1hr 47minDec. 7............7:31 a.m......9:16 a.m.......1hr 45minDec. 8............7:23 a.m......9:08 a.m.......1hr 45minDec. 9............7:15 a.m......8:57 a.m.......1hr 42minDec. 10...........7:12 a.m......8:49 a.m.......1hr 37minDec. 11...........7:05 a.m......8:40 a.m.......1hr 35minDec. 12...........7:03 a.m......8:38 a.m.......1hr 35minDec. 13...........6:47 a.m......8:21 a.m.......1hr 34minDec. 14...........6:46 a.m......8:13 a.m.......1hr 27minDec. 15...........6:45 a.m......8:03 a.m.......1hr 18minDec. 16...........6:43 a.m......7:53 a.m.......1hr 10minDec. 17...........6:42 a.m......7:42 a.m.......1hr 00minDec. 18...........6:46 a.m......7:30 a.m.......0hr 44minSee our for the latest news on the launch.Lockheed Martin nears end of first Orion launch campaign SPACEFLIGHT NOWPosted: June 2, 2014 Technicians have bolted an ablative heat shield to NASA's first space-rated Orion spacecraft for an unmanned orbital test flight later this year, setting the stage for the attachment of the spaceship's pressurized crew module with a mock service module. The
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Posted: August 8, 2013NOTE: GMT is 4 hours ahead of Eastern Daylight Time. Times are subject to change.Aug. 9Height Adjustment Maneuver 00137 GMT - A height adjustment maneuver, called HAM 0, will raise the HTV's altitude by changing the ship's velocity by 2.5 meters per second, or about 5 mph. This burn puts the spacecraft in an orbit about 5 kilometers, or 3 miles, below the International Space Station.Aug. 9Establish Proximity CommunicationsThe HTV establishes a proximity communications link with the space station when it passes within about 23 kilometers, or 14.3 miles, of the complex.Aug. 9Height Adjustment Maneuver 20443 GMT - Another major rendezvous maneuver will place the HTV about 5 kilometers, or 3 miles, behind the space station on the minus V-bar.Aug. 9Approach Initiation Point0805 GMT - The HTV departs the approach initiation point about 5 kilometers, or 3.1 miles, behind the space station. This is the starting point for the final rendezvous and approach sequence. The HTV will fly to a rendezvous insertion point around 500 meters, or 1,640 feet, directly below the station along the minus R-bar.Aug. 9Rendezvous Insertion Point0908 GMT - The HTV arrives at the rendezvous insertion point about 500 meters, or 1,640 feet, directly below the station along the minus R-bar. The ship will soon switch navigation sources from relative GPS to a rendezvous laser radar for the final approach.Aug. 9250 Meter Hold Point Arrival0929 GMT - Arriving at a programmed hold point 250 meters, or about 820 feet, below the station, the HTV pauses to conduct a "yaw around" maneuver position the ship for potential contingency abort maneuvers.After about 35 minutes of stationkeeping, the HTV resumes its approach to the station.Aug. 9250 Meter Hold Point Departure1004 GMT - After ground controllers analyze its health and performance, the HTV leaves the hold point to continue its approach to the station.Aug. 930 Meter Hold Point Arrival1033 GMT - The HTV stops at a point 30 meters, or 98 feet, below the space station. This is the final hold point to check the spacecraft's alignment and systems before entering the capture box.Aug. 930 Meter Hold Point Departure1053 GMT - Flight controllers instruct the HTV to leave the 30 meter point and fly to a capture box about 9 meters, or 30 feet, below the space station's Kibo laboratory module.Aug. 9Sunrise1054 GMT - The International Space Station moves into the daylight portion of its orbit.Aug. 9Capture Point1114 GMT - The HTV reaches a capture box about 9 meters, or 30 feet, directly below the station.Aug. 9Capture1129 GMT - The station's robot arm, operated by astronaut Cady Coleman, grapples the HTV as the craft hovers about 9 meters, or 30 feet, below the complex's Kibo module.Aug. 9Sunset1203 GMT - The International Space Station moves into the night portion of its orbit.Data Source: JAXA and NASAFinal Shuttle Mission PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The crew emblem for the final space shuttle mission is now available in our store. Get this piece of history!STS-134 PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The final planned flight of space shuttle Endeavour is symbolized in the official embroidered crew patch for STS-134. Available in our store!Ares 1-X PatchThe official embroidered patch for the Ares 1-X rocket test flight, is available for purchase.Apollo CollageThis beautiful one piece set features the Apollo program emblem surrounded by the individual mission logos.Project OrionThe Orion crew exploration vehicle is NASA's first new human spacecraft developed since the space shuttle a quarter-century earlier. The capsule is one of the key elements of returning astronauts to the Moon.Fallen Heroes Patch CollectionThe official patches from Apollo 1, the shuttle Challenger and Columbia crews are available in the store. | | | | 2014 Spaceflight Now Inc.Japan dispatches delivery mission to space station SPACEFLIGHT NOWPosted: January 22, 2011 LOS ANGELES -- Japan successfully launched a robotic spaceship Saturday with supplies to stock the International Space Station with scientific gear, spare parts and provisions for the lab's six-person crew. The H-2B rocket launched Saturday from southern Japan. Credit: JAXAThe 35,000-pound orbital freighter blasted off aboard an H-2B rocket at 0537:57 GMT (12:37:57 a.m. EST) from Launch Pad No. 2 at the Tanegashima Space Center, an island base at the southern tip of Japan.The 186-foot-tall rocket soared into a mostly clear sky, breaking the sound barrier about a minute after setting off from its seaside launch pad. Four solid rocket boosters jettisoned two minutes into the flight, and the launcher's twin first stage main engines cut off less than four minutes later.A hydrogen-fueled second stage placed the H-2 Transfer Vehicle in orbit and deployed the payload 15 minutes after leaving Earth. The rocket was aiming for an orbit between 124 miles and 186 miles high with an inclination angle of 51.6 degrees to the equator.The rocket's actual orbital parameters were not immediately available, but a NASA spokesperson reported the launch was successful and said the HTV was transmitting data back to Japanese engineers in Tsukuba, a scientific hub just outside of Tokyo."The launch vehicle flew smoothly, and, at about 15 minutes and 13 seconds after liftoff, the separation of the Kounotori 2 was confirmed," the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency said in a written statement.Japan is calling the spacecraft Kounotori 2, which means white stork.JAXA confirmed the craft was controlling its orientation in space and activating key systems in the moments after reaching orbit.The launch was delayed two days by bad weather earlier this week.Saturday's mission is the second time Japan has launched the H-2B rocket and HTV cargo ship. JAXA and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries developed both vehicles as part of their contribution to the space station program
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02.08.18 13:49

Hello there,

My name is Aly and I would like to know if you would have any interest to have your website here at donor.org.ua promoted as a resource on our blog alychidesigns.com ?

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25.09.18 17:55

Hello there,

My name is Aly and I would like to know if you would have any interest to have your website here at donor.org.ua promoted as a resource on our blog alychidesigns.com ?

We are in the midst of updating our broken link resources to include current and up to date resources for our readers. Our resource links are manually approved allowing us to mark a link as a do-follow link as well
If you may be interested please in being included as a resource on our blog, please let me know.

11.10.18 14:43

Hello there,

My name is Aly and I would like to know if you would have any interest to have your website here at donor.org.ua promoted as a resource on our blog alychidesign.com ?

We are in the midst of updating our broken link resources to include current and up to date resources for our readers. Our resource links are manually approved allowing us to mark a link as a do-follow link as well
If you may be interested please in being included as a resource on our blog, please let me know.

04.11.18 09:28

Hello there,

My name is Aly and I would like to know if you would have any interest to have your website here at donor.org.ua promoted as a resource on our blog alychidesign.com ?

We are in the midst of updating our broken link resources to include current and up to date resources for our readers. Our resource links are manually approved allowing us to mark a link as a do-follow link as well
If you may be interested please in being included as a resource on our blog, please let me know.

03.12.18 08:00

Hello there,

My name is Aly and I would like to know if you would have any interest to have your website here at donor.org.ua promoted as a resource on our blog alychidesign.com ?

We are in the midst of updating our broken link resources to include current and up to date resources for our readers. Our resource links are manually approved allowing us to mark a link as a do-follow link as well
If you may be interested please in being included as a resource on our blog, please let me know.

18.12.18 00:38

Hello there,

My name is Aly and I would like to know if you would have any interest to have your website here at donor.org.ua promoted as a resource on our blog alychidesign.com ?

We are in the midst of updating our broken link resources to include current and up to date resources for our readers. Our resource links are manually approved allowing us to mark a link as a do-follow link as well
If you may be interested please in being included as a resource on our blog, please let me know.

04.01.19 07:23

Hello there,

My name is Aly and I would like to know if you would have any interest to have your website here at donor.org.ua promoted as a resource on our blog alychidesign.com ?

We are in the midst of updating our broken link resources to include current and up to date resources for our readers. Our resource links are manually approved allowing us to mark a link as a do-follow link as well
If you may be interested please in being included as a resource on our blog, please let me know.

19.01.19 05:28

Hello there,

My name is Aly and I would like to know if you would have any interest to have your website here at donor.org.ua promoted as a resource on our blog alychidesign.com ?

We are in the midst of updating our broken link resources to include current and up to date resources for our readers. Our resource links are manually approved allowing us to mark a link as a do-follow link as well
If you may be interested please in being included as a resource on our blog, please let me know.

23.02.19 20:14

Hello there,

My name is Aly and I would like to know if you would have any interest to have your website here at donor.org.ua promoted as a resource on our blog alychidesign.com ?

We are in the midst of updating our broken link resources to include current and up to date resources for our readers. Our resource links are manually approved allowing us to mark a link as a do-follow link as well
If you may be interested please in being included as a resource on our blog, please let me know.

27.02.19 04:23

Hello there,

My name is George and I'd like to know if you would have some interest to have your website here at donor.org.ua promoted as a resource on our blog georgemartjr.com ?

We are updating our broken link resources to include current and up to date resources for our readers. Our resource links are manually approved allowing us to mark a link as a do-follow link as well
If you may be interested please in being included as a resource on our blog, please let me know.

04.03.19 21:38

Hello there,

My name is Aly and I would like to know if you would have any interest to have your website here at donor.org.ua promoted as a resource on our blog alychidesign.com ?

We are in the midst of updating our broken link resources to include current and up to date resources for our readers. Our resource links are manually approved allowing us to mark a link as a do-follow link as well
If you may be interested please in being included as a resource on our blog, please let me know.

13.03.19 19:33

Hello there,

My name is Aly and I would like to know if you would have any interest to have your website here at donor.org.ua promoted as a resource on our blog alychidesign.com ?

We are in the midst of updating our broken link resources to include current and up to date resources for our readers. Our resource links are manually approved allowing us to mark a link as a do-follow link as well
If you may be interested please in being included as a resource on our blog, please let me know.

26.03.19 04:35

Hello there,

My name is Aly and I would like to know if you would have any interest to have your website here at donor.org.ua promoted as a resource on our blog alychidesign.com ?

We are in the midst of updating our broken link resources to include current and up to date resources for our readers. Our resource links are manually approved allowing us to mark a link as a do-follow link as well
If you may be interested please in being included as a resource on our blog, please let me know.

26.03.19 04:48

Hello there,

My name is Aly and I would like to know if you would have any interest to have your website here at donor.org.ua promoted as a resource on our blog alychidesign.com ?

We are in the midst of updating our broken link resources to include current and up to date resources for our readers. Our resource links are manually approved allowing us to mark a link as a do-follow link as well
If you may be interested please in being included as a resource on our blog, please let me know.

08.04.19 07:31

Hello there,

My name is Aly and I would like to know if you would have any interest to have your website here at donor.org.ua promoted as a resource on our blog alychidesign.com ?

We are in the midst of updating our broken link resources to include current and up to date resources for our readers. Our resource links are manually approved allowing us to mark a link as a do-follow link as well
If you may be interested please in being included as a resource on our blog, please let me know.

22.04.19 05:59

Hello there,

My name is Aly. Would you have any interest to have your website here at donor.org.ua promoted as a resource on our blog alychidesign.com ?

We are in the currently updating our do-follow broken link resources to include current and up to date resources for our readers.

If you may be interested please in being included as a resource on our blog, please let me know.

01.05.19 03:23

Hello there, My name is Aly and I would like to know if you would have any interest to have your website here at donor.org.ua promoted as a resource on our blog alychidesign.com ?

We are updating our do-follow broken link resources to include current and up to date resources for our readers. If you may be interested please in being included as a resource on our blog, please let me know.

Thanks, Aly
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